Automated Repo Creation via INFO.yaml

Automated Repo Creation via INFO.yaml

The process for adding a new INFO.yaml file is detailed below. For general information on committer management using INFO.yaml files, please see this page.

Creating a new repo is a simple PTL driven process.

  • Clone LF's info-master repo: https://gerrit.linuxfoundation.org/infra/admin/repos/releng/info-master

  • cd into the right location in the repo for ONAP's gerrit configuration: cd info-master/gerrit.onap.org/example-parent/

  • Create a new folder for the repo to be created: mkdir example-child/ && cd example-child

  • At this point, we are in the right folder that patches the repo path. The INFO.yaml will need to be created using any of these ways:

    • Manually, easy when the INFO.yaml matches an existing child repo of the same parent

    • Using lftools (a python program you find here): 

lftools --help Options: --directory TEXT custom gerrit directory, eg not /r/ --empty Create info file for uncreated project. --tsc_approval TEXT optionally provide a tsc approval link --help Show this message and exit.

For adding a repo to an existing project:

New Repo In An Existing Project
lftools infofile create-info-file gerrit.example.org example-parent/example-child > INFO.yaml

For creating the initial repo in a newly approved project:

New Repo for a New Project
lftools infofile create-info-file gerrit.example.org example-parent/example-child --empty --tsc_approval "https://link.to.meeting.minutes" > INFO.yaml

New Project Creation

Creating a new repo under an existing parent repo does not require pre-approval. Creating a new ONAP project must be approved by the TSC. The process to follow to submit a new project is here:  New Project Proposals

  • For all, run tox to verify your INFO file passes

  • Complete or fix any missing or incorrect fields

  • Commit your change and push it to gerrit.linuxfoundation.org

After your change is pushed...

  • Automation will tag the main LF Releng engineers representative for ONAP

  • The change will be reviewed by the LF Releng engineer and any needed follow up with the owner will be posted in the comments.

  • Once the change is merged, automation will process the INFO.yaml file, create the repo, update Nexus access and Jenkins settings files.