Architecture Navigator (ArchNav)

Architecture Navigator (ArchNav)

Location to draft the tasks and milestones for @Nicholas Karimi's  2021 Mentorship Project.  

Content may be transferred into LFX Mentorship after agreed upon by the team

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@Kenny Paul

Familiarize yourself with the following resources and compile a list of questions for the team

May 26, 2021  

Jun 4, 2021 

@Kenny Paul

While reviewing developer onboarding "how-tos" on the wiki if you find instructions that are incorrect please update that wiki page with the correct information.

May 28, 2021 

@Kenny Paul

Set up doc environment as per instructions

Jun 1, 2021 

Jun 4, 2021 

@Kenny Paul

attend the following DTF sessions 

And any other sessions that you would like 

Jun 1, 2021 

Jun 10, 2021 

@Kenny Paul

Establish a maintenance model as first step

-initial focus to be on Doc team side of this

Jun 15, 2021 

@Kenny Paul

@Nicholas Karimi create a location for capturing the knowledge transfer related to the project Jul 6, 2021 


Jul 2, 2021 

@Thomas Kulik

@Nicholas Karimito investigate the following utilities on how they can be used to manupilate SVG XML text files.
  1. yq 

  2. XMLStarlet

Jul 14, 2021