2022-03-24 UNH LAB Meeting notes
2022-03-24 UNH LAB Meeting notes
Mar 24, 2022
@Kenny Paul
@David McBride
@Lincoln Lavoie
New lab resources are available
Anything left on old lab infra will be deleted on April 1st.
here is what you need to provide:, First, last, email addr and company
Will result in an email with VPN info and a temp pw w/ instructions to change.
Long term will be Jira usage, but not yet.
Quotas TBD - will be tuned as we get more experience with real world usage on the new HW.
OOM - much of the how-to docs points to the Intel lab and should be changed.
Action items
@Kenny Paul send the email Mar 24, 2022
, multiple selections available,