Project Maturity Review for SDC

Project Maturity Review for SDC

Information for PTL

This template is to be filled out for any project wishing to move to the "Mature" phase of the ONAP project lifecycle.  
Once completed, remove this info box and the send the link for this page to onap-tsc@lists.onap.org to initiate the maturity review.  

Per the ONAP Technical Community Document, the metrics for maturity review are:

Successful participation in releases: The project demonstrates stable output (code base, documents) within its history of releases in accordance with the release policy.

Architecture has been reviewed by the Architecture Committee

Project is active and contributes to ONAP: The project demonstrates a stable or increasing number of contributions across recent releases. Contributions are commits which got merged to a repository of an ONAP project or a related upstream project. Commits can for example be patches to update the requirements document of a project, code addition to an ONAP or upstream project repository, new test cases and so forth.

Mature artifacts produced: The project demonstrates that the artifacts produced by the project are deployable (where applicable) and have been successfully deployed, configured and used by end users (typically, service providers).

Review Submission D /2020

Project Description: 

Provides a well-structured organization of visual design & testing tools, templates and catalogs to model and create resources, and services. The output of the SDC is a set of models which drives the orchestration

Project Landing Page:  Service Design and Creation (SDC) Portal

Project Meeting Minutes: SDC Meetings

Leadership Resources :


(must use @ macro )

Linux Foundation Login (LFID)

Email Address 
(if different from @ macro)

CommittersEli Levyel489uel489u@intl.att.com

Ilana Paktorilanapilanap@amdocs.com

Ojas DubeyOjas Dubeyojas.dubey@amdocs.com


Yuli Shlosbergys9693ys9693@att.com

Inna Manzonim453sim453s@intl.att.com




Project & Release History

  • How long the project has been an active:  At launch
  • Release Participation:  All ONAP releases
  • Engagement levels for past releases (up to 3): 
    • Commits per Release:  
    • Contributors per Release: 
    • Companies per release: 

Statistics taken from Bitergia : https://onap.biterg.io/app/kibana#/dashboard/Overview

  • Use Cases:  SDC is pretty much involved in all use cases, since it's the entry point for models to be loaded into the system

Architecture Alignment:

Artifact Information:

Amdocs – Workflow designer, onboarding
Ericsson – ETSI packages (SOL00x) support, CSIT
Yoppworks/Bell – refactoring, Java 11
Samsung – Python 3, unit tests
Nokia – CDS integration, 5G use cases such as PM dictionary
      Also: Telstra, Fujitsu, Intel, Orange, CMCC, Huawei...

SDC is involved in use case testing as the main design tool, automated testing as part of integration runs and gating checks to verify healthy artifacts distribution is often seen as the green indicator for design time success.

SDC is being used in production deployement in several companies, has been used as a demo tool and is involved as the main model entrypoint successfully since ONAP launch.

Other Information:

  • SDC codebase is quite huge, countening several hundred thousands of lines. Still SDC strives to adhere to ONAP code quality by improving its codebase with each release and still plans to improve.
  • https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=onap_sdc


  • Many different companies have already contributed to SDC, showing the interest of the community for the project. SDC is also a starting point to discuss standards and implement representations of xNFs (as we've seen over several releases)

  • SDC is involved in many ONAP features and has a rich interaction with other projects as demonstrated by the following feature discussions that happened over the last few years
  • Features Meetings