July 6th, 2020

July 6th, 2020

  1. We discussed Requirements subcommittee re-charter I drafted following the recent DTF recommendations: Requirements subcommittee (is merged into ARCCOM). It will be presented and discussed with the TSC

  2. The assumption is that for Honolulu Release we need to complete prioritization recommendation (with the consolidation of all requirements) by the end of October

  3. The initial input from EUAG they will be ready by the end of August

  4. AI for Alla - communicate Guilin list of approved requirements with EUAG

  5. Alignment with CI/CD processes - discuss with the TSC on hyow to align the Requirement subcommittee process with the following DTF outcomes:

Split the set of work items into Global Requirements set by the TSC and Specifications and Features from the
projects and use case teams that are set by the working teams, including cross project commitments.

Global Requirements are specific to a release.

Specifications and Features can span across multiple releases and can scheduled to be "available" once all items are
complete and tested.

specifically, if and how Requirements subcommittee defines and look on "Specifications and Features"