R8 PNF Plug and Play Use Case

R8 PNF Plug and Play Use Case

Use Case Overview & Description

The PNF Plug and Play Use Case allows a PNF to register with ONAP using a pnfRegistration VES Event. This is expected to be used for installation & commissioning a network that is to be managed by ONAP. When this event is received, the PNF Registration Handler (PRH) processes this event to complete the registration by updating the corresponding A&AI entry for the expectant PNF. The PRH was developed specifically for this use case. Once registered, ONAP can interoperate with the PNF and perform LCM or FCAPS (OA&M) operations in addition to other actions. This Use Case was originally started in in R2 Beijing and functionality has been continually improved since then.

Use Case Key Information




Requirements Proposal

This is a link to the requirements proposal made on the Requirements Sub-committee

Honolulu release - functional requirements proposed list

Architecture S/C info

Information on the Architecture sub-committee presentation

ONAPARC-635: (Honolulu-R8) - Func - PNF Plug & Play in R8Closed

Architecture S/C Review Info

Architecture Review Presentation made Nov 17, 2020 


Prior Project "Base" Wiki

Link to the "base" wiki for the Use Case, or work from a prior release.

5G - PNF Plug and Play

Requirements Jira (REQ-###) Ticket

Link to the REQ Jira ticket for this use case

REQ-430: PNF Plug & Play in R8Done

Key Use Case Leads & Contacts

USE CASE LEAD@Benjamin Cheung  , @damian.nowak

USE KEY CONTACTS: Lead Integrator @Krzysztof Kuzmicki

Meetings Register & Recordings

Link to PnP Use Case Team meetings.



This section describes Business Drivers needs. These business drivers are presented on the Requirements Sub-committee and should also be put into the release requirements sub-committee page.

Executive Summary - This requirement will introduce VID work to complement the work-flow to building block management work in SO for Plug and Play. The continues the work started in R6 and R7 where the SO work-flow to building block work was finished. The description of the "base" work was done in R6/R7 and can be found in the PnP pages for those releases. In R8, VID software "front end" will be added to allow for a user to more easily use the SO Building Blocks.

Business Impact - The enhancement to Plug and Play operation in ONAP is a critical business function because they enhance installation and commissioning activities.

Business Markets - This project applies to any domain (wireless, transport, optical, and wireline) that ONAP may manage. It is not a market or geographical specific capability.

Funding/Financial Impacts - The plug and play project has Operating Expense (OPEX) savings for operators because of the ability to saving time and expenses during installation and commissioning and contributes towards ZTM (Zero touch management).

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Development Status



User Story / Epic



@William Reehil

No Impact


@Jonathan Gathman

No Impact


@Takamune Cho

No Impact


@Gervais-Martial Ngueko

No Impact


@Dan Timoney

No Impact


@Vijay Kumar

No Impact


@Mandar Sawant

No Impact

External API

@Adrian OSullivan

No Impact


@Guangrong Fu

No Impact


@Hui Deng

STORY #1 - Place Location Instance creation & association.

Analysis of the Place Model reviewed in the Modeling Sub-committee.

Model Contribution. Information

Proposed Location Model

Complex object PIM is used to track and association the "location" of a data center for a VNF.

When a BTS gNB is registered with ONAP, we want to use the PLACE Model instance to create/associate.

DU (PNF) sends a pnfRegistration VES event. AssignpnfBB (BB) the A&AI entry is created. (AAI SETUP) (a) where it is created and where it is updated (AAI UPDATE) (b) ConfigAssignPnf (BB) what is run AFTER the PRH receives the pnfRegistration VES event and published a PNFready onto the DMaaP

Multi-VIM /


@Bin Yang

No Impact


@krishna moorthy

No Impact


@Sylvain Desbureaux

No Impact


@James Hahn

No Impact


@Sunder Tattavarada

No Impact


@Dan Timoney

No Impact



No Impact


@Seshu Kumar Mudiganti

No Impact


@Ikram Ikramullah

STORY #2 - VID development for SO BB backend

VID development for SO BB

Instantiations screens in VID

Modern UI for PNFs they are currently empty.

Left (model components) / Right pane (instance components) – service PNF instances

Today Left pane is blank, need to enable that to setup parameters for PNF instance. Similar to VNF (but with reduce scope).

Adapt the SO API built in R7.

Building the PNF instantiation screens within VID.

The corresponding VNFs already exist, and likely the update will look at these and modify and adapt them to the PNF.


@Yuanhong Deng

No Impact


@Steven wright

No Impact


@victor gao

No Impact


@Yuriy Malakov

No Impact

List of PTLs:Approved Projects

*Each Requirement should be tracked by its own User Story in JIRA 

EPIC #1 VID Development

VID development will be done in R8.

VID development for SO BB

Instantiations screens in VID

Modern UI for PNFs they are currently empty.

Left (model components) / Right pane (instance components) – service PNF instances

Today Left pane is blank, need to enable that to setup parameters for PNF instance. Similar to VNF (but with reduce scope).

Adapt the SO API built in R7.

Building the PNF instantiation screens within VID.

The corresponding VNFs already exist, and likely the update will look at these and modify and adapt them to the PNF.

Create orchestration PNF forms which allow us to create

Requests towards SO GR / API.

Following SO Building Blocks

Implemented on SO side.

Know what we need to send to SO

Creating SO API request

(already exists from R7)

NEW: VID calling SO API

Modifying VID, ask instance name

Ask relevant parameters. Create SO API

VID development for PnP


The Place model is at: Proposed Location Model 

The R8 investigation:


Use cases define how different users interact with a system under design.  Each use case represents an action that may be performed by a user (defined in UML as an Actor with a user persona).

Use Case Functional Definitions

Use Case Title

Title of the Use Case

Actors (and System Components)

The list of Actors and System Components that participate in the Use Case


Short overview of the Use Case

Points of Contact

Authors and maintainers of the Use Case.

Use Case Lead, Key Use Case members and code contributors.


A list of conditions that are assumed to be true before the Use Case is invoked

Includes description of Information Consumed

Triggers / Begins when

Describes the trigger for beginning the Use Case

Steps / Flows (success)

Describes the sequence of steps and interactions that occur during the Use Case (may include: description, data exchanges, functionality, state changes)

Interaction diagrams may be included or referenced


The expected results of the execution of the Use Case

Includes description of Information Produced

Alternate / Exception Paths

Description of any exceptions or special process that could occur during Use Case

Related Use Cases

List of the Use Cases referenced by this Use Case


Describes any assumptions that are made for this use case

Tools / References / Artifacts

List of any tools or reference material associated with this Use Case as well as any JIRA trace-ability.

List of any associated diagrams or modelling artifacts associated with the Use Case


Current Status

  1. Testing Blockers

  2. High visibility bugs

  3. Other issues for testing that should be seen at a summary level

  4. Where possible, always include JIRA links

End to End flow to be Tested

**This should be a summary level Sequence diagram done in Gliffy** 

Test Cases and Status


There should be a test case for each item in the sequence diagram



create additional requirements as needed for each discreet step



Test cases should cover entire Use Case


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