SO Weekly Meeting 2021-06-16
Agenda Topics:
Service Orchestrator Istanbul Release - SO-3659: CSIT for the E2E slicing Open
Istanbul Impact View per Component
SO-3635: Enable VNF creation and Deletion using Macro flowClosed
SO-3636: Upgrade Existing Service Instance to newer modelClosed5G sicing H release updates : Sanchita (Techm) - continue
I release:
21st Discussion:
Problem statement:
Timeout issue in SO during the VNF resource instantiation
This is found in the basic_vm, basic_cnf flows (rarely in the basic_network too) and is random in nature.
Possible cause:
Maria DB has been shared wit other components today. This could have induced issues around the inventory access (critical section / semaphores...)
There could be an issue around the timing of the db entry vs the actual call back.
This issue is not found in the CSIT.
Possible Way outs:
The shared DB scaleout to one pod instead of the Gallera being on the mariaDB cluster 3 pods. To corner to problem. This could be tested on a snapshot version. configuration of mariadb needed for testing the fix. (Sylvain)
Deploy the CSIT on the oom (currently its on the docker), can help us test the actual load of SO (to a greater extent). (Waqas, Irshad).
Minor improvements Like the aaf user onap@so.user printed in the logs taking some CPU cycles. (Seshu / Mukesh / Ramesh / Irshad to examine this further).
28th Discussion
Guilin Maintenance release
Updated docs for the EtSI flows
Thanks Gareth
ETSI NFVO Network Service LCM Setup & Functionality
[DRAFT] SO ETSI Alignment - VNF LCM Setup & Functionality
Plan is to move this to the readthedocs (.rst formatted) soon.
SO Admin Cockpit usage with examples in progress.
5th May :
SO timeout issue : OOM has made the changes for the Maria DB and the issue seems to have been partially fixed. More investigation is going on to have the maria changes incorporated at the oom to reduce the timeout.
5G sicing H release updates : Sanchita (Techm)
Discussion points on SO improvements - Jozesf
Continuation of the prev week:
Patch submitted by Sylvain:
Camunda has given a guide in order to configure camunda
Applying it to ONAP camunda configuration.
Gerrit ID :
oom changes for the new release:
[SO] Bump versions to resolve the CNFO issues (Id09c1e04) · Gerrit Code Review (
Last week Action :
Current blocking issue of the camunda script upgrade - Cory (Ramesh to interface). - SO-3584
Alacarte CSIT - Irshad.E2E slicing blocking issue - Deepika
Guilin M Release -
SO-3468 - Cory (Ramesh to interface)
SO-3592 - Monitor this issue- Seshu
Low Priority :
AAF user removal on the SO components - Ramesh (Seshu to help).
SO-3591 - need to get back after the H release is stabilized and merged to the master branch.
Investigate impact on master -
Mukesh : Discuss internally first and initiate the group for us to take the issue on need basis
Gareth : To provide the test doc for review, date is to be confirmed.
Seshu : To contact Laura/Ramesh on SDNC, trying to check the SDNC interaction. - On eed basis
XinMiao : To check to E2E slicing team (Henry / Deepika) team on the flow. SO-3468
Jozsef : Talk to Sabesitian about the SO-3467
Actions for this week:
Project Status in Honolulu Release
Honolulu Impact View per Component - SO etsi 1.8.2 components - so components 1.8.2 cnf adapter - 1.8.1 version of the so core components - base version - Revert the changes for the basic_cnf... - Sol005 - 1.8.0 base version before split, blocked at the gating
CSIT status:
Macro flow - Merged to the integration build
Macro flow with Helm - In progress
ETSi Flow - Done
E2E flow - In progress (AN, CN and TN).
Alacarte Flow - Open
H release RC0 Criteria :
Code Coverage of all modules need to meet 55%
Gerrit Open review items
Current blocker issues:
Last week discussion:
Its decided to use SO-Admin-Cockpit for the SO Monitoring module based on the functionality its going to offer
Ingress based communication is in place, need oom changes to be merged, thanks to Sylvain
Changes for the project refactoring have started and first change is under review
Created a task to handle the SO documentation from user perspective.
SO-3492: Update the SO documentation from usage perspectiveClosed
License scan issues:
SO committer promotion:
Way forward for Honolulu:
Up-To-Date ETSI Overview + Automated CSIT Tests Presentation