2021-06-DD - ONAP TSC Task Force: Cloud Native (Ask Us Anything)

2021-06-DD - ONAP TSC Task Force: Cloud Native (Ask Us Anything)

Seed questions:

Functionality and architecture

  1. How can someone join this activity?

    1. <Ranny> 1 min

  2. What is the value-add of ONAP for CNF orchestration (CNFO)? What does it provide on top of K8S?

    1. <Catherine>  2 min

  1. What features were delivered with the ONAP Honolulu release? What can we expected from the Istanbul release expected later this year? What is planned for the future?

    1. <Lukasz> 2 min

    2. <Seshu - roadmap> 2 min 

  2. What is the format of CNF packaging? Is it based on Helm? Does it follow ETSI-NFV specifications? What about ASD?

    1. <Byung> 1 min

  3. How does ONAP's work align with the work being done by other SDOs and open source projects (XGVela, EMCO,...)

    1. <Seshu> 2 min

Hands-on experimenting

  1. Where is the documentation for CNF on-boarding and deployment? How should end users report issues (Jira, Slack, 'onap-cnf-taskforce@lists.onap.org' distro or attend CNF Task Force Call)? 

  2. Are there "CNF requirements" available in ONAP, similar to the "VNF Requirements"? 

    1. ETSI CNF Packaging => SOL001 + OOM Helm chart reqs i.e. Helm v3.0. Presentation at DDF

    2. CNFO (maybe add REQ-X)

    3. CNF Security reqs presented by @Amy Zwarico

    4. <Need to check with VVP/VNFSDK projects>

  3. How could developers get involved? Where do you mostly need help? Are there open Jira tickets people can start working on?

  4. What it is not supported today and is part of the roadmap?

    1. @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti@Lukasz Rajewski will provide some inputs

  5. What do we need to ask to CNF Vendors to be onboarded on the ONAP Platform?

    1. action for CNF Task Force

    2. Anuket Assurance = CNF Badging