R8 ETSI Alignment

R8 ETSI Alignment

Use Case Overview & Description

Onboard ETSI aligned Container based VNFs to design an ETSI Network Service which can be deployed and LCM using SO, SO-SOL005-Adapter,  SO-NFVO, External VNFM.

Use Case Key Information




Requirements Proposal

This is a link to the requirements proposal made on the Requirements Sub-committee


Architecture S/C info

Information on the Architecture sub-committee presentation

Prior Project "Base" Wiki

Link to the "base" wiki for the Use Case, or work from a prior release.

ETSI-Alignment Support for Honolulu

Requirements Jira (REQ-###) Ticket

Link to the REQ Jira ticket for this use case

REQ-334: ETSI-Alignment for GuilinDone

Key Use Case Leads & Contacts

USE CASE LEAD:  @Fernando Oliveira @Byung-Woo Jun

USE KEY CONTACTS@Byung-Woo Jun @Fernando Oliveira

Meetings Register & Recordings

Link to Use Case Team meetings.

Orchestration Scenarios


Onboard ETSI SOL004 compliant VNF packages (ETSI Package Management)

Executive Summary - Enable a vendor provided ETSI SOL004 compliant VNF package including an ETSI SOL001 VNF Descriptor to  be onboarded into ONAP for composition into an ONAP Service

  • Support for onboarding ETSI v3.3.1 SOL004 CSAR Packages (Link to ETSI SOL004 v3.3.1 ) with CNF enhancements

  • Support for onboarding ETSI v3.3.1 SOL001 VNF Descriptor (Link to ETSI SOL001 v3.3.1) with CNF enhancements

  • Support for mapping of ETSI v3.3.1 SOL001 VNF Descriptor with CNF enhancements into SDC AID Data Model

Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use same ETSI compliant VNF packages with ONAP and existing NFVO. Industry compatibility.

Business Markets - All operators that are currently using ETSI packages to deploy VNFs

Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard VNF packaging.  Reduction in capital expense from vendors using a single packaging methodology.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Design ETSI SOL007 compliant Network Service Descriptor packages  (ETSI Package Management)

Executive Summary - Design, catalog and distribute  an ETSI SOL007 v3.3.1 compliant (Link to ETSI SOL007 v3.3.1)  Network Service Descriptor package including an ETSI v3.3.1 SOL001 Network Service Descriptor (NSD) for deployment using an ETSI compliant NFVO.

  • Support for designing an ETSI SOL001 v3.3.1 compliant Network Service that can be deployed with an ETSI compliant NFVO

  • Composed of one or more VNFs and the Virtual Links that connect them.

  • Support for using VNFs with CNF enhancements

Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use vendor provided and internally designed Network Service Descriptors with ONAP and existing NFVO. Industry compatibility.

Business Markets - All operators and service providers that are developing and deploying ETSI compatible Network Services

Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard NSD packaging.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Design Nested/Hierarchical ETSI SOL001 v3.3.1 Network Service Descriptor

Executive Summary Design an ETSI SOL007 v3.3.1 compliant (Link to ETSI SOL007 v3.3.1)  Network Service Descriptor package including an ETSI v3.3.1 SOL001 Network Service Descriptor (NSD) that includes references to other Network Service Descriptors for composition into an ONAP Service and deployment using an ETSI compliant NFVO.

  • Composed of zero or more VNFs or zero or more nested Network Services and the Virtual Links that connect them.

  • Support for using VNFs with CNF enhancements

Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use vendor provided and internally designed Network Service Descriptors with ONAP and existing NFVO. Industry compatibility.

Business Markets - All operators and service providers that are developing ETSI compatible Network Services especially for 5G Slicing where each Slice Subnet is associated with a Network Service 

Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard NSD packaging.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Support for ETSI SOL003 v3.3.1 Or-Vnfm Interface from ONAP to external VNF Manager(s)

Executive Summary - Provide an interface adapter from ONAP Service Orchestrator to external VNF Manager(s) using  ETSI SOL003 v3.3.1 (Link to ETSI SOL003 v3.3.1compliant Interface with CNF enhancements

  • Support for Create, Instantiate, Query, terminate and Delete of a VNF or a prototype CNF using an external VNF Manager

  • Support for Grant request from an external VNF Manager

  • Support for ModifyVnfInfo using an external VNF Manager

  • Support for receiving VNF Life Cycle Notifications (LCN) from a VNF Manager

Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use vendor provided or internally developed ETSI compliant VNF Manager(s).  Industry compatibility.

Business Markets - All operators and service providers that are using ETSI SOL003 compliant VNF Managers

Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard Interfaces.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Support for ETSI SOL005 v3.3.1 Os-Ma-nfvo Interface between ONAP SO and NFVO

Executive Summary - Provide an interface adapter from ONAP Service Orchestrator to NFVO(s)  using  ETSI SOL005 v3.3.1 (Link to ETSI SOL005 v3.3.1compliant Interface 

  • Support for Create, Upload, Update, Query, Delete of an ETSI NS Descriptor using an ETSI v3.3.1 SOL005 compliant NFVO

  • Support for Create, Instantiate, Terminate and Delete of a ETSI NS using an ETSI compliant NFVO

  • Support for receiving NS Notifications (LCN) from an NFVO

  • Support for ModifyVnfInfo operation.

Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use vendor provided or internally developed ETSI compliant NFVO(s).  Industry compatibility.

Business Markets - All operators and service providers that are using ETSI SOL005 compliant NFVOs

Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard Interfaces.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Onboard Prototype Package and VNF Descriptor based on  ETSI IFA011 v4.1.1 supporting containerized VNF (CNF) packages (ETSI Package Management)

Executive Summary - Enable a vendor provided ETSI SOL004 compliant containerized VNF package including an ETSI SOL001 VNF Descriptor to  be onboarded into ONAP for composition into an ETSI Network Service

  • Support for onboarding Prototype v4.1.1 CSAR Packages

  • Support for onboarding Prototype v4.1.1 VNF Descriptor

  • Support for mapping of Prototype v4.1.1 VNF Descriptor into SDC AID Data Model

  • Support for using a Prototype v4.1.1 VNF in an ETSI Network Service

Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use same ETSI aligned containerized VNF (CNF) packages with ONAP and existing NFVO. Industry compatibility.

Business Markets - All operators that are currently using ETSI packages to deploy containerized VNFs (CNFs)

Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard containerized VNF (CNF)  packaging.  Reduction in capital expense from vendors using a single packaging methodology.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Development Status



User Story / Epic



@William Reehil


@Jonathan Gathman


@Takamune Cho


@Gervais-Martial Ngueko


@Dan Timoney


@Vijay Kumar


@Mandar Sawant

External API

@Adrian OSullivan


@Guangrong Fu


@Hui Deng

Multi-VIM /


@Bin Yang


@krishna moorthy


@Sylvain Desbureaux


@James Hahn


@Sunder Tattavarada


@Dan Timoney



key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


@Seshu Kumar Mudiganti


@Ikram Ikramullah


@Yuanhong Deng


@Steven wright


@victor gao


@Yuriy Malakov

List of PTLs:Approved Projects

*Each Requirement should be tracked by its own User Story in JIRA 


Use Case Functional Definitions

Use Case Title

Title of the Use Case

Actors (and System Components)

The list of Actors and System Components that participate in the Use Case


Short overview of the Use Case

Points of Contact

Authors and maintainers of the Use Case.

Use Case Lead, Key Use Case members and code contributors.


A list of conditions that are assumed to be true before the Use Case is invoked

Includes description of Information Consumed

Triggers / Begins when

Describes the trigger for beginning the Use Case

Steps / Flows (success)

Describes the sequence of steps and interactions that occur during the Use Case (may include: description, data exchanges, functionality, state changes)

Interaction diagrams may be included or referenced


The expected results of the execution of the Use Case

Includes description of Information Produced

Alternate / Exception Paths

Description of any exceptions or special process that could occur during Use Case

Related Use Cases

List of the Use Cases referenced by this Use Case


Describes any assumptions that are made for this use case

Tools / References / Artifacts

List of any tools or reference material associated with this Use Case as well as any JIRA trace-ability.

List of any associated diagrams or modelling artifacts associated with the Use Case


Current Status

  1. Testing Blockers

  2. High visibility bugs

  3. Other issues for testing that should be seen at a summary level

  4. Where possible, always include JIRA links

End to End flow to be Tested

**This should be a summary level Sequence diagram done in Gliffy** 

Test Cases and Status


There should be a test case for each item in the sequence diagram



create additional requirements as needed for each discreet step



Test cases should cover entire Use Case


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