NetConf CM Notification Handling

NetConf CM Notification Handling

O-RAN Alliance OpenFronthaul specifications define for O-RU and O-DU management plane traffic the usage of NetConf Notifications.

The message flow in ONAP defines for notifications the VES messages format send to DMaaP VES collector to be forwarded to DMaaP Message Router.

SDN-R should close the gap for NetConf notifications and should make NetConf notification content available in a generic way for all ONAP µServices. Such function was already discussed based on SDNC-887: Model-driven DMaaP agentClosed. The VES domain "notification" could be used for Configuration Change Notification. However, once 3GPP has agreed on VES 'cmNofity' the now domain should be used.

Related components: Devicemanager cluster bundles

On SDN-R level the NetConf CM Notification Handling mechanism should be combinded with all kind for notfication from SDN-R to other ONAP components. Therefore all the functionality of the VES collector should be used instead of sending directly messaged to DMaaP.

The name of the component is "VES Provider".

Such notifications are: