2022-02-22 Security Subcommittee Meeting Notes

2022-02-22 Security Subcommittee Meeting Notes

Please find below the Minutes of Meetings and recording for the SECCOM meeting that was held on 22nd of February 2022.

Jira No





Jira No






IT-23622 API documentation for SonarCloud (continuation of IT-23519)

New ticket was opened as old one was closed by Jess. Reference link provided by Jess points out to the deprecated API documentation. Tony provided his comment under the ticket. It seems that the new reference is for API documentation that will stop working in a few months. So it is a workaround and not ultimate solution.

The replacement we should be using accroding SonarCloud requires explicit permissions to search varoius different repos to be granted to the person doing search which is not a good solution. 





Log4j upgrade

Log4j status update – we recommend releasing Istanbul Maintenance release*

All related jira tickets closed:

  • AAI-3431 - AAI status (4 components with log4j) COMPLETE

    • aai-graph-admin, aai-resources, aai-traversal, aai-common : log4j <2.17.1 Direct dependencies updated

    • Waiting for OOM code merge - COMPLETE

  • DMAAP-1704 - DMAAP status (1 component with log4j) COMPLETE

    • dmaap-messagerouter-messageservice: log4j <2.17.1 Direct dependencies updated

  • SDNC-1655 - SDNC status (1 component with log4j) – COMPLETE - Latest CLM scans for SDNC-OAM do not contain any version of log4j, so it is removed

    • sdnc-oam: log4j 1.2.17 Direct dependency -> Dan created a ticket for an upgrade in Istanbul with low priority (https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-1591) – “data-migrator needs to be migrated from log4j to log4j2 - which mostly entails just updating properties file and command line arguments in run script. Note: data-migrator is not currently used”. I have increased priority to high and added fixed version: Istanbul Maintenance release + comment under the ticket on the need to migrate to log4j-core 2.17.1.

  • VNFSDK-827 - VNFSDK status (1 component with log4j) COMPLETE - Kanagaraj removed vnfsdk-ves-agent from Istanbul & Jakarta

    • vnfsdk-ves-agent: no scans for Istanbul branch -> as per Kanagaraj’s email sent on 24th of August, he mention that vnfsdk-ves-agent is not an active VNFSDK repo, so I have sent him an e-mail today to configure his jjb file accordingly.


New Ticket opened to LFN IT CLM jobs failing.



Unmaintained projects - Istanbul Maintenance Release Notes

Ticket creation for failing Jenkins jobs. Thomas asked to propose a patch for the composite release notes that includes info from slide 6 but we first need to solve failing Jenkins jobs.


Failing Jenkins jobs issue to be escalated.


Process for Security review question for the period of last 5 years - we move this topic to next week agenda, so Muddasar could participate.

  • Tony (slides 8 and 9):

  • Maggie:

(1) OWASP Top 10


(3) Secure Software Development Framework 

  This publication is a little different and is actually geared more for when selecting products and making good choices on deployment across the   enterprise.  However, it does bring up points that we may want to consider addressing across the architecture.

(4) CIS Critical Security Controls

  • Muddasar:

-Security Belts structures activities of the secure software development


-OWASP Devsecops Maturity Model       


-DevSecOps Platform-Independent Model: Requirements and Capabilities-SEI (FFRDC) Technical report (figure 7)


-ISACA Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment (self-assessment)



ONAP 5Y assessment should be a group capability assessment where we stand for the security measures that we have and how we measure it.

From assessment on per each project level we will get an image of ONAP as a whole.

Pawel to create criteria's proposal (kind of high level document propsoal) for futher review based on Figure 7.


TSC meeting update

Log4j SECCOM recommendation for Istanbul Maintenance release presented




Security logging update 


Some more clarifications planned, naming causing some confusion.



One more session (on 25th of February) to complete fields review.

Next to be reviewed with PTLs.


SBOM creation - we move this topic to next week agenda

Jess had trouble with polling dependencies from some project. All CLM jenins jobs are failing now.

We want to make SBOM available to end user.

We are compliant to MVP for fields for SBOM.

SPDX 3.0 standard will have an extended field capability (long list of optional atributes) and there will be a new ISO standard associated.




SonarCloud findings

Tony will open direct tickets to projects.


Tickets to be open by Tony.


LFN preparing document on ONAP security

Amy made some contributions already. Contribution needed for SBOM part – Sean to be addressed.


NTIA paper could be a good reference.


E-mai lto Sean/Bob to be sent by Amy.


Badging - no update

Tony working with David and Dave on getting projects moved from having owner from project and replacing with David for Badging. Some owners gone away... Additional editors do not have rights to remove somebody from the project (can only add additional people).





Quality gates for code quality improvements - continuation of the discussion.

5Y review criteria.







SECCOM presentation: