Q&A of UUI project deployment

Q&A of UUI project deployment

According to the feedback of UUI project, we have summarized Q&A of the common problems of deployment. 

  • 404 error

The 404 error is probably caused by MSB configuration. The latest UUI project requires htttps access and needed to be visited by msb ip. So make sure that  UUI and UUI server are registered to MSB

  • 502 error

This error can be caused by various reasons. We recommend you type this command for more details:

kubectl edit svc uui-server -n onap

And many errors are caused by the "enable_ssl" item is set false. It should be true after F release. 

  • Failure of getting the latest merged codes after restarting

Since the self-released methods, the image could be released conveniently. But the latest merged codes could probably not be included in the latest image version, so you can not test the latest functions.  If you are not in a hurry, you can just wait for this new release and re-deploy the image. If you are in a hurry, maybe you can re-pull the latest codes in master, pack and update the resource package files in your docker image. That’s an irregular but efficient way to solve the codes inconsistent problems. 

We accept various questions and will update continuously.