Policy R6 Frankfurt Team Scrums - 09-2019 to 02-2020

Policy R6 Frankfurt Team Scrums - 09-2019 to 02-2020



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Compiling and testing

CSIT for policy/engine 

SDNR Actor

policy/engine CSIT

SDNR Actor

XACML PDP (Native, Guard, Optimization)

NOTE: Will be out in the morning but back in the afternoon until late

policy/engine CSIT

Deployment support fo the native frools policiesContinue on native Drools policies
Fixing issues on XACML native policiesAdd new JUnit tests, should be straightforward. Look at CSIT and code reviews

POLICY-2385, putting together JUnits, about 1/3 o fthe way throughContinue.
POLICY-2106 javascript support for APEX, concurrency issuesContinue
POLICY-2384, about 50% through JUnitsContinueSome issues with actor code, will sync up with Jim later in the day
POLICY-1656 APEX CDS interaction work. Start looking at the Docker releaseContinue, will get guidance from Ram
Working on the State DBContinue
Working with Jorge on the Policy Engine CSITContinue
AdityaSetting up environment, Linux ID etcContinue, start working on SONAR work today.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve


Compiling and testing fixes - thanks Jorge and Jim!!

Lots of meetings today but will try to work on the following:

SDNR Actor

XACML PDP (Native, Guard, Optimization)

Peyton's DB issue

POLICY-2388 undeploy support for native tools in the Drools PDP, review raisedContinue.
Conferred with Jim regarding fixes for the Native XACML policiesWill work on the native XACML policy junits today.
DIscussed Drools-XACML interactions with Pam and amended the implementaiton and also changed the naming on CLC after disussions with the teamNearing completion, will push the change today.
Drools actor (POLICY-2385).Continue.
POLICY-2106, GRAAL javascript plugin conversion. Initial work done, got Javascript runningContinue.
Internal meetings, unit test cases for the CDS actor. Discussions with Ajith on the Apex CDS, Doem proposal for ONSCOntinue with unit test cases.
Review comments for the parameter passing integration tests.Apex CDS verificaiton work.
Internal Bell tasksContinue
Policy, suggestion to use an older version of the database.Focus on CSITs today as M4 is approaching



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2381 - drools-pdp - reverting change

Training Today will help on code reviews and comments and easy work.

CSIT - engine

Plan for the Usecases DRL - do we descope?

Need everyone to discuss and decide accordingly. May be committers meeting today or Thursday?

NOTE: CLAMP is committed to TOSCA Compliant Policies so we must deliver on that.

Native policies for Drools, started to work on this.Continue, should have review today.
Finished preloading the default policies.Will address minor comments and resubmit. Also XACML native policy implementation. Working on some issues with JUnits.May need some advice from Jim.
Met with the team on the SON use case, what names should be used on control loops. Also worked on the Drools part of the CLC, updaing the state of the control loop.Finish review for the XACML part and push that, continue working on the Drools part.
POLICY-2371 more than one target can now be handled in the SO actor, POLICY-2350 added flag to allow disabling of uard actor, POLICY-2381, figured out SQL persistence issue. Review of the server pool code.POLICY-2385 Drools updates for the new actors.
apoex conversion from Nashorn to Graal for Javascript, tidied up some issues with Sonar and Checkstyle.Continue.
POLICY-2384 CDS actor integration. Submitted a reviewContinue with unit test cases for that change.
POLICY-2364 integration test in Apex for parameter passingContinue
Yesterday, went throught the review for the actorsWorking on the State DB
Scripts for SDNC naming policiesContinue.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2381 - Safe dependency upgrades - verifying drools

Training Today will help on code reviews and comments and easy work.

M4 Checklist

continue working on the actors

CSIT - engine

Plan for the Usecases DRL - do we descope?

Need everyone to discuss and decide accordingly. May be committers meeting today or Thursday?

NOTE: CLAMP is committed to TOSCA Compliant Policies so we must deliver on that.

POLICY-2383: scale out support for drools tosca complaint policiesNative policies for drools-pdp

Unit test cases for preload policies in api

Xacml native policies support


POLICY-2385: actor implementation in droolsContinue
OOOApex-pdp javascript engine migration to graal

CDS actor implemenatation

Review comments

Unit test cases for CDS actor

POLICY-2364: Internal integration test for parameter passing in apexContinue

StateDB work

Supporting internal  teams in policy integration


Push policy script work for policy gui

User login not working

CSIT running on VM




What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2378 - Image release. Finished policy/docker patch bump. Jorge - do we expect any more changes to the docker base images? Can we release 2.0.1?

POLICY-2381 - Safe dependency upgrades review is ready

POLICY-2382 - SDNR Actor - problems with JUnits

POLICY-2386 - VFC Actor - started working on finishing code and JUnits

policy/engine CSIT - both my JUnit fix and Peyton's GUI fix did not solve the problem

Training Today will help on code reviews and comments and easy work.

M4 Checklist

continue working on the actors

CSIT - engine

Plan for the Usecases DRL - do we descope? NOTE: CLAMP is committed to TOSCA Compliant Policies so we must deliver on that.

POLICY-2383: Scale-out for policiesContinue
Fixed junit for native xacmlPreloading default policies. Continue junits
Met with folks regarding CLC. Modifying rules to integration with CLCContinue
POLICY-2385: Actor changes for drools-applicationsContinue
CDS Actor redesignContinue
Concurrent modification reviewPOLICY-2364: Parameter passing in APEX; integration test case
State DBContinue
Fix for policy-engine reviewFixing CSIT issues for policy-engine. Examine GUI for SDNC



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Optimization and code review - will hold off on Optimization

Bump policy/docker patch - for release

Chenfei - Xacml Native

Jim - Actors (SDNR and VFC)

Peyton - Engine CSIT

Jorge - JUnits??

M4 Checklist

safe Dependency upgrades in policy/parent

CSIT - engine

NOTE: M-W I have training, I may cancel and/or may just multitask.

2376: Tosca complaint policies for drools-pdp


Reviews after models merge

Scaleout use case

Unit test for native application in xacml-pdp

Facing issues with xacml policies


1625: Adding tests to verify actors

Cleanup on actor work

Fixed API!!OOO

CDS actor implementation

clarified with doubts with Jim


Review comments for 2364

Test with latest api & models changes

Created JIRA for next work on validation

API CSIT is working

Continue with 2364

policy/models fix

Working on runtime stateDB


Available to help with CDS actor work

policy/engine unit tests

logs for failing CSIT

policy gui fix

CSIT failure analysis



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1740 - review is upPOLICY-2066 Optimization and I believe I will re-factor the matchable code from the 1740 review due to optimization requiring another matchable field. Will try to pre-process the policy types and data types which should help cleanup the code and remove sonar nesting/duplicate code.CSIT - engine and api still not working

Checked in code for the subclass of XACML rest serverContinue on JUnit tests today. Preload naming policy.
Continuing on Drools CLCContinue.
POLICY-2358 actor for guard, review raised.Some extra fine tuning on guard actor.
POLICY-1402: Fix for filtered gets and performance improvement, reviews for models and API are submitted and reviewedInvestigate exceptions being thrown at the start of API, also change the apex javascript engine from nashorn to Graal. Validate CDS actor integration in apex.
CDS actor investigations, got advice from JimStarting on implementation today.
API CSIT failures, small fix in policy models, review raised, should fix CSIT problems. POLICY-2364 apex parameters review raisedContinue.
OOOTSC and then get status and sync with RAM for CDS Actor refactoring
Work session with Praveen on the policy-engine GUI, server is now workingWorking on getting connectivity to the DB, will look at policy-engine tests as well



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Dependency management, hold off on that. POLICY-1740 naming and matchables. Validating a policy against a policy type. There is a lot of indirection with collections nested in collections and so on.Continue, review may be up on this tomorrow.
POLICY-2325 Native policies, testing with the new drools-applications image, fixing some issues, they are now OKChanges on the CSIT on top of Ajith's review to work on the drools-pdp and drools-applications CSITs. Also the dependencies to policy-engine are removed.
Catching up on recent rules, getting the native XACML implemented well.Continue, doing JUnit test for the native XACML work, review will be raised.
Finished the CLC guard translator, created the policies for that and tested them.Now going to move onto the Drools part, which uses all these things.
POLICY-2371 SO actor code wating for review once the prior code is reviewed.Will lok at the guard actor next.
POLICY-1402 (TOSC validation), the delete review is merged.Working on the filtering of policies and also to optimize the gets to reduce number of DB calls to one per get. Follow up on the issue with API throwing an exception on MariaDB when the API component comes up.
Looking at current CDS actor code, and started the wprok on refactoring it to work with Jim's new framework.Continuing.
Testing on APIs, recheck on the CSIT, all except one check is passing. fetch all policy types is failingContinuing with POLICY-2364, parameter passing on apex, waiting on POLICY-2151

POLICY-1590, review is raisedDeal with issues on review, session on the policy-engine GUI



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2146 - done

POLICY-1740 - working on Naming changes

POLICY-1740 - Naming

POLICY-2066 Optimization

Dependency management reported by the security team

CSITs - still not solved

drools applications is not compiling, will post problem in RocketChat

TOSCA compliant policies, working on another review for that, tweaking on the Dockerfile changesWhen changes are merged, then will start the next iteration of this work. Also reworking the CSIT tests for Drools.
Ran JUnit using a local MariaDB, managed to run all the tests successfully.CSIT tests, available ofr other CSIT tests, will work with Ajith on that. Go back to native XACML.
Working on the testing of the CLC translator, fixed a bug on it.Test whether the requests are being created correctly or not, then will move onto Drools
POLICY-2371, the SO actor. APPC actor .Will push APPC actor for review once the other review is merged.
POLICY-1402 on policy validation, delete functionality is now implemented. Small fix on the persistence.xml, add classes.Finish the JUnit on that and check out that the issues with getting policies are resolved.
Internal and planning meetings.Start looking at CDS actor with Jim.
Looking into API issues when creating policy types, that are causing the problems in CSIT.Continue, and POLICY-2364, parameter passing in apex.

Working on the tests for policy engine, should be good with those now.Will raise a review on policy engine testing today. Following up on GUI issues.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2146 - will fix when models/api is fixed

POLICY-1740 - waiting on models/api fix

POLICY-2146 - waiting for help on reviews

POLICY-1740 - Naming

policy/api stabilization

CSITs are failing for all repos

Native drools policies & CSIT

Created a basic drools-pdp image works standalone

Continue with testing the changes

policy/docker is realeased need to make version changes

CSIT fixes

Xacml native policy implementation


Catch up with changes in models & api repos

Change DB from H2 to Mariadb in policy/api and fix unit tests

Discussions with Pam on CLC translator

Request/Responses for CLC translator

Test the code changes

Move to drools-pdp part

2363: TopicActor in policy/common & models

Refactoring of the operations & parameters classes

APPC actor code

Other actors can start changes now

For all HTTP one's follow SDNC

For all DMAAP one's follow APPC

Multiple fixes in policy/models for DB providers

Deleteing of policy type, Data Type & policies from DB

Change DB from H2 to Mariadb in policy/api

Performace issue with get all policies from DB

CSIT issues

Internal meetings

Document review minor one


Planning today

Drools-pdp usecases - might need help from Jorge (Hold it until the latest codebase is ready)

CSIT issues 

Apex & Distribution is fixed

Looking at API now


2364: Passing parameters to apex-engine

Review for fixing drools-applications on Mac OS

Email for questions about running policy from Orange

Not in Scrum for Tuesday & Wednessday

Internal Meetings + planning internally


Failing tests in policy-engine

GUI work update to Pam



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2146 - fixing Operational Policy Types

policy/docker release - progress

POLICY-1740 - questions for Liam

POLICY-2146 - waiting for help on reviews

policy/docker release

POLICY-1740 - Naming (Would like to demo today)


CSITs are failing for all repos
CSIT problems, we have a potential fix for the drools-applications tests.  workaround available for drools-applications, for drools-pdp, some rework is required.Help with CSIT, continue on drools-pdp/drools-applications CSIT work.
Tried different implementation options for the XACML raw policies, working on the review.Help with CSIT, and continue on XACML raw policies work.
Co-ordination between guard and drools.Continue.
POLICY-2363, the APPC interface.Help with CSIT and continue with actor work.
POLICY-1402, Update and delete policies, also catching up on reviewsHelp with CSIT, issues with data validation, test data may be failing validation tests
Trying out drools-pdp/drools-applictions codebase. Validations are failing on policy types and versions.Help with CSIT
CSIT issues, policy type creation, test data minor fixes resolved policy type and policy creation, fetch and deploy of policies is failingHelp with CSITFor PAP, create PDP groups was failing.
Found issue with internal pipeline, and resolved it.Help with CSIT, help in the afternoon on CSIT



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2146 - fixing Operational Policy Types


policy/docker release

POLICY-1740 - Naming using Liam's changes.

Working on the TOSCA compliant policies, inspection up for review just now. This will cover the vCPE case.May need a few more iterations to get it right. Continue working on this and some clean up changes and start on other use cases. Alos will look at the CSIT issues.
Working on XACML raw requests and responses through a new endpoint.Almost there, continue working on the current review.

POLICY-2363, completed the A&AI operator work and pushed that review up.Working on the topic actor superclasses.
POLICY-1402: Reviews raised on policy-models, pap, and api, all changes for data type, policy type, and policy creation and get now working, so when the current changes are enough for Pam to carry on with her work on POLICY-1740.Working on code reviews and also update and delete.
POLICY-2334 and 2355 are now finished. Informed the Ericsson team in China to move the GUI code to that repo.Trying to get drools-pdp working locally.
POLICY-2364, passing parameters from config to the policy logic.Continuing.
Working on the internal policy release, found some issues, may be proxy related.Continue.Will the legacy policy model be supported in Frankfurt? Legacy and new operational policies are both supported.
Getting the policy-engine GUI up requires work in JDK 11.Starting to look at the failing tests for policy engine and drools-applications.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666: continue, github XACML

policy/docker release

POLICY-1666: continue, github XACML

CSIT & Tosca complaint policiesReview for vCPE use case 
Code changes for xacml application for native policy typeContinueFinding code in xacml for xml parsing
2163/2164: CLC xacml policy & translation needed from coordination translatorContinue

2349: Review raised for actors

AAI actor and operators ready for review

2363: Actor for APPC
POLICY-1402: Validation of full TOSCA service templates, updating policy-pap and policy-api to work with new database provider implementation and stricter checking, pap -s completedContinue on update of policy-api

policy/models unit test failures, later fixed by Jim.

policy/gui review merged. Need some minor changes in jenkins job

Looking at drools native policy type implementations & policy chaining possibilities

Installed drools-pdp locally on my mac and ran through few use casess like vCPE etc.

Apex & distribution CSIT locally worksPassing parameters to apex engine (UUId, serviceId, Controlloopname etc)

Internal meetings

CDS actor work next week, looking at Jim's changes

ContinueOverview from Jim
Working on policy/gui setupContinue



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

policy/docker release

POLICY-2337: Point to oparent 3.0.0

POLICY-1666: continue, github XACML

policy/docker release

POLICY-1666: continue, github XACML

POLICY-1740: Test Liam's changes and new XACML

CSIT failing - think it was a Drools-pdp merge changing of the policy. May have affected policy/api

TOSCA compliant policies POLICY-2146Continue, also will check the CSIT tests
Code reviews, working on XACML implementations for native policy support.Continue. Pramod and Chenfei will discuss this today: XACML core and XACML application building
Looking at CLC, how to use the XACML-PDP to API.Continue.Question regarding queueing, requesting help from Jorge and Jim
POLICY-2349: Started A&AI Custom Query and it's pre-processor, tenant queryContinue. Also will look at refactoring some functionality out of SDNC into actor provider.
POLICY-1402: Validation of full TOSCA service templates, filtering out the non-required entities on get rquests and finishing new implementation of the SimpleToscaProvider classContinue, I should have a review today on this.
POLICY-2355 is done (renaming modules).Finish off POLICY-1941 and POLICY-2334, which are pending on Ram.In drools-applications, there are a few tests that keep failing. Also Ram has a kie-maven plugin issue.
POLICY-2271 PAP SONAR issues.Call with Chinese team, take over some items from them.
Looked at Jim's change for actor cleanup, looking at the release process.ContinueHave local drools-applicaitons test failure as well, will check with Ram if this is the same issue.
Working through the policy-engine GUI set upLooking at setting up the DB today, also will look at POLICY-2133, it's a code coverage issue.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Internal Training

INT-1431: Released oparent 3.0.0

policy/docker release

POLICY-2337: Point to oparent 3.0.0

POLICY-1666: continue, github XACML

POLIY-2345 TOSCA compliant policies.Convert TOSCA compliant policies into the old model and support both versions for now in order not to cause impacts on Jim's work. Meeting with Ciena, feedback on drools-pdp.
XACML-pdp codebase, rest controller and provider, get an idea on how to create  a new application for native policiesContinue. Have ideas on how to implemente, but just need to solidify those.Still have one or two questions, will discuss with Pam later today

POLICY-2348: actor cleanup.Reviewing work on the actor implementation. Also review of server pool code from AT&T. Start going through actors one by one and do an operation for each one. An implementation of one operation for each actor.
POLICY-1402: Validation of full TOSCA service templates, review raised, took some time as unit tests had to be refactored due to stricter validation checkingContinue with POLICY-1402: change the SimpleToscaProvider implementation to work on full ToscaServiceTemplat objects rather than on the individual TOSCA entities. Start with DMaaP for APPC. Code for guard calls will need to be added.
Renaming maven modules work done except for drools-applicationsWIll look at CSIT jobs today to check for problems and also will lok at PAP-PDP outstanding items.
Internal meetings, going through reviews and changes for learning.Operational Policy Type for apex finish, POLICY-2271 cound be next job.
POLICY-2346, workaround for the Bell pipeline, change the status to work in progress until the maven fix is in place.Looking at Bell internal release process. There are WIki pages explaining the release process.
Working on getting the policy engine GI set up, working through some minor eclipse issues wth gettingit up and running.Continue.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Internal Training

Limited availability today due to internal all-day - will do code reviews and email as much as possible

INT-1431: Release oparent 3.0.0

FYI: Releasing policy/docker

POLICY-2356: Tosca complaint policies for drools-pdp 


Meeting with Ciena team

Abandoned the review for validation and do it in the G release.Building xacml applications for native policies.
Xacml & drools policy for CLCContinue
POLICY-2348: adding code to facilitate the actor creation


Liam's comment on the review

Internal Meetings and review of the Actor change submitted by Jim.POLICY-1402: Validation of full TOSCA service templates.

Dev setup done. Found few issues in checkstyle & the wiki that we have.

Raised reviews for module name mismatch across repos.


Apex operational policy type work.

Internal meetings.


POLICY-2346: CI pipeline unit test in offline mode

Checking status of maven bug

Continue and try to have a workaround until maven bug is resolved
POLICY-1590: policy engine gui setupContinue



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666: almost done JUnits & dependency upgrades. Need to investigate a couple of community reported issues in case they are something we need for ONAP.

Limited availability today due to internal all-day - will do code reviews and email as much as possible

Review comments 

Code review

CSIT work

2345: Tosca complaint policies for drools-pdp
New patch submitted in the code review for validationContinue
Drools part of CLC investigationsContinue
CSIT for policy engine2348: Cleaning up the actor design

1402: Fetch policy type hierarchy from API


Setting up the new laptop, having issues with eclipse formatter & checkstyle setup


May be if someone can share the eclipse preferences from their setup, will be very helpful and fast.

2147: Design of operational policy type2151: Integration of operational policy type for apex-pdp
2346: Review commentsContinue 
docker setup1590: policy/engine updates to jdk 11



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666: finishing JUnits & dependency upgrades

POLICY-1666: continue

1) Discuss Jorge's approach for native/operational policies. How can we extend/reuse Liam's work?

2) Need folks to help jump in on Actor remodel once Jim's review is ready to come in.

FYI - I will be traveling late afternoon Tues and attending internal training Wed/Thurs. Will respond to code reviews etc. asap

POLICY-2345: JSON schema work.Review will be approved and ticket opened to look at this area in Guilin.
Code reviews, posted commets and Jorge's and Liam's review. Preparing the new patch for the review he is working onContinue
Working on internal tasksContinue
POLICY-1625 actor redesign, pushed up a bug fox for policy notifications being pushed backwards (POLICY-2347)Working on POLICY-2348, facilitate actor creation.
POLICY-1402: policy types validation,checking of parents of policy types/policies, and data types, review coming (derivedFrom)Continue, push review, Check the policy types of policies.
Joined Bell office yesterday, getting set upReviews and code changes may be late this week
POLICY-2147 added the changed operational policy type for apex yesterdaycontinuing on code changes to support the policy type
Looking at review for POLICY-2346Going to respond to the review and make the relevant changes.
Peyton PuckettLooking at CSIT tests that Jorge and Aoi sent over.Continue



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666: finishing JUnits & dependency upgrades

POLICY-1666: continue

FYI - I will be traveling late afternoon Tues and attending internal training Wed/Thurs. Will respond to code reviews etc. asap

POLICY-2345 native and operational policy support.Continue.
Addressing Jim's comments and reviewing Jorge's code. Address impacts from Jorge's code changes.Continue reviewing code.
POLICY-2163/2164 looking at XACML policies for ELC and how they fit into the new use cases.Continue working how to fit code into the Frankfurt code base.
POLICY-1625, completing JUnit for work completed since Friday. Will submit todaySome additional work to make it easier for people to work with actors. Addressing making it easier to use Future objects
POLICY-1402: policy types validation, merging of incoming and existing service template code completed, writing JUnit todayContinue.
Moving to Canada!

POLICY-2332: CSIT changes for apex and distribution, CSIT health is failing, but is a known issue that Ali and another person are working onContinuing with POLICY-2147, operational policy type for apex.
Created POLICY-2346 to configure the proxy and the repo for drools-applications tests. Review submitted.Integrate the changes that Rashmi dis as well.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666: finishing JUnits & dependency upgrades

POLICY-1666: continue

FYI: New M4 Epic Tasks

POLICY-2335 - Getting issue details... STATUS

5 weeks from ONAP code freeze - but 4 weeks from internal code freeze. Need a week to release jars/images.

Internal work

Address comments on the review

Leaving from Feb 3rd

Back on Nov 7th

Review raised for 2345: Validate the operational & native policies of drools-pdpContinue

Unit tests for the new features in policy/api

Review ongoing


Finished junit failures in policy/engine - but a new failure appeared after pushing changes in the jenkins buildlook into new junit failure in policy/engine

1625: model actor refactoring work

Unit test cases going on

1402: policy types validation


Wiki page for validation using json schema

POLICY-2334: Raised review for jenkin jobs of policy/gui

Operational policy definition work

Internal work

2332: Removing "content" from apex tosca policy

code changes for CSIT

Looking into jenkins failure

Maven configuration for drools-application unit testsContinue



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666: finishing JUnits

policy/gui SHOULD now be writable - someone needs to create the CI jobs

POLICY-1666: continue

OOO - traveling this afternoon

All the policy/engine jobs are failing including the CSIT
2330: addressing review comments + tests
Internal stuff
OOO half day
Rest of the day: finish up internal stuff + follow up with actor redesign notes

2146: Tosca compliant operational policy for drools

CSIT for policy engine

Continue with 2146
Review up for validation of native policy types

Address review comments

unit test cases

2163/2164: CLC work

Meetings with Joss

Done with understanding of CLC code

Start with implementation

1625: models actor refactoring work

BeanValidator review for policy/common

Adding unit test cases

Investigate the policy update notifications API's

POLICY-1402: Policy Type/Data Type/Policy storage and retrieval and other meetingsContinue. More time today to work on it.

Operational policy type definition work

Internal work


Create the jobs for GUI repo

2332: Removing "content" from ToscaPolicy for apex-pdp

Raised review

CSIT changes

CI pipeline issues related to nexus 


OOO in afternoon



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666 - xacml-pdp making progress

LF ticket to make policy/gui writable

continue POLICY-1666CSIT for drools and health - Bilal and Jorge if you can prioritize getting those fixed!
2330: Updated the review

Internal work

Not in Scrum tomorrow

2146: Tosca compliant operational policy for droolsCSIT issue in policy engine

2236/2237: Native policy validation

Raised review

Working on unit test failures

Junit failures in policy/engineContinue
1625: model actor refactoring workContinue
POLICY-1402: Policy Type/Data Type/Policy storage and retrieval and other meetingsContinue, but have other meetings today.
Operational policy type & constraints on ToscaProperty for validation


Finish POLICY-2251 today

2332: Apex work for removing "content" from ToscaPolicyContinue

CI pipeline work 

Issue with base configuration referring to java 8




What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666 - xacml-pdp making progress

POLICY-2321 - finished

continue POLICY-1666CSIT for drools and health - Bilal and Jorge if you can prioritize getting those fixed!
Review comments on 2330Continue & patch the review
2146: Tosca complaint operational policiesContinue

Validator work for native policies

Code changes ongoing


2163/2164: CLC work

Code changes ongoing


OOO yesterday

Finished compilation errors in policy/engine

Test failures in policy/engine
1625: model actor refactoring workContinue
POLICY-1402: Policy Type/Data Type/Policy storage and retrieval in a way that preserves structural integrity of service template and doesn't delete referenced entities, first review raisedContinue.We may need to introduce the concept of a session for changes to the database but I don't want to add to the current API at this stage in the project. We can probably live with what's there for Frankfurt.
Operational policy type definition for apex + documentation for PAP-PDP changesContinue

2147: Operational policy type definition for apex

Created wiki for the same

Started with changes in apex-pdp
Internal workCI pipeline work



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Back onto xacml-pdp POLICY-1666 and POLICY-2321 Update Sonar (Apex)


POLICY-2330: Parameterize mvn repo urls and proxy settings for building drools-* images continue (address Jorge's review comments)
POLICY-2331, schema validation of JSON, review raisedPOLICY-2146 continue working on TOSCA compliant policies for Drools.
JUnit tests to verify drools artifacts, and XacmlContinue

policy/engine compilation and JUnit failuresOOO
POLICY-1625, Actor modelContinue, Tomorrow, after meeting, review this work
Policy Types and Data Types, step back at that, POLICY-1402Continue.
Working on POLICY-2147, opearational policy type definition for apexContinue, documentation on PDP group changes
Documentation changes for POLICY-2023, build is failing, will investigate.Operational policy type for APEX, POLICY-2147
Gitlab pipeline, Discussion on parameterization with Jorge and RashmiContinue and make changes today



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2329 assembly warnings.

Back onto xacml-pdp POLICY-1666 and POLICY-2321 Update Sonar.

Working internally on the PDP application, built all projects and docker images.Looking at parameterization of drools-pdp.
POLicy-2148. For validation and for generation of classes, a JSON schema has been created.
CSITs for drools-pdp seem to have some timing issues, seems to happen intermittently.
Continue. Will forward to others to see if and how it can be used by others.
Some time needs to be spent on the CSIT tests, may need a quick fix and perhaps come back with a better implementation later on.

Fixing Eclipse environment for JDK 11.Double check the Nexus API return and make sure understanding of it is correct. Then will use mockito to mock the API.

Jdk 11 policy-engine work. Working at command line and in Jenkins, but won't work in Eclipse.It could be the order of tests, test order is not guaranteed so test initiation and cleanup is important.
POLICY-1625 Actor refactoringContinue
POLICY-1402, return ancestors of a policy type in a policy type. Implementation is nearly complete. Also apex JDK 11 work.Unit tests for this today, review ready this evening or Monday.
Code reviews, internal work and meetings.Ajith/Liam conversations on operational policy types for apex, if we need changes we will suggest them.
Distribution CSITs, review for that has been written,POLICY- 2023, test cases to be fixedDesigning operational policy types for apex, will write a wiki page on our proposal.
Working on pipeline, compiling with JDK11, seeing errors on engine and apex-pdpTalk to Jorge today for alternatives on the Repo URL.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-1666 Removing Jackson from XACML

Add to classes that we can pull into other components.

Mostly meetings, Drools-pdp docker build, going on hold.

Working internally to find a better solution to this problem
SDNC blocker in Policy Engine, wasn't working on SDNC, they have snapshot images for policy engine. Scripts work OK in El Alto. We need to give a little time to get the images stabilized, that cunctionality should not have broken.Let's check the CSITs, they may be showing up an issue. Ask Marco and Yuri to test again. JDK 11 has been pulled in, and also MariaDB changes and Sonar changes have gone in. Jorge will look into it tomorrow as he is busy with other things today such as the TOSCA compliant policies.

POLICY-2163/2164 CLC and Queueing, currently working with Josh on setting up the run time environemnt, half way through.Continue. Work with Jorge/Jim to change the OOF rules to work for the 5G OOF use case.
Working on fixing compilation errors after JDK 11 updates for Engine.Continue.

POLICY-1581 Apex JDK 11, converting apex to run. Apex bare minimum now working in Jdk 11 but there are a number of items left to do on the Jira, documented in Jira description.Tosca for Policy Tyoes and data types.

POLICY-2023 Supported polcy types in models-pdp for PDP group update, fixing test falures.CSIT test failures.
Looking at the lab pipeline, policies are failing (same issue as Rashmi's)Go through all the other components and check them for building with JDK 11



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Removed assembly warnings

XACML github - remove jackson add some functionality to append attributes for Optimization

policy/engine does not compile in Eclipse or pass JUnit via command line

drools-apps does not pass Junit via command line

CI pipeline work + parameterize drools-pdp Continue

2148: models junits - tosca compliant

verify drools-apps docker image - basic tests seem ok

2148: continue

2319: sdnc naming take a look

concerned with image sizes, almost triples the ones from last release.  We'll need to figure out to move back to alpine.
Validator for native policy typescontinue
Control loop coordination workContinue
JDK 11 for distributionContinue
model-actor refactoring workContinue
Apex migration to JDK 11Continue

Working with Ajith on POLICY-2023

Code reviews


Also work on POLICY-2147 with Ajith

Working on resync of PAP-PDP Continue
CI pipeline work for JDK 11Continue



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Integration team - settings fix, security upgrades

Sonar jobs now all reporting something - need cleanup

JDK 11 support

Finish Sonar cleanup if JDK11 repos get merged

XACML github upgrades

Catch up with the work done

Parameterize the drools-pdp parameters

POLICY-2308 TOSCA compliant Operational Policies, partial work under review for policy/models and policy/api

POLICY-2308: continue

POLICY-1856: New Debian-based CL drools-applications docker image verification.

Validator for native policy types per pdp rules/logicContinue
2163/2164: Control loop coordination workContinue
Submitted reviews for policy engine & policy distribution for JDK 11Continue with JDK 11 work for other repos

2324: Nashorn js engine replaced with JEXL

2326: Bug for PDPs being removed from DB

1625: models-actor refactoring work

Working on the conversion of apex-pdp to Java 11. Apex is now compiling under Java 11 but some test cases are failing.

Also had a lot of difficulties with Checkstyle.

Contrinue on apex-pdp conversion to Java 11

Write a JIRA towards the Integration project on the Checkstyle issues. Probably should upgrade checkstyle version at the beginning of Guilin, if we do it now there would be a rebellion.

Back from DDF and trying to catch up on the changes done last week.

Code reviews + Discussions with Ajith on POLICY-2023 - Resync of PAP-PDP


Trigger the work for operational policy type definition for apex-pdp (POLICY-2147)

2023: Handling supported policy types during group updateContinue
Investigating the issue with the CI pipelineContinue



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

SONAR, last three reviews for Engine, APEX, and DistributionPut in those three repos, and do JDK 11 and clean up afterwards.

POLICY-2146: DCAE ONSET flood elimination, change submitted for reviewPOLICY-2308 TOSCA policy compliance and tests on drools-applications to make sure the latest changes don't raise any issues.
Changes on policy-api (POLICY-2325) to Bilal for verificationPOLICY-2236/2237 (Native policy types), finish up the coding and testing there.
POLICY-2163/2164, talked to the OOF folks on the semantics of what might work for CLC (Control loop coordination) and queueing.Continue, testing code and check with Josh on queueing.
JDK 11 updates for policy engine POLICY-2590Continue
POLICY-1586, updating Docker files to point to the new Java 11 version. POLICY- 2326, PDPs being removed from the PAP database, PDPs are being immediately removed if heartbeat fails.Fix PDP deletion.
Policy types and data types returningJava 11 for Apex

Following up on Jim's changes for Docker in Java 11, also looking at CSIT testsContinue
Parameterize the docker imagesBack from Prague, looking at issue in the internal pipeline to Gitlab.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Sonar: still working on merge code coverage. Not sure why xacml didn't show improved numbers.

Patch for drools-applications

Limited availability today - will be back online as 12pm EST

Please help with drools-apps, getting it to compile. Locally I am having issues with it despite the JDK 11 fix.


2146: finished models onset reduction

helping out CSITs and migration to jdk 11

help if needed in jdk 11

2146 + 2308 : onset reduction + tosca policy compliant

CSIT failures for API (work with Bilal)

payload validation for native policy creation

address issues raised by ECOMP team brought up.

JDK 11 - working on policy/enginecontinue with policy/engine and distribution
JDK 11 - docker files are doneJDK 11 + issue with dmaap simulator






What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

CSIT - working with Bilal Anwer. CSIT jobs were changed to support JDK 11.

Sonar configuration - exploring ways of getting combined coverage.

JDK 11, CSIT and sonar


2146: onset reduction


2146 + 2308 : onset reduction + tosca policy compliant

Native API drools payloadcontinue + work with Bilal in api errors
2163 2164: Work w Josh - under analysis (CLC)continue
1587: drools-apps jdk111590: policy/engine jdk11

1586: docker jdk11, dockers pushed out and migrated some repos.

continue 1586, and fix issues with alpine.






What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

CSIT - dmaap simulator build failing (JDK 8 could be the issue) - Bilal Anwer is helping to work that issue. Will bring up on PTL call today.

Prague Policy Presentation - see notes

JDK 11 - some sonar pom.xml if appropriate

CSIT - dmaap simulator build failing (JDK 8 could be the issue)

NOTE: Policy meeting is tomorrow at 8am EST

2020-01-15 LF ONAP Prague DDF Policy Framework - Frankfurt Improvements

2146: plugin

will put a review up today

training today - tomorrow

finish version validation + documentation

native validation - finish up if time permits


Josh's codemeet Josh today - to synch on CLC code
policy/api and drools-pdp JDK compilationworking on xacml and pap
1586: JDK docker imagescontinue 


demo setup - helping

recorded video as a backup


Off Wed-Fri


NOTE: All hands on deck today (who are not attending Prague). Must get all the repos compiling, the CSITs working, and upgraded to JDK 11 this week.

Please also look for updated calendar event for Wednesday Prague Policy meeting - 8am EST/2pm Prague


What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

SONAR Code Coverage problem

JDK 11 - some sonar pom.xml if appropriate

CSIT - dmaap simulator build failing (JDK 8 could be the issue)


2308: drools-apps - additions to logback.xml

2146: drools-apps - operational policy format - flooding ONSET issues

continue - review comments


Pam: Be aware of use cases that want to queue events vs solve flooding of events.

Suggestions: utilize native policies to allow user to select what strategy to use

2316: review commentscontinue
2163/2164: looking at Josh's code internal updatescontinue

Released policy/models, pointing repos to released version

JDK 11 upgrade

policy/api compilation
JDK 11 helpJDK 11 docker images


Setting up for demo - issues with Chinese team



record a video




What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

SONAR Code Coverage problem, submitted a change for parent. Sonarcloud did an upgrade, which meant they couldn't find the reports on coverage generated during the build anymore.Continue. Next week focus on JDK 11.We may need to update the POMs to get teh coverage back to where it should be.

POLICY-2146: analysis + moving ControlLoopParams to drools-apps repo review.

POLICY-2322: drools-pdp sonars in feature-lifecycle

continue POLICY-2146.
Raised a review patch for the policy type versionsUpdate the wiki and the documentation with the changes.

Made updates to common and API for JDK 11.Looking at the xacml PDP failing CSIT, could be due to the policy-models fix.

POLICY-2315: Cascaded read of data types for policy types, POLICY-1822: Parent policy types of policy types, fixing bug on Data Type storage on MariaDBContinue, wiki page opened on this, see
R6 Data Type, Policy Type, and Policy Referencing and Versioning

Raised a review for POLICY-2256, supported policy types. Working on POLICY-2023, resync of PAP and PDP.

Looking at the CSIT failures, raised issue with LiamSetting up the docker containers for the demos next week at the ONAP DDF.
POLICY-2318 ready for approval. The change was related to maven deploy. It works locally.Build and deploy pipeline, investigating the issue in the Bell internal gitlab.Keep an eye on Jenkins to make sure that the fix works.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Sonar code coverage research

Sonar code coverage - changes suggested by Jessica

POLICY-2066: Optimization work

XACML Github PDP engine improvements

Folks - can we make it a priority to get the incoming reviews in and cleanup the inbox?

I'd like to prep for emphasizing the JDK 11 work to start next week.

OOOOOOBack on 19th Jan
Native policies and operational policy types for DroolsContinue
JUnit tests for the version handling on policy type and policy creationContinue
POLICY-2163/2164 CLC implementation into ONAP code, information gatheringGetting access to code, work on including this code in ONAP
Testing java 11 based Dockerfile, cloning it and getting it qorking locallyContinue
POLICY-2315: Cascaded read of data types for policy types, POLICY-1822: Parent policy types of policy typesContinue, wiki page opened on this, see
R6 Data Type, Policy Type, and Policy Referencing and Versioning

POLICY-2256, removal of supported policy types. POLICY-2203 resync of PAP and PDP when the supported policy types change in the subgroupContinue
POLICY-2308 logback mapping for all the policy repos. Work on persistence.xml changes to add DataType class, knock on from policy-models changes.Continue.
POLICY-2318 for priritization of base docker image, refactoring of the rolled back change, there was a missing file in the maven lifecycle flow. Deferred the phase where we are deleting the temporary file.Continue.Clarify whether there is a nice clean way of deleting a temporary file generated in teh deploy.



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Sonar code coverage disappearance

2066: Optimization

Sonar code coverage mystery

POLICY-2066: Optimization work

XACML Github PDP engine improvements

OOOOOOBack on 19th Jan
POLICY-2233, removal of supproted policy types. Review raisedStart working on POLICY-2146, the new operational policy type for Drools.
POLICY-2316, review was raised.Work on the JUnit tests. everything behaved OK in Swagger but JUints are failing, will be resolved.
POLICY-2163/2164, looking at documentationMeeting Josh today on that.
Updates for policy-modes JDK 11One remaining junit test to do in policy-models, Jim will help. Today will look at the new docker image.

POLICY-2315: Cascaded read of data types for policy types, ReviewsContinue
POLICY-2256 Removal of supported policy types from policy modelsContinue
logback.xml mapping POLICY-2308Continue


I was able to run unit tests and java build locally

I have a WIP change with my comments : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/policy/drools-applications/+/100070

Internal meeting all day long



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Optimization code

Continue with optimization

Test Liam's code for DataTypes

Back on 19th Jan
POLICY-2233: remove supportedpolicytypes from drools-pdpcontinue
POLICY-2316: versioning for policy & policy typescontinue
POLICY-2163/2164: meetings on CLCcontinue
JDK 11 upgrades on policy/models

Work with Jim


POLICY-1406: JDK 11 work


docker image for JDK 11

POLICY-1625: cleanup of model-actors

POLICY-2315: Cascaded read of data types for policy types, ReviewsContinue
Testing the new apex example + working with Ajith on the logging stuffPOLICY-2256: removing supportedPolicyTypes from policy/models
Review for apex-pdp file ownershipAdding configmap for logback.xml
OOOdocker-applications merge job failure 



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

POLICY-2066: Optimization work

CSIT Distribution Job failure

POLICY-2066: Optimization work

XACML Github PDP engine improvements



POLICY-2320: SDNC naming and oplicy DB issues. This is done.POLICY-2256: work that Ram suggested for supported policy types on the Drools PDP, to remove this.
POLICY-2316: Versioning on policy-api, version setting is set by the user over the APIContinue.What is the strategy for legacy policies?
POLICY-2163/2164 Control loop coordination and queueing.Continue.
JDK 11 updates for policy-modelsContinue.
POLICY-1625, clean up of model actors.Continue.
POLICY-2315: Cascaded read of data types for policy typesContinue.
Testing the apex example policy for control loopsStart on POLICY-1828, the PAP-PDP communication updates.
POLICY-2308, using config map for logback configuration.Continue.


OOOOOO from 23rd Dec and back on 6th Jan



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

drools-application merge failure

compilation failures in drools-application

POLICY-2066: Optimization work



POLICY-2233: OOM changes for F release.

Created POLICY-2320

POLICY-2320: testing

POLICY-2296: Remove supportedPolicyTypes from drools-pdp heartbeat messages

POLICY-2316: Version control bugContinue

Reviewed controllooop coordination materials

Internal work


JDK 11 upgrades for models

Review for POLICY-2230: remove supportedPolicyTypes for xacml-pdp

Continue with JDK 11 work
POLICY-2315: fetch DataTypes  Continue

Jenkins jobs + Apex Policy testing

Start the work on POLICY-1828 
POLICY-2308: Adding configmap to add logback.xml for all policy componentsContinue


OOOOOO from 23rd Dec and back on 6th Jan



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve


1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization application



POLICY-2319: integration - sndc naming policy issues: looking at lab logs seems issue using oom (master) + policy images (elalto).   At least one problem is that clustered mariadb does not ignore cases on tables - opened POLICY-2320.Work on 2320.
OOOPOLICY-2316: ToscaPolicy & ToscaPolicyType versioning work
OOOPOLICY-2163/2164: Coordination and locking of req & queuing of req

policy/models on JDK 11

Working on other repos for JDK 11 migration



patch on the policy/api review

PolicyType query to get DataType as well


PdpStatistics Reviews from Ericsson China folks

Fix jenkins failures on the csit tests

Pick some JIRA from PAP-PDP work


Reviews + PAP work

Take up a new JIRA


OOOOOO from 23rd Dec and back on 6th Jan



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization application


Parameterize docker for drools-applications 


Raise a JIRA for this work






Finished the policy/api test optimization work

PDP Statistics reviews & upload patch in policy/api unit test review

Policy/api yaml content stuff. No need to cherrypick in elalto as this was not supported.

Continued with the testing



CDS documentation overview & handover from Rashmi

CI pipeline syncup with Rashmi + other thingsOOO from 23rd Dec and back on 6th Jan



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

Control Loop subcommittee work

Both are kind of stuck until we resolve missing DataTypes

1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization application

Missing DataTypes from API/model code

Question: Can we change the ci-management jobs to use JDK 11 to build the JDK 8 artifacts? I think so. By doing so we setup that environment right away, small advantage.

Internal meetingsParameterize the base image for drools-application



JDK 11 upgrade work - reviews up for pap,api & xacmlWorking on drools

Policy/api unit tests work to make it faster

33 of 35 tests are working

removing duplicates

Continue and raise review today

DataType returned on the call

Finally found the reason why YAML content was not working in policy/api - We are missing the YamlMessageBodyHandler and related classes in elalto branch of policy/common

Tested by adding them and finally it works!!!

Raise a review for the same



CI pipeline work

Logs are huge while building the components

Knowledge transfer from Rashmi



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

arch review - SUCCESS!

1740: SDNC naming policy - met with SDNC team

2066: Optimization review - new changes

Both are kind of stuck until we resolve missing DataTypes

1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization application

Missing DataTypes from API/model code

JDK 11 docker strategy

base image version for drools-applications - pushed patchcontinue



working on other repos - waiting for model reviews to go incontinue

api issues - things were not working as they had previously. JUnit tests are slow but working, live environment is crashing

continue investigation


continue yesterday's work

gitlab CI pipelines - should be completed this weekcontinue



What I've Done

What I'm going to work on

Issues need help to resolve

arch review prep

1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization review - new changes

Control Loop subcommittee

Arch review

1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization application

Ali is going to release policy/models for JDK 11, bump the patch and point the component repos to the updated patch. So let's get the 2 reviews in for policy/models.

Next would be to update the base docker image to use JDK 11/Alpine and release that. I suggest using the El Alto branch version first, since master branch is still not quite done correct via the Multi Arch team changes. They will not get to finishing multi arch work until January.

However, there is no JDK 11 Alpine base image. Need to see if Integration team has an image available. So perhaps we need to defer finishing this work until Jan???

Conflict this morning for scrum

Internal + Fixed up the zip deletion issue on the gerrit

Internal CI/CD.

Investigate ways to parameterize base-image version through fabric8.io docker plugin.

E.g. drools-application base-image that we keep updating manually.

Thank you Rashmi!!



JDK 11 on policy/models & pap, api & xacmlContinue changes on other repos once the models reviews are in

Internal Meetings

Tosca validation work

Java 11 for apex

Reviews + PDP Statistics work with Ericsson China folks

PF testing in Nordix lab.

Our OOM configMap's are missing the handling of logback.xml file changes, created POLICY-2308 for the same.


Deployed CI pipelineContinue



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

CSIT job fixes last Friday

arch review prep

1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization review (if time)

Still investigating the TOSCA Policy Type, not getting Data Types. Not sure if this is an API issue or not, as the XACML PDP uses mock of the API to simulate retrieval of TOSCA Policy Type. Will need to setup environment to test actual API vs our test simulation.

Architecture review - scheduled for tomorrow.

Supporting internal team regarding policy-cds contractUpdate gerrit reviews




Upgrading policy/models to jdk 11Continue with policy/common

Checkstyle, junits & eclipse setup for java 11 POLICY-1822: Tosca validation of policy & policy type

Policy Framework installation & testing in Nordix setup.


Deployed CI pipelineContinue



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1740: SDNC naming policy - problem

2300: Increase memory policy/engine job

1740: SDNC naming policy

2066: Optimization review (if time)

arch review

Liam - reading in a Tosca Policy Type, I cannot get pointers to properties that are defined by a DataType.

Architecture review - schedule next Tuesday.

Documentation CDS patch - restructed. 


wiki page update for CDS implementation

ZIP files got deleted accidentally

question regarding GET of policies api - will try examples and ask Chenfei.




xacml pdp - removal supported policy types

models - update to JDK 11

Validation of Tosca, Checkstylecreate a user story for all checkstyle
latest Policy Framework up for testingworking on operational policy type for ApexIssue: create policy type, v1.0.0. update should  create a new policy type. Bug is it replaces the old. Should accept application/yaml.

Support for internal teams starting configuring and using policyGitlab ci pielines



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1740: working on improving coverage

2299: Remove El Alto Jobs

2066 + 1740: continue

All the sonar jobs are failing

Start finishing up large code contributions to help stabilize the jobs over the break.

unavailableAddress review comments for 2294 (minor ones)
Finish up the rest of the doc on the Wiki: e.g. image names for policy setup, samples etc

inspecting ATT contribution.

keep up with latest OOM changes in single patch, added DMaaP https support (needed feedback all correct)

1/2 day OOO

oom latest policy patch set up + test : 2291 + 2296 (not sure how far will get with new image problems)

take a quick look at Marco/Yuri's lab to see something wrong for SDN Naming

Out till 12/30


1594, 1583: policy/parent, policy/common ->jdk112230: policy types pdp-x
2281: updating doc for delta policy api

2281: continue

1625: actor model

1822: tosca validation1822: continue
Code reviews + internal work + operational policy type definition for apexWas out for the day due to an appointment.


reviewing offline reviews from Jorge


OOO starting 12/23



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

fix for api models and policy types

created ticket for improving junits for apis

2066 + 1740: continueget jenkins jobs stable

2191: offline support, drools-apps and oom out for review

2296: oom - running oom changes for frankfurt till we release - out for review

started looking at drools apps m2 contribution.

2191: basic sanity testing with patch from 2296.

continue review drools apps m2 contribution.

Notes (no issues):

2291: controller initialization went from minutes (avoiding the dependencies resolving across repos) to few seconds

2295: 7.30.0.Final drools upgrade won't come into effect until we move repos to use parent snapshot (right now released version)



1583: upgrading common to jdk 11continueplan to jdk 11 cut on jan'20

2284: csits failures pap+apex

1625: actor model clean up

1625: continue
apex csits failurescontinue
operational policy typescontinue




What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2066: optimization

2066: optimization

1740: sdnc naming - fix review comments

Documentation on running components via Eclipse (for debugging and demo purposes). Will need some help documenting that.

New security policy is to keep up with latest version of direct dependencies.

2296: doc - cds + policy integrationcontinue + review Jorge's review

2191: offline dev

drools upgrades 7.30.0

review att contribution

2191: offline, hopefully finish

oom consolidation.

2236, 2237: validation artifactscontinue + wiki updatesOOO - back on Jan,2nd.
1070: pip for pdp-xcontinue + 1263,1264 clc

no query for scale out case

OOO - back on Jan,7th.

1594: policy parent jdk 11continue
1625: models actorscontinue
1822: tosca validationcontinue
POLICY-2279: Done with the Jira. Updated the wiki in R6 collaboration area.Start with POLICY-2147 - define operational policy type for apexWill be out post-lunch. Have an appointment.
OOO til Jan 2

local deploymentcontinue



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1740: sdnc naming policy

2066: oof optimization

2257: M2/M3 checklist

worked with Ali

2066: oof optimization

Need help to get my reviews in - to support a demo for OOF tomorrow.
2294: documentation cdscontinue


2191: offline drools, run into issues with snapshot in images

try to finish 2191.

1594, 1583: upgrade release versions to parents for repos1594: continue + upgrade to jdk11
2274: delta apis finished, but waiting for csits2284: csits for delta apis
POLICY-1822: Policy & Policy Types TOSCA validationContinue(On PTL call today)
2279: updating wiki doc.finish 2279.
OOO til Jan 2

offline in productioncontinue



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1740: sdnc naming policy

2066: oof optimization

work with Ali

POLICY-2089: complete

Discussion with CDS and orange team who want to test CDS+Policy integration

Documentation on how to configure operational policy for using CDS actor (as it stands today)

install el alto lab for internal demo today

offline tests and code changes

finish offline workconsolidate oom patches into one
generic validator interface development

continue and work with liam on integration of the work

oom + code reviews

1594: upgrading repo to latest versions - issues (also Pam had a similar) still pulling out snapshot versioncontinue
2274: delta apis2274: continue
checkstyle fixing for projectscontinue plus validationwill schedule slot in PTL to discuss checkstyle findings

2279: Preload native policy type for apex-pdp via policy/api

Added the native policy type for apex, xacml & drools in defaultGroup created by policy/pap


2235: support policy types 

2273: pap api update pdps

review comments

add native policies in config files + continue

OOO from next week onwards to beginning of january

production offline support for drools (disable maven central repo, use kie.maven.offline.force, download dependency in docker image, ..)

gitlab deployment pipeline



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve
2066: oof optimization policies

1740: sdnc naming policy

2066: cont

Prep for Architecture Review: Need to present all our API updates. Can folks give me an overview of the API changes for API, PAP etc.??

Question, is the swagger up-to-date? (I understand readthe docs is failing now)

2089: CDS work

discussions with Yuri and integration team


lab work

offline support drools

continue + actor clean up
oom chart update, generic validator interface and default implementationcontinue
1070: query workcontinue - talk to Pam today
1594, 1583: jdk 11 workcontinuePOLICY-1822: Policy & Policy Types TOSCA validation

2274: delta apis

1625: clean up models actor
2279: policy type done2279: reloading types (issues reloading a type on tests issues on windows)

2273: create/update cl pap api

2268: oom changes for pdp group


2235: start dev.

connectivity issues prod BC



What I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve
2066: oof optimization policies

1740: sdnc naming policy

2066: cont

need help actor, operation policy

Mostly in meetins. If time permits 2089: continue after fix from CDS

2111: aaf+drools libraries conflicts - ok w 7.28.0.Final.

continue looking at open tickets, offline experiments

spend time looking at Pam's work in actor cleanup.

readthedocs does not show everything under parent.git/docs - not sure the extent and how far back it goes.

oom helm charts seems outdated for some recent work (pdpd-pap group), and api (missing policy types in config.json).

2236, 2237: validator interface + dependencies2236, 2237: continue
1070: investigation in op manager1070: continue
waiting for dependent review, releasing artifacts for java upgradecontinue
2274: pap api policy deltas2274: continue

2131, 2132: close policy engine code coverage tickets

eclipse work on plugins and update code

tosca validation start with wiki page.
POLICY-2279: Raised review in policy/models to add apex native policy typeWas out for the day
2273: pap api create/update2273: continue
production maven dependencies for offline mode.continue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2079: PDP-X sonars

1740: SDNC Naming Policy (pre optimization)

2066: Optimization
2089 and other

2089: continue after fix from CDS


OOO 1/2Go through tickets in progress
Work on Validator codeContinue
1070: CQ to provide count and adding PIP to PDP-XContinue

1594, 1352: parent + integration upgrades to jdk 11


2270: notifications to PAP documentation

2274: new API for deltas on deploy/undeploy

1406: Look at JDK 11 features

Continue 2270, 2274
Policy Engine Code CoverageTosca validation and self serve control loop

2279: create native type for policy types (yaml) :

2279: Update wiki + preload 
2273: pap api create/updateContinue
Production issue - need to operate offline.Continue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-2280: sonar job for policy/docker cleanup

POLICY-2066: finish optimization

New Sonar Issues: Let's give some folks who wish to start contributing a chance to help the team fix them. If NOT done by Jan M2, then we will have folks on the team work on them.

Priorities: Bugs, TSC must-haves

Time to start Models actor cleanup: Need help with https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/policy/models/+/91882

NOTE: Tomorrow sucks for me, would like to re-schedule committers meeting to today if possible.


Will resume on POLICY-2089 since the CDS team now have provided a fix.


OOO 1/2

Work on validator interface. 

Will raise a WIP review today


POLICY-1070: Change the custom query response to provide vf count

look into pip for xacml pdp

Internal trainingPOLICY-1352: Upgrade o-parent to support java 11

1406: blocked

1866: continue

POLICY-1822: Policy & Policy Types TOSCA validation

Control loop policy type


POLICY-2147: Defining control loop operational policy type for apex-pdp.

POLICY-2279: Defining native policy type for apex-pdp.

Monitor Jenkins Jobs & new Sonar Dashboard.

Continue working on both the Jira's.

If possible, have the discussion with Jim & Ajith to finalize the design of POLICY-1866 so that development can continue.

Waiting for CLAMP to proceed on POLICY-1941. Will check with them today about the progress.

We need to finish the discussions needed for PAP-PDP communication so that development on POLICY-1828 can continue.


POLICY-2273: looking into code and needs discussion

continue with the jira

Connectivity issue in prod with drools-pdpDiscuss with Jorge on permanent fix


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Internal work








Reviewing xacml and pap code.

Internal training


2186: Done with the bug

Validation of Tosca entities.

POLICY-1291: Error while building apex docs in Windows. Tried reproducing the error twice in windows 10 environment but unable to do so. Hence closed the bug and marked it unable to reproduce.

Monitor Jenkins Jobs: All the jobs except STAGE one's are passing.

POLICY-2147: Continue to work on this

Sonar migration has resulted in new set of vulnerabilities, code smell, security hotspots & bugs in all policy repos. 

Will wait for Pam to come back and suggest the action plan.



Back on Monday

Nexus connectivity with drools-pdp start



DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-2277: Documenting policy-cds contract

Worked with Bruno on the prod issue

Internal work










POLICY-1861: Finished getCanonicalNames() to getNames() in apex.

POLICY-2131: Sonar/Unit tests for policy/engine, review raised.

POLICY-2186: Bug on apex

Epics on Tosca Validation of policy & policy types. 

POLICY-1941: Informed changes needed from CLAMP and Martial agreed it.

POLICY-2147: Work on defining the control loop operational policy type for apex.

Monitor Jenkins Jobs: All the jobs except STAGE one's are passing.

POLICY-1941: Will wait for CLAMP to finish there changes.

POLICY-2147: Continue to work on this

POLICY-1291: Error while building apex docs in Windows

POLICY-2273: change PAP Group deploy/undeploy API, code changes going on.


Back on Monday

Found the issue in production regarding drools-pdp

Implementing a temporary fix today


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Documenting the policy-cds contract

Continue on documentation






Logs reduction in apex-pdp

change getCanonicalName() to getName()

unit test cases in policy/engine

Improve parsing for Tosca in PF

Operational policy types in apex

POLICY-1941: Move /deployed API from policy-api to policy-pap

CLAMP needs to switch from using the /deployed API from policy-api to policy-pap. Working with them.

Identified the required parallel task needed for the PdpGroup healthcheck & Statistics work.

Continue on POLICY-1941

Work on defining the control loop operational policy type for apex.

Reducing logs in apex done

POLICY-2273: change PAP Group deploy/undeploy API


Continue with production nexus certificate issue with drools-pdp


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-2253: Json object coming from CLAMP

POLICY-2254: Update model

Documentation of CDS adapter in policy

Issue with bootup of drools pulling artifacts from nexus



POLICY-2212, 2213: Preload native policy types

Continue working on Validator interface

POLICY-1070: AAI Pip for xacml

Internal work


Xacml & PAP codebase understanding

Mandatory internal trainings


AAI changes for ApexReducing logging in apex

Design of operational policy type for apex (control loop)

Pdp Statistics API is PAP & the monitoring UI feasibility

Continue with JIRA in PAP

Internal work

Reducing logs in apex (services-onappf module)

Internal work

POLICY-1866: continue

Issues in production with drools pulling dependencies from nexus

Documentation of CDS adapter for policy

Documenting the closed loop events



DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Testing drools-applications for CDS actor support




Done with native policy types definition

2212, 2213 - Preload native policy types in DB.

2236- Validator for native policy.

Update the wiki.

POLICY-1070: AAI pip for xacmlPOLICY-1070: continue

POLICY-2230: put on hold

2125: Finished AAI NQ → CQ in apex Reducing the logging produced by APEX, also looking at the statistics work and how to progress it.

POLICY-2158: done, code was merged on Friday

Pick up another JIRA in PAP-PDP communication

Jenkins Jobs

Start looking into Apex operational policy type definition

POLICY-2235: removal of supported policy types from apex

POLICY-2235: put on hold

Apex logs creates too much of output while building the project.

Start looking into 1866

Working with Rashmi on maven configuration issue. Errors in production deployment.Continue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2254: reviewed and merged

drools-applications running into failed rules validation

2253: dev.

look into rule validation issues.

lab testing latest version of drools pdp

aaf + usecases cl seems to work together

finished doc. changes

lab testing with mariadb galera

sonar errors reported by Ram

CSITs XACML 1866: group deploy deltas
2125: fixing AAI NQ → CQ in apex continue, should finish today, policy nearly ready to check in

2231: review merged

2158: pdp registration w heartbeat recovery

2158: cont.
2234: support pdp group - merged1941: move deploy from api to pap (overlap perhaps with 2202).
deployed policy in prod in BC !Junits for usecases with CDS


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2242: policy/engine coverage → review comments finished - merged

TOSCA compliant policy types - comments review

2066: optimization → start on past review promises

ONAP and internal meetings

2066: optimization if time permits

OOO starting tomorrow until Dec 2nd. Will be popping on for code reviews and questions.

Full day meeting and training

continue 2254: pom file reorgs. - issues in drools -apps

tsc must-have upgrade - documentation

overriding cert. store - documentation

review comments from 2249

pending tickets
doc native policy types (separate drools controller between 2)continue
other1070: aai pip

2230: coding,

study pap

junits for 2230

CSIT failures

2155: Undeploy failed policies → in review1866: Add "delta" APIs to PAP
2125: fixing AAI NQ → CQ in apex continue
2231: coding + junits continue finishing junits
2234: add pdp group to registration

2234: cont.

1941: move healthcheck api → pap (overlap w 2024)

Preparing for deploymentcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2242: review 

tosca compliant policy types


2066: optimization pending work

sonarqube to sonarcloud move (not sure of any side effects on code coverage, etc ..)

CSITs apex + pdp-x failing

ci/cd experiments 

2254: pom file reorgs. - issues in drools -apps


2249: junits drl : review comments + vFW support

2250: release zip,tar.gz: code under review for all components

tsc must-have

2249: other use cases.

finish 2250

addressing comments from native policy types review


preloading of native policy types

1070: adding pip for aai in pdp-x 1070 cont. (meet with Josh)

2230: remove supported types

other issues

continue 2230.make sure correct routing to the right application in pdp-x when policy is deployed (by pap).
m2 review2155: undeploy policy when failure in pdp deploying(put doc jiras on hold)
apex failures due to  aai cq changesOOO
2231: pdp reg. w. pdp group from heartbeat2231: continue w unit tests

xacml csit - missing change in pap - more changes coming

2234: dev.

cont 2234
prod tests for prod deployment of policycontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2242: review (lombak considerations)

tosca compliant policy types


2066: optimization pending work

multi-arch needs to be moving

sonarqube to sonarcloud move (not sure of any side effects on code coverage, etc ..)

CSITs apex + pdp-x failing

CI/CD work with policy upgrade 

CDS actor - pom + convert formats (need to create US)


2249: vlb + vcpe out for review

2250: released artifacts missing - analysis

2250: fix

2249: continue other cases

tsc must-haves

comments from native design apicontinue

2125: continue + closed

work w Pam

2230: policy types pdp-x

Failing xacml CSITs


2224: wildcard supported types - preloaded default groups

1636: document wildcard.

continue 1636 doc.

1841: notification documentation (policy/parent)

2155: undeploy policy 

1866: help Ram

2121: policy/engine coverage improv.

2121 cont.

statistics JPA with Tim

apex cq  aai changes

1797: refactoring pdp registration handled in PAP

1797: continue

1866: work w Jim

otherstudying pap code
deploying policy in production / work with Rashmicontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2242: getting there

TOSCA Compliant Policy Type

2066: optimization

2242: continue

usecases junits -  integration w Pramod changes


tsc must have

2212, 2213, finish upaddressnig comments and submit new patch, modify wiki page to reflect the latest design
2125: finished reviewscontinue

2229: pdpx - add pdp group + oom changes.

2230: remove support policy types from pdpx

2121: policy/engine clean up

work apex aai cq issues with latest models merge


pap code reviewcontinue
preparing deployment for policy continue + other


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve
2242: code coverage ONAP-REST

2066: optimization

2242: try to get the review

TOSCA Compliant Policy Type


Internal workperhaps work on Tosca spec + dcae onboarding for CLsFYI: Monday scrum conflict

Junits for usecases drl, put review out

Design Discussions.

Junits for usecases drl: put review out.Need Pramod's reviews in today

work on native Policy Types

Discussion on Drools native

continue the wiki/ticketFYI: native policies can both support another policy type or not at all.

fixing review comments

build drools-apps is failure inconsistent

continue making changes and will get the review up
2229: having XACML return PDP group

will submit today

2230: remove the supported policy types (depend on PAP)

models need change wildcard support

updated the ONAP wiki on HTTPS with gerrit

working on wildcard support types

2232: having Drools PDP return PDP group from property file

Liam: better to use a separate class vs PfKey for wildcard

2121: coverage

JRuby Bug fix

continue 2 more modules to go

work on the other bug - standalone apex running

1797: PdpRegistrationHandler + Internal workContinueTravelling on Monday, will be attending Scrum on Tuesday.
testing on Apex context - mergedLooking for PAP JIRA's


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2242: code coverage

TOSCA Compliant Policy Types


2242: code coverage cont.

TOSCA Compliant Policy Types cont.

Reminder: Let's start attacking the outstanding bugs this week.

Code coverage need to increase

TSCs must-haves (password removal from helm charts being done by seccom team).

1895: worked out commentsperhaps work on Tosca spec + dcae onboarding for CLs

Junits for drools apps usecases.drl testing (none existing). 

continue new junits

TSC must-haves

2212, 2213: review policy types for native policies

2212, 2213: continue

Build nexus validator.

2125: under review continue

2229: pdp-x report groups 

continue 2229

1832: race condition (no configuration seems like)


continue 1832

2121 continue adding coverage in PE



JRuby issue

1797: Pdp registration + Internal workContinue
2215: review commentscontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2066: optimization under review

2242: XACML-REST code coverage


TOSCA Compliant Policy Types

Reminder: Let's start attacking the outstanding bugs this week.

TSCs must-haves.

other1895: review comments 

1407: junit race condition issues in mac mostly in drools pdp

Junits for drools apps usecases.drl testing (none existing).  Need ticket for it (create ticket under cleanup epic)


TSC must-haves

2310: reviewcontinue adding policy types for native policies
latest for models and applications -aai workcontinue

2175: updates

2229: wildcard for policy types

continue 2223 + 2229

other1832: data race if time allows
2131: next batch review clean up2131 + jruby plugin apex
1797: pdp registrationcontinue
2215: contex retain in apex dev + testingcontinue
Testing + Junit test changes from Jorgecontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

optimization under review

tosca compliant policy types

fabric8 maven plugin upgrade

continueLook at outstading JIRAs

junit failures

requirements for Frankfurt

2210, 2212, 2213 - new policy type related.continue
OOOupdate to latest drools applications

2175: cont. dev.

2223: wildcards

CSIT fixes

2155: undeploying policy that failed to deploy to PDPs.


2131: db fixes,

work with Chinese colleagues for statistics tracking

2121: dev.

1797: pdp registration

distribution csit tests

apex csit failing



pdp group deploy

continue w apex work


Still local unit tests errors with patch 98265


Follow up on local junit test error


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2166: optimization

2222: Update maven plugins

2166: Optimization

TOSCA Compliant Policies

JDK 11 related

FYI: Images disappearing are because the LF set the rules to delete on creation date vs update date. 

MUST fix the CSIT health and apex jobs today.

POLICY-1895: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/policy/engine/+/98210/Continue + internal work

1407 junits and junits for usecase drl

2125: Sonars drools


work on Bruno's issue with drools

2210, preparation for an interal presentation which is for native policy supportContinue POLICY-2210, 2212, 2213 and prepare for an internal presentation

2175: dev. under reviewwork on review comments + 2223 (add wildcards).

2131: continuecontinue with breaking csits.

csit failures in apex - group deploy operation failing - under review - build failurescontinue 2215.
testing + junit tests - broken from drools upgrade in maccontinuecannot make scrum tomorrow - conflict


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

JDK 11 support to Integration team

Disappearing images issue

2166: Optimization

JDK 11

1896: review 1895: dev,

1407: legacy upgrades - add/remove control loops (not working properly) - needs redone rules, etc .. + new junits in apps

1407: summarize findings + record legacy work

sonar clean up + new junits usecase controller

control loop proposal in operational tosca policy design item

2210: dev.policy types in the framework dev (native policies)

2175: dev pdpx status - tests2175: cont.

2155: not place pdps in passive 

2155: continue

2125: sonar issues in drools apps

examples apex +

2131 pe cleanup (lombak, pojo ..)

2131: continue

2125: cont. dev.cont.
dev + recheck drools pdp issue with latest changes from Jorgecont.


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2166 + tosca compliant design

Disappearing images issue

what I can today

1) Compilation is flaky on some repos. It can't be just me, please pay attention. Possibly this is timing issue and/or test ordering.

2) Disappearing images, can anyone help with digging into the logs. Or at least pay attention to failing CSIT jobs and get them working again.

1896: lombok move + review comments

1895: wrapper class


understand design time workflow between policy + clamp.

drools-applications 7.28.0.Final "upgrade"


looking into Pramod's issue

2210: preloading policy typescontinue
2125: finish control loop tests - unable to buildcontinue
2175: status pdp-xcontinue

2131: junits clean up + sonars in policy enginecontinue
Also examples in apex-pdp are not working, looking at that as well

Went through the code changes done in PAP & Apex. Code reviews, catching up control loop work & emails.


continue 2215continue
testing - got stable application running in labcontinue and helping Pramod


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2166: Optimization

M1 templates

JIRA organization

 tosca compliant design

2166 + tosca compliant design

Issues snapshot images deleted in short interval - following up with LF

1894 + 1896: clean up

tosca specification

1895: dev.

drools 7.28.0.Final - upgrade container case - review soon out.

design meetings

drools-applications 7.28.0.Final "upgrade" with use cases replacement.

Test other tickets changes with latest versions (ie. AAF interaction)

CLM jobs - look security issues.

Native Policy Design Wiki Updates2210: look into preloading policy types
2125: aai failures - changes in aai simulatorscontinue

2164 : review comments

2175 : pdp-x

continue 2175

2203: sonars in drools-pdp

pap request handling review

passive behavior in PAP + continue
2131: junits clean up + sonars in policy enginecontinue

reviews (policy distribution) follow ups with Liang

catching up

2215: apex dev.continue
Testing CDS integration - found issues - DB deleteContinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2166: Optimization

M1 Template

2166: continue

M1 Template


Note: Wednesday meetings not correct in the calendar.

1187: dev. + unit tests

CDS wiki page

available to work for drools applications clean up.

look at 1896, 1894, and 1895.

native api review

1407:  upgrades drools - upgrade scenarios debugging

User Stories Native Policies APIscontinue
2125: control loop test casescontinue resolving aai failed queries
2154: supporting pdx passive state2175: pdx return status

2124: queries rest pap endpoint

fix csit issue

csit issues

perhaps : 2155 (pdps passive) or 2166 (derived types)

2309: jersey - done

2135: onap rest policy/engine sonars

continue 2135
Welcome Back!OOF + Distribution + catch-up 
2211: apex bug 2215: context in api based on updates
Issues with Policy install in PAP +PDP-D APPS + invalid SQL continue investigating


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve



M1 Template

Note: Wednesday meetings not correct in the calendar.

review comments and worked on them

1187 : look at it, and nay task to pick up from actor's cleanup


1407: reviews merged

1407: continue
User stories for Frankfurt epic 1845 (native PDP policy support)continue

2168: put a review out

2154: passive state in xacml-pdp 

2154 continue

2024: PAP REST API for deployment status

2024: continue

clean up onap rest in engine

jersey upgrade work


apex mapping review merged - found bugcontinue bug + context on apex 1719: need to discuss
lab work - pnf supportcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2146: operational policies - tosca compliant policies

1740: sdn naming policy (similar to optimization)

2166: optimization 

sonars + checkstyle + ..

helping integration team with oparent

OOOreview comments + pnf (1187)
1407: reviews out for drools upgrade1407: continue
wiki - native design api flowsuser stories for NDA
2125: junit testscontinue
2168: jmeter additions pdp-x2168: continue

2203: sonar in pdp-d (locking) + refactoring

2190: pap notification

2024: pap rest jaxrs

2121: sonars + checkstyle policy/engine

jersey upgrades all repos (may enable us to get rid of Jackson)

continue jersey upgrades

reviews tosca mapping apex - testingcontinue with testing
Deployed lab with policy and cds - exercising eventscontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve
ONAP related meetings etc.

TOSCA Compliant Policy Types

possible multi-tasking with sonar/code coverage.

NOTE: policy/engine requirement is only 55% per TSC. Yeah!

1407: usecases + amsterdam ok.   different behavior with upgrades that will probably affect brmsgw mode of operation.1407: cont.
native api designnative api design related work
2125: drools apps work - going through unit tests2125: cont.
other2154: cont.
2203: sonar for drools-pdpcontinue

Updated apex-pdp for the changes in policy-models APPC
Discivered clashes between the versions of Jetty in policy-common and apex-pdp.

Also working on POLICY-2131, engine cleanup

POLICY-2131, engine cleanup

Unfiying the versions of jetty across the Policy Framework, running into issues with registering providers in policy-common in the latest version of jetty

I might touch base with James Hahn later on the poliyc-common endpoints issues I'm having.

(I need to take an internal meeting at this time, there's a clas only this week because Europe switched off DST last weekend).


working on review commentscontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

native policy design

clean up code drools applications

tosca compliant policy types

continue design
1187 + Design PNF relatedcontinue
1407: drools upgrade - usecases working ok, amsterdam issues (brmsgw)1407: continue - amsterdam problems
native api designcontinue
2125: coded models + drools-apps - may need substantial tests rewrites2125: cont.
2154: analysis (passive mode)continue
2203 + 2204 : sonars1841 > 2190 dev. 
2122 and misc. code clean up continue

review comments on tosca policy mapping apexcontinue
test CDS - deploy policy in internal lab

continue deploying w latest version - testing

work w Rashmi


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

M1 template

Operational/Tosca Policy design

Roadmap organization JIRA model
CDS testingcont.
1407: dev + testing in progress1407: cont.
design native apicont.
2125: completed code - issue with CLManagercont.

2168: dev.

2164: support passive move

reviews + support1841: cont.
2121: PE checkstylecont.

1626: review commentscont
CDS testing OOM testing


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Native API

2066: Optimization - will put up a review

Cleanup of Actor/Model/Drools-applications - Roadmap and JIRA organization

M1 Template

Mostly internal work + POLICY-2089 CBA troubleshooting.Follow-up troubleshooting session with Yuriy to fix the CBA
2604 + new work frankfurt requirementsdrools upgrade
discussions native policy apiscontinue
2125: models 2125: drools apps
2168: started (jmeter) - IT blocking issuescontinue
1841: junits1841: continue



CDS Integrationcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2066: Optimization - continue

2066: optimization continue

Native API design

Cleanup of Actor/Model/Drools-applications - Roadmap and JIRA organization

2089: dev.cont. 2089.

2604:  oom review out, missing PE, apex can see output on logs, need ajith/liam help on this to verify

1945: little reviews

s3p tests review2182: create encoder/decoder drools content type
2125: nq removalcontinue
2168: cont.testing 2108

2113: finished distr. locking api

1841: notifications

cont. 1841
2121: clean up onap rest module PE (does not compile in nordix)cont. 2121

review comments from Liam - apexcontinue
testing policy + cdscontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2145: review comments

2133: review comments

2066: Optimization - continue

2089: fixing review comments continue dev.

1945: pretty much finished (and will open a ticket to handle failsOnViolation)

2604: think found solution for binary files in configmaps

continue 2604.
2185: api endpoint (policy create) dev.2185: cont.
2125: dev. cont.2125: cont.
csit submit + bug fix 2126.2168: cont.
1841: drools apps 1841: junits
POLICY-2131 ONAP-REST coverage and Sonar issuesCOntinue.

changes apex mapper, dependency conflict + reviewcont.

integration cds in policy (integrate new changes and testing)

support PNF in policy.

cont. integration + PNF support


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2145: review comments

2133: review comments

2066: Optimization - review comments + new review

continue all today - lots of ONAP meetings

2089: flatten grpc payload (cds)

2089: cont. review comments.

1945: under review

2604: under investigation, reinstalling with recommended versions

1945: finish

2605: cont.

native policy design apis3p for api component
2125: models (issues with build)2125: cont.
2166: dev found bug2166 + 2167: cont.
1841: notification1841: cont.
Self Serve CLSelf Serve CL

1626: review commentsdev.
cds testingcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2145: 2 reviews

2133: 1 review

2066: Optimization - 1 review

continue Optimization

other + 2089: dev. cdsupdating payload cds.

1945: review out, handle all crypto decoding in library (which makes it generic/transparent to other invoking code).   One small piece of work left after this one.

retake 2064: helm problems with cert store overrides

1945: cont.

csit dev.native policy support
2125: remove nqcontinue
2167: updating csit2167 + 2168 (sp3)
1841: notification1841: cont.
2127 and other2127: cont. + reviews.

1626: review out, work in comments1626: cont.
Running cds locally + internalcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2145: decided to continue formatting policy/engine (and light sonar work)

2066: Optimization

Frankfurt Release CL reqs



2133: Code consolidation for coverage on POLICY-SDK-APP

2089: CBA is all fixed now. End-to-End Policy for CDS actor for vFW works fine. Yuriy suggested to flatten the payload for CDS, will work on this today
2064: struggling with bad interactions between deploy plugin and sizable helm chart.

2064, 1945: continue

User stories under Native Policy Epics - endpoints, custom coders work .. CSIT updates, continue

2166, 2167: dev work2166, 2167: cont.
ooo1841: working on notification
2127: self serve2127: cont,  on business trip this week, busy with other items today but should have more time tomorrow.

1626: writing test casescontinue
CDS Testingcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2145: formatter - mostly useful for cmd line formatting

2126 Ali's review - I think we are there with it

2145: finish

2066: optimization

Frankfurt Release Planning for CL Req's

2088: dev. + integration tests2089: cont.

2064: apex, dist cert override

reviews (locking, passwd enc, ..)

1945: (passwd encoded) aid code in pdp-d and clean up in commons.

2064: oom 

1945: library utils to wrap CryptoUtils usage in config


missing csit - create api

create user stories for policy/common for native policies

2125: dev.2125: cont.
2126: code changes2166, 2167: cont

2127: self serve2127: cont

1626: tosca apex cont tests
integration tests CDScontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve
other ONAP work

2066: optimization

2145: formatter - finish this by having all repos point to policy/parent SNAPSHOT

Ali's review

2089: cds grpc client update + blueprint debugging WIPInternal work
Will continue if time permits

2064: api, pap, pdp-x cert override

reviews (locking, passwd enc, ..)

1945: (passwd encoded) aid code in pdp-d and clean up in commons.

2064: oom

Native Policy API DesignContinue
2125: dev. continuecontinue
2166: updates, 2167: csits

2168: dev.

2126: review comment (open)

2137: self serve CLcontinue

1626: raised reviewcontinue
2088: junit fixed, and review work


work w Rashmi testing


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2171: release

2066: optimization

continuemore work to do for 2171 (snapshot bump)
cds integration junit issuescds grpc client changes + blueprint

2171: release

lab elalto latest - verifying brmsgw path with unmatching versions - OK works

reviews, design meets

2064: cert store overrides
design native policy api continue

2125: documenting NQ AAI calls

Need to evaluate interactions with Bruno's work


2126, 2166: pdp-x swagger, waiting on comments


2113: lock api, under review

1841: notifications

other2027: self service control loops

1626: dev.continue
cds integration - addressed reviews, looking at junit failingcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve
2133: dev. (almost done sonars) - goal >= 60%

continue 2133

2066: optimization work

el alto models (and those repos pointing to it) and drools-apps need to be bumped in snapshot

cds actor integration

work w Bruno + Yuryi

reviews, locking especially

integration drools-apps image from Pramod, regression tests - seems brmsgw path not working properly, may have to release

reinstalling lab with latest official w Pramod, verify brmsgw path working or not, to release or not.  Heads up.

Native Policy doc and discussions Design

2125: rid of NQcontinue

2126: review comments

2166: dev.


1841: review interface notification

support debugging onap/pdp (x|a) - topic-parameters, empty consumer groups.

1841 continue (add policy type?)

2113 continue

sdc client interface review in elalto review

sonar cleanup in models

epic self service CL

1626:  devcontinue
cds actor integration working on review commentscontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2133: more sonar and some coverage. I have another review ready to go today.

Frankfurt reqs

2133: will submit today

Frankfurt reqs

Switch to optimization work.

Please help get the open reviews in. Take a look at Bruno's review to see what the issue is.
Sick leaveCanadian holiday

license issues in distribution / csit

oom release w pramod changes

open issue w distribution build in elalto


user story frankfurt

integration if needed

documentation + csit api component

native policy design

native policy design 

2156: release elalto2125: remove nq in frankfurt
2126: submit2126: cont. working on other subtasks.

2113: locking - review

1841: notification policy changes

1841: json proposal notification structure

2125: not making pdp passive

self serve control loop


continue self serve control loop

1626: apex policy mappingcont.
InternalCanadian holiday


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2179: will hold off until Ali's code comes in

2133: continue will sonar cleanup - up now another .1% 

JIRA additions

Working with Chenfei on Native API scope/flow

CSIT fix

Work with Pramod on release

2133, 2135: continue

JIRA assignments and estimations

Control Loop Requirements work


integration support (vcpe)

misc: reviews, design meets, ..

integration support if needed

user story

2157: documentation

native policy support

continue native policy support

2157: continue + csists (2161)

need to discuss with Jorge for native policy support
releasing imagescontinue release images
2126: cont.2126: cont.
2113: lock persistence2113: cont.
2027: self-serve CLcontinue

continue 1626continue
  • Fix for protobuf-java dependency conflict submitted in drools-pdp
  • Investigation for junit test error with drools-application change build
Mainly internal


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2179: almost done (sonar xacml)

2133: cont - review ready

JIRAs release planning

Documentation Support

2133, 2135, JIRA Release Planning continue

Help Pramod with release.

CSIT related fixes for load


integration support

design items/discussions

One of these: 1757: stores overrides or AAF cert on the fly or 1407: drools upgrade or 2111: interference AAF cadi and drools libs.
1991: dev. api + models

1991: cont. - documentation+ csit

work w Marco scale-outsnapshot release for El Alto
2126: tests decision api pdp-x2126: cont.
2113: persistence on lockingcontinue
CL PNF related2027: self server cls

1626: investigation tosca policy relatedcont.
CDS integration tests, conflict with libraries dependenciescont.

What I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2133: policy/engine coverage

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA

2179: continue

2133: continue

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA work

add estimates in Frankfurt user stories
test vFW integration w CDS - Issues pending: dup dependencies, changes to payloadcontinue

Integration testing vLB use case

lab reinstall latest drools snapshot

finish logging write up

One of these: 1757: stores overrides or AAF cert on the fly or 1407: drools upgrade or 2111: interference AAF cadi and drools libs.

integration tests vLB

otherwork w Pam in backlog work for API (1991)
2125: elimination of NQ - tracingcontinue
2126: testscontinue with 2126: junits

Lock review out

Persistence for Locking Dev.

PAP Notification 

JIRA management + work w Chinese colleagues

Requirements work PNF - interface w CLAMP


1626: investigation - tosca policy relatedcontinue
integration testing vFW w CDScontinue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2133: policy/engine coverage

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA

2179: continue

2133: continue

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA work

Please help to resolve the PAP - PDP registration.

test CDS policy integration - rules failed to compilecontinue

2111: override settings.xml

PE GUI tests - running trouble looking at policies (javascript errors) - will bring it up to Utkarsh.

Install lab - latest pdpd-cl master, problems with DMaaP and AAF trying to look at some problems Rashmi mentioned.

revisit logging items to do since ATT team has overlapping items.

continue lab work and reproduce errors

do logging testing on compliance to feed back to ATT team.

look into api/pap/.. cert override, or drools upgrade, follow up with Jonathan on 2111 to understand what cadi libraries does.

2121: pdpx dev.2121: cont.
2113: locking api dev.2113: cont.csit issues - related to snapshots gone + api dockerhub merge
self-serve control loop reqs.continuechinese team from ericsson to look at statistics reports dev. work (2025)

1626: tosca models mappingcontinue
test cds actor integration - working with rashmicontinue
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2133: policy/engine coverage

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA

2179: continue

2133: continue

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA work

Please help to resolve the PAP - PDP registration.

test CDS policy integration - rules failed to compilecontinue

2111: override settings.xml

PE GUI tests - running trouble looking at policies (javascript errors) - will bring it up to Utkarsh.

Install lab - latest pdpd-cl master, problems with DMaaP and AAF trying to look at some problems Rashmi mentioned.

revisit logging items to do since ATT team has overlapping items.

continue lab work and reproduce errors

do logging testing on compliance to feed back to ATT team.

look into api/pap/.. cert override, or drools upgrade, follow up with Jonathan on 2111 to understand what cadi libraries does.

2121: pdpx dev.2121: cont.
2113: locking api dev.2113: cont.csit issues - related to snapshots gone + api dockerhub merge
self-serve control loop reqs.continuechinese team from ericsson to look at statistics reports dev. work (2025)

1626: tosca models mappingcontinue
test cds actor integration - working with rashmicontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2133: policy/engine coverage

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA

2179: continue

2133: continue

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA work

Please help to resolve the PAP - PDP registration.

test CDS policy integration - rules failed to compilecontinue

2111: override settings.xml

PE GUI tests - running trouble looking at policies (javascript errors) - will bring it up to Utkarsh.

Install lab - latest pdpd-cl master, problems with DMaaP and AAF trying to look at some problems Rashmi mentioned.

revisit logging items to do since ATT team has overlapping items.

continue lab work and reproduce errors

do logging testing on compliance to feed back to ATT team.

look into api/pap/.. cert override, or drools upgrade, follow up with Jonathan on 2111 to understand what cadi libraries does.

2121: pdpx dev.2121: cont.
2113: locking api dev.2113: cont.csit issues - related to snapshots gone + api dockerhub merge
self-serve control loop reqs.continuechinese team from ericsson to look at statistics reports dev. work (2025)

1626: tosca models mappingcontinue
test cds actor integration - working with rashmicontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2145: eclipse formatter plugin

2133: policy/engine coverage

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA

2179: continue

2133: continue

2135: M1 milestone - JIRA work

Please continue the PAP - PDP registration discussion without me - on the PTL call.

2063: investigation with latest changes in AAF.

Miscellaneous design discussions.

2063: continue

logging area analysis

Conflictinternal commitment

2126: pdp-x decision api2126: continue

2144: enhanced dmaap

2113: lock api

continue with 2113

time off

Tosca Policies control loop


looking at JIRAs2022: stats 
CDS integration dev, - rework on commentscontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2179: xacml-pdp sonars trying to get sonar working

1937: subtasks for policy/engine coverage

2179: continue

1937: continue

2135: M1 milestone - lots of JIRA organization etc.

Sprint planning

Setup another meeting regarding PAP-PDP registration

setting up local environment - test cds/policy integrationwill continue - may need help with telemetry api
looking at getting vfirewall setup - understanding the scriptscertificate update - outside image

Pam will contact about other remaining work

Need to decide how to support multiple groups for PDPs that support a REST API. eg. XACML. Will setup a wiki page for that.

2125: removal of the named query
2126: xacml pdp adding a parameter for monitoring to return a smaller payloadcontinue

2113: lock API should be done today

Enhanced the dmaap simulator - will put up a code review
paper2027: self serve control loops

internal work

k8s play time

2088: response to comments

will address the comments for: 1) single instance, 2) listener registration

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

2114: Postman documentation

2179: finish xacml sonar

PAP-PDP Registration discussion - let's continue discussions

Heads Up: My next TODO is Cleanup of Actors/Models etc. - need organization of the what needs to be done, separated by PDP-agnostic changes, and PDP specific changes.

Whole day session internally.
Spoke to Yuriy about CDS epics/stories for REQ-33, will update the req once he sends me the JIRA#
Setting up an environment to test CDS+Policy for vFW

PORTAL-760: follow up + review (standalone doc).

Notes on wiki on policy weekly meeting PDP registration and k8s

PORTAL-760: continue.

See if there's feedback from Mike Elliott and look in charts.

Native Policies API analysis on wikicontinue adding apex examples

2126: pdp-x decision api2126: continue 
2113: dev.2113: continue
2129: Apex documentationcontinue

2110: SDC Distribution Testing - looks goodPlaying with kubernetes APIs

Changes to review for POLICY-2088:
1. https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/policy/parent/+/96560
2. https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/policy/models/+/96356
3. https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/policy/drools-applications/+/96360/

follow up on comments from the review


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Documentation + JIRA

2114: sonar


2114, 2179: cont.Integration Lab with not GUI coming up 

2089: cds testing, issues with return status


2089: continue integration tests


2121: api documentation

paper review

2125: nq relatedcontinue
2090: pdp-x testutils2126: pdpx

2113: locking api

Policy paper conference

1402: Tosca Compliant Policy Types


2122: decoder hpa policy

kubernetes deployment and grouping investigation


2127: creating apex policy in tosca

2110: testing SDC distribution

CDS Integration changes - CQ + dep-managementcontinue + work with Pramod


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

El Alto - Documentation

Frankfurt - Epic & User Story

El Alto - finalize Documentation

Frankfurt - Epic Planning

Heads up: Models and Actor integration work for Frankfurt need a lot of coordination between all contributors:

  • incoming work from AT&T
  • planned work from myself
  • additions for PNF etc. from use cases
  • etc etc etc

2089: Updating CBA for firewall

identified modifications required for CDS request payload - pushed patch

waiting for reviews

internal work

setup internal test


2121: documentation links in api

2124: investigate CRUD for native policies

2121: will submit
waiting vDNS testing2125: remove named query from master

vFirewall showed the named query being called - wait to see if all use cases have the problem.


New laptop woes!!

2113: New Lock API

working on the paper - NOMS 2020will circulate the paper
2122: distribution decoder & params for HPASend email to Liang - change the decoder, add any new parameters to the Parameters FileGone on Thursday
2062: apex loggingadding example apex specific service template format
2088: CDS actor - minor change pushed (WIP)go through all the change reviews


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

El Alto - finalize Documentation

Frankfurt - Epic Planning

Some last minute Documentation items may need some help with. Will let folks know.

Heads up: Models and Actor integration work for Frankfurt need a lot of coordination between all contributors:

  • incoming work from AT&T
  • planned work from myself
  • additions for PNF etc. from use cases
  • etc etc etc

POLICY-2089: vFW use case updatePOLICY-2089: Document changes in wiki & work on implementation
Native policy support - created new page under collaboration wiki for R6

Discuss on-boarding XACML policy & Apex policy

Waiting on vDNS use case to be tested (El Alto)Check with Marco on the same

2113: locking API enhancements continue
Reviews and internal workcontinue
Distribution infra for HPA policy as per new frameworkcontinue
Started working on POLICY-2062continue
POLICY-2088: change submitted for models & drools-applicationcontinue with POLICY-2088 / internal workdiscuss with Jim/Pam for next steps tomorrow