CPS-898 Create method to lock and unlock an anchor

CPS-898 Create method to lock and unlock an anchor



This user story is related to CPS-875 CM Handle State: Watchdog-process that syncs 'ADVISED' CM Handles wherein locking the database is an essential step of the process.

Recap of watchdog process:

  1. Wake up on a specified schedule

  2. Identify node with state ‘ADVISED’

  3. Lock database, update timestamp, unlock the database

  4. Model sync

  5. Update the state of the node to ‘READY’

In step 3 of the process, it is necessary to lock the database in order to avoid multiple instances of NCMP updating the records.

It is identified that a ‘lock’ can also be implemented in the DB plugin, CPS, and the client (NCMP) or combination of these.

Locking method scenarios






Only anchor table row is locked

  • can be implemented through PostgreSQL

  • Client options

    1. query for 'LOCKED' anchor every mutation

    2. handle failure for 'LOCKED' anchor


anchor and every fragment associated with the anchor is locked

  • locks every relevant fragment row in the fragment table associated with the anchor

  • adds new exception to identify that fragment is 'LOCKED'

Issues and decisions










Scenario #2 is chosen as the method for locking anchor

  • locks all fragment when we lock metadata anchor i.e. metadata of all cm handle will be locked

    • metadata of every cm handle is frozen until the first lock is released

  • we don't need to lock the anchor but lock just the fragment

    • locks only the relevant row 

    • this way client can lock another fragment in parallel

    • client (NCMP) can pass the XPath to specify the fragment they want to lock

  • Options for scenario 2

    1. extend lock capability to the fragment

    2. change the model for storing metadata

  • the team decided to go for option #1 for scenario 2 

    • don't need to specify anchor as it is given by FK

    • you need the path for the fragment


To implement a lock we must do it inside a transaction

  • Session must be introduced in JAVA API (CPS CORE)

  • query and 'LOCK FOR UPDATE' relevant rows in fragment table inside a transaction

  • no persistency

  • this will be a local transaction between the CPS instance and the database


Locking of anchor on multiple namespaces