2019-07-30 ONAP Architecture Meeting (Copy)
Meeting agenda Notes
Review of component description approach:
Benefits of this approach are:
Consistency of view from a high level
single point of entry for new users
catalog of interfaces and high level capabilities
Needs to be down to a certain architecturally-significant level of detail
Need to get feedback from new users on the content of these pages to see if this is sufficient
Need to ensure there is no duplication of information that is readily available elsewhere
Hyperlinks to documentation for APIs
Documentation for external APIs is what is more important
We should include a "status" and a "version" for each API
Component description should be linked to elsewhere. Rationale is that this information is more rapidly changing elsewhere, and we should not try to duplicate / replace it here. Focus on getting the interfaces and capabilities correct
Difference in views as to whether the models are documented under the API documentation or they are called out specifically in the API definitions
Proposal to remove the system deployment architecture chapter - too much detail to maintain accurately. Refer to the helm charts or specific documents that the PTLs produce
Proposal to remove the new release capabilities chapter as this should be linked elsewhere
Chaker proposed alternative to reflect new features at a high level per release with links to use case descriptions
PTL - Jonathan (from ATT) needs to review. Jonathan went through AAF documentation in the PTL call on Monday, in a separate format / repository
We need to understand how this documentation and Jonathan's approach will be aligned
include links to the lower-level documentation in this material
Perhaps the lower level of detail in the second diagram is not needed, and the level of detail in the function list is perhaps too heavy
We will also review the information flow Onboard Resource into SDC
there is a missing line into vnfsdk showing the onboarding
there is some duplication of information here from other places in the system but the information will not change significantly and can be kept up to date
Recording: ARCCOM 2019-07-30.mp4