2020-09-08 Security Subcommittee Meeting Notes
Please find below the Minutes of Meetings and recording for the SECCOM meeting that was held on 8th of September 2020.
Jira No | Summary | Description | Status | Solution |
| Zoom invitation changes | Will have to be password protected by 27th of September |
| To provide updated invitations for SECCOM meetings. |
| SECCOM elections | Please validate your company representative status to be able to vote as requested by Kenny in his e-mail. | ongoing | Please check this site. |
| Guilin M4 status update | To be provided by SECCOM requirements leaders - requirements | ongoing |
| TSC update | Release manager for Maintenance release is wanted as David has no capacity for that. M4 status - half of the tickets was closed. SECCOM is not one of the pain points based on PTLs survey! |
| HELMv2 EoL | https://helm.sh/blog/helm-v2-deprecation-timeline/ Amount of work to validate charts compatibility to be evaluated based on Intern from Samsung.
| HELM recommended version to be updated under SECCOM Wiki. To present the Helm v2 retirement to the PTLs on Monday 14th of September, and then to the TSC on 17th of September. |
| Last SECCOM actions review | Keep requirements moving on. Architectural changes for Istambul release. |
| ONAP and Service Mesh Authorization Proxy | Presentation by Fabian. Kiali tool was used to present graph of connections. Between Network and Authorization policies synchronization is needed and we will start with Authorization Policy. |
| Fabian will contact Sylvain to create service account and authorization policy. |
| LFN involvement for Harbor support | We need to replace Nexus with Harbor. |
| Ticket was opened to LFN. |
SECCOM presentation