CPS-175 OOM Integration

CPS-175 OOM Integration

CPS-175: Deploy CPS & Postgress DB images as part of ONAP installClosed


Application  Ports Reserved for CPS, and xNF

  • CPS with xNF: 31205

Service exposition

  • Exposed services are configured using Ingress

  • Not exposed services are configured using ClusterIP

  • There is no service using NodePort


  Needs to be defined, what Honolulu approach we want. ATM approach is to have 1 with option of enable 2 as well

    Deployment can be:

  1.  CPS

  2.  CPS and xNF

  3.  Only xNF?


       OOM Datastore is not still separated from the OOM core and hence at the moment we will reuse ONAP progress Db


  Further analysis needs to be done in this are.  Will be enough with Integrating to OOM, and what OOM provides as life cycle.


   At the moment we are not ready for scalability. Needs further analysis to progress on this are.


We should use / expose the service using https. For this we will need certificates...

Deployment steps

virtualbox + Ubuntu 20.04 + Microk8s 1.15 + Helm 2.16 + docker 19.03.8 (There were many issues when trying to do it with Fedora distribution)


snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.15/stable microk8s enable storage microk8s enable dns snap install helm --classic --channel=2.16/stable microk8s kubectl -n kube-system create serviceaccount tiller microk8s kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller helm init --service-account tiller microk8s kubectl -n kube-system rollout status deploy/tiller-deploy helm repo remove stable


git clone -b master http://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom cd oom/kubernetes make repo make SKIP_LINT=TRUE all helm install local/onap -n onap \ --namespace onap \ --set cps.enabled=true \ --set postgres.enabled=true \ --set global.masterPassword=random \ --set global.persistence.storageClass=microk8s-hostpath helm list