Modeling Subcommittee 2022-02-21

Modeling Subcommittee 2022-02-21

Meeting time: 13:00 UTC,  21:00 Beijing Time, 08:00 US Eastern

Zoom Meeting Link:  https://zoom.us/j/97595070639?pwd=ajFTZGdlTmRVNjU5MSt1YVpycmlrdz09

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=mi-ad1sMLWlXByAKLio5vDnd9JYqUR_a


Agenda Item

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Agenda Item

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Agenda Bashing

@Xu Yang




ONAPMODEL-3: General issues of Modeling subcommitteeOpen

@Xu Yang


1) Email Polls: 2022 Modeling Subcommittee Decisions

 Email Polls for ASD Model: 

 IM: Application Service Descriptor (ASD) onboarding IM

 Package:  Application Service Descriptor (ASD) Onboarding Packaging Format

TSC has no rough consensus and the vote is not approved. Co-chair suggest to continue technical discussions.

members agree to continue the technical discussions

2)  Modeling current activity status

Provide the dash board of current status and how to involve:

See: Modeling Current Activity Status

Please keep updated

Please capture modeling requirements for R10 here: ONAP R10 Modeling High Level Requirements

Proposed Jakarta Release Schedule: Release Planning: Jakarta

Note: In JIRA, ONAPMODEL is the "project" we are using to capture Modeling Subcommittee release requirements.

3) AAI model review request

Review AAI’s REST Spec/Schema AAI REST API Documentation - Jakarta on CNF and CCVPN Intent-based Cloud Leased Line and Closed-loop efforts.

Do we need to invite AAI team for an update of the status?

Xu will contact AAI team later.

4)VES model from TSC

TSC's suggestion: Modeling subcommittee will take over the VES specifications under the directory https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/vnfrqts/requirements,branches, which is supported by 3GPP, TSC will add the current committers from the Modeling project to this repository, and Modeling subcommittee will review and merge related changes.

5) joint workshop with ETSI NFV on ASD proposal


Time: Tomorrow, 3pm-4pm CET

Link: https://zoom.us/j/97595070639?pwd=ajFTZGdlTmRVNjU5MSt1YVpycmlrdz09, same as this call


- Brief update from ETSI-NFV project (5 minutes)

- Brief overview of CNF Direct project (5 minutes)

- Detail on ASD concept, IM/DM and packaging. (30 minutes)

- Q&A (20 minutes)

- AoB

Material not ready: CNF Taskforce ↔ ETSI collaboration

-Fred and Byung-woo are working, and Fred will ask Byung-woo to upload the material later

-E/// and Nokia are finalizing the material and will share it later today

Suggestion on sending out a LS:

-Chuyi: the workshop is for information, and no formal response is expected. in order to get some formal feedback, it's suggested to send LS to ETSI NFV

-Marian: could ask Thinh, and bring this to the workshop; not supporting sending the LS for now, and would like to seperate the discussion from the workshop; representing E/// and Nokia

-Chuyi: will talk to Thinh

-Fred: second the suggestion to ask for formal feedback from ETSI NFV

-Hui: people can have discussion and ask their questions freely in the workshop


ETSI CNF support

ONAPMODEL-1: Resource IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

ONAPMODEL-34: Resource DM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

@Fernando Oliveira 

R9 DM proposal: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16463007

ongoing work on alignment IFA011 v4.3.1


ASD model

ONAPMODEL-1: Resource IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

ONAPMODEL-34: Resource DM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

@Marian Darula 

1)Plan for the PoC: Application Package Onboarding to SDC

2)IM: Application Service Descriptor (ASD) onboarding IM

3)DM: Application Service Descriptor (ASD) Resource Data Model

4)ASD in NSD: NSD requirements for ASD deployment

5)Packaging proposal: Application Service Descriptor (ASD) Onboarding Packaging Format

Shitao's analysis on the ASD model vs ETSI VNFD:

  • suggest to make the ASD model a subset of the VNFD model


  • Zu: what's the purpose of the proposal

  • Shitao: the current proposal has several references to the ETSI NFV

  • Zu: it's personal view that the ASD model reference to ETSI NFV

  • Xu: different understanding, without the reference to ETSI NFV, the model is incomplete and missing models for virtual link, for example

  • Zu: reason for mapping the models

  • Shitao: suggest to merge with ETSI model, and the developers only need to support one model

  • Zu: how to deal with the unmatched properties

  • Shitao: they can be added as extensions of the existing models

  • Marian: ASD and ETSI are taking different approaches

  • Fred: comments on the wiki as well, think the current IM misses a lot of elements. 

    -I think that there is some confusion between the needs of the ONAP Information Model versus the Data Models used for onboarding and service/resource implementation.
    -Issues that I see with the ASD IM: Missing resource (CPU, Memory, Storage, ...) requirement information Missing L2/L3 Protocol and Address information Missing Software Image information Missing Security Rules information Missing Affinity/Anti-Affinity information Missing Scaling Information Missing Healing information Missing Service/VIP mapping information Missing configuration information Missing monitoring information Missing upgrade/downgrade information

  • Marian: IM is based on K8S API, not a good approach to duplicate the K8S models, would like to have references to the K8S models

  • Hui: it's not good to take some existing models, but just change the names


Reverse engineering

ONAPMODEL-1: Resource IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

@Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson] 

AAI Reverse-engineering -- K8S resource


Topology model 

ONAPMODEL-1: Resource IM of Modeling SubcommitteeOpen

Abstract Topology Model



Modeling Documentation

@Xu Yang