2020-02-19 AAI Meeting Notes

Attachments (including meeting recording):




Service model and schema impactBenjamin Cheung

Security Requirements for podsJames Forsyth

REQ-215 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Graphgraph not included in OOM deployment. How can we make it an essential part of the ONAP deployment.

Step 0: Make it stable.  Fix the docker build Jenkins jobs for graphgraph, may need to upgrade to a version of npm to be acceptable to graphgraph.  Needs to fit into the LF global-job jobs.  


Fred from VerizonOPEN

How do we accelerate migration using A&AI and the RunTime DB solution

Proposed a topic to be explored by AI&I and other ONAP WGs.

High impact, common interest among most CSPs 


Status Quo:

Most operators have multiple, siloed, possibly overlapping topology and inventory (domain specific) databases

Goal is to integrate ALL Inventory, and Topology databases into a Unified AI&I Architecture modeled DB which would contain ALL VNFs (VMs/Containers), PNFs, plus support easy expansion for future Inventory & Topology constructs/technologies.  

May take considerable time/investment (both are short).


Targeted Objectives

  • Fast integration/consolidation time
  • Minimize impact to business systems during migration
  • Reduce throw away code
  • Reduce throw away integration work
  • Improve Service/Resource LCM & SA, especially for 5G


How to accelerate the migration to Unified Database?

  • Phased Externalization of key PNF/VNF/CNF attributes currently stored in multiple inventory and topology silos.
  • Simplify the eventual consolidation of Inventory and Topology DBs using proposed automation tools and advanced discovery capabilities supporting the above
  • Leverage AI&I and possibly the ONAP Runtime Config DB and other ONAP WGs to help solve the problem
  • Proposed topic can be explored by the AI&I and other ONAP WGs.
  • Need to expand this preliminary list
SONAR coverage reportDONE


AAI-2793 - Getting issue details... STATUS

James Forsyth, the main reason behind these discrepancies is the fact that SonarQube is based on version 6.7.1 and SonarCoud is version 8+ 

After migrating to SonarCloud, we fetch updates they do automatically without the need of doing any manual upgrade. Since we migrated, few things have changed. For example:

  • LF does no longer mark warnings in the reports, only pass or fail
  • LF is no longer able to manage individual quality profiles per language. Whatever latest support is there, we fetch this automatically in our side.
  • Jacoco plugin has changed quite a bit, we need to make sure our reports are now xml based instead of exec. I think this can be the main reason why you are facing coverage drops. Can you please check? This is what Sonar mentioned to me in detail: 

You can find more info in the wiki :https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/SonarCloud+migration+from+SonarQube

Update 19 Feb: All Fixed except: aai-sparky-be, aai-esr-server and aai-validation.  Jimmy is working on them.

Looking for volunteer to fix papyrus issue

AAI-2771 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Graphgraph doesn't parse the latest AAI schema correctly.  Need someone to investigate

Spring boot upgrade issue

AAI-2528 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AAI-2769 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 2 Spring beans with the same name is disallowed in Spring boot 2

sparky and data-router certificate issueFrancis PaquetteIN PROGRESS

Sparky is using the AAF certificate interaction with Portal but a self-signed certificate to talk to search-data-service.  The search-data-service key story was removed.  

AAI-2765 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AAI-2766 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Collab effortsIN PROGRESS
Windriver Lab ChangeDONE

The Intel/Wind River lab was relocated into a new data center last week.   The only change required to connect to the new location is to update the VPN IP in the .ovpn file.  Here is the change:

[sgooch@atl-sgooch-lx ~]$ diff -u pod-onap-01.ovpn.org pod-onap-01.ovpn

--- pod-onap-01.ovpn.org   2020-01-13 13:03:03.960856010 -0500

+++ pod-onap-01.ovpn 2020-01-09 18:27:03.560549576 -0500

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@


dev tun

proto tcp

-remote 443

+remote 443

resolv-retry infinite



Discuss developers call timeDONETuesdays @ 9 AM US/Eastern, 19:30 India Standard Time
SO query in AAIDONE

NNI Use Case - discovering 2 topologies from the network

Use case is asking for the ability in AAI to link an underlay and overlay together by having a cousin relationship between 2 PNFs.  Asking Chandra Cinthalato verify if that edge rule can be added for the Frankfurt release.

Per Chandra: "I think pnf -> pnf edge is redundant and not needed as we can traverse (thru a logical or physical interface) from pnf -> p-interface/l-interface -> pnf."

Chandra Cinthala  please note: According to shashikanth.vh, the team requires a relationship from an overlay topology node to an underlay topology node; by using the p-interface in overlay we cannot traverse to underlay node.  Suggest to allow an edge for PNF→PNF, which is consistent with RFC 8345 model

Search guard issueGiulio Graziani ON HOLD

Merged and released yesterday; issue is closed. 

AAI-2617 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Tracking for Frankfurt:

AAI-2677 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Search guard container no longer available so elasticsearch-sg won't build.  Search guard allows us to secure the elastic communication, which in older versions was not available but newer versions have support for secure communication.


Consider opendistro as replacement for search-guard

Can we consider this one:


E2E Network SlicingLIN MENGDONEFor the E2E Network Slicing use case for Frankfurt Release, we intend to leverage the nested service model work that has been going on since Dublin release. From A&AI perspective, we foresee that the schemas would have to be enhanced to cover network slicing models. We have considered A&AI to be a stretch goal for Frankfurt, though we are committing resources. So, we would like to start the discussion in the coming weeks, and subsequently implementation work to try our best to complete the implementation for Frankfurt. AAI-2600 has been created just to indicate the SDC impacts, we will update it with more details, and also join the A&AI weekly call during the next 1-2 weeks to discuss further.

AAI-2726 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Francis Paquette  need evaluation of feasibility in Frankfurt for sparky

GraphGraph Image Missing in NexusVenkata Harish KajurOPEN

Graph Graph Images are missing from nexus and it needs to be resolved in order for elalto deployment to be successful.


How did this docker image get pushed to nexus and why was it removed from nexus?  

Graphgraph was removed from the default helm chart, but we still need to get these jobs fixed.

  • James Forsythwill look at it and ask Former user (Deleted)for guidance on this - looks like some jjbs are missing and configs are probably wrong, too.
  • Ondrej F will reach out to Pavel and see if we can figure out why the build and stage jobs are failing.
Data-router not startingIN PROGRESS

Assigned  AAI-2727 - Getting issue details... STATUS  to Steve Blimkie

AAI-2730 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Cassandra 3DONE

SDC wants to move up to Cassandra 3 in the shared db environment.  

AAI-2731 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Java 11James ForsythON HOLD

Venkata Harish Kajur tried schema service, a couple of dependency changes were required to get it to start. Eclipselink that is currently configured is incompatible.  


is also incompatible

Needs more investigation for other repos

Need new common image (which Alpine image would we pick?)

AAI UI Issue

AAI Committers

  • James Forsythwill ask cl664y@att.comabout the status of a committer who has left the company (Tian Lee has left Amdocs, do we revoke committer status?)

Peng He  is a potential committer on ESR (currently only Jimmy can commit ESR code)

Code Test Coverage

Goal for Frankfurt is 55%

AAI-Common 58.7
AAI-Champ 58.3
AAI-DataRouter 58
AAI-GraphAdmin 56.6
Schema Service 56.7
Sparky 57.3
Spike 56.3

  • Steve Blimkie will check with architects around the utility of champ and spike in the context of ongoing support in ONAP
  • James Forsyth will set them to read-only (gizmo, champ, spike) and El Alto will be the final release version of those microservices AAI-2732 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • James Forsyth will remove the jenkins jobs on those repos 
AAI-2733 - Getting issue details... STATUS

sparky-fe  AAI-2711 - Getting issue details... STATUS

graphgraph  AAI-2713 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Upcoming R6 Functional RequirementsBenjamin CheungIN PROGRESS

Release 6 (Frankfurt) proposed use cases and functional requirements

Use Case Realization Call: September 25, 2019

AAI-2600 - Getting issue details... STATUS

We have created REQ-158 -  for this use case. For AAI impacts, we have created AAI-2600 - A&AI support of Network Slicing Demo in Frankfurt.Reg. details of the AAI impacts, this is still being worked out, as there is an alternative proposal, and we are trying to align w.r.to scope & impacts. We will share more details in the coming days. The overall use case will also be presented to the Architecture Sub-committee for approval (based on the f2f discussions that happened in Antwerp 2 weeks ago).

AAI-2670 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AAI-2671 - Getting issue details... STATUS

We are currently reviewing the list of items we found in the BBWF BBS testing and once we sort through them we will communicate the results back to ONAP community.

Regarding AAI specifically, we do not foresee any new requirements for Frankfurt, but we would like to conclude the review first before jumping to final conclusions.

AAI-2672 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • James Forsyth No status yet, will ask on UCR call today.  Followed up, no representation from use case.  Will look for response via email.

AAI-2673 - Getting issue details... STATUS

We are not expecting any changes at this time. Tech Mahindra is working on populating a&ai with the VNF specific information from K8S. There is a chance that we realize some changes to the schema, but we don’t expect any changes to the code.

AAI-2674 - Getting issue details... STATUS

During run-time solution there are AAI impacts. Run-time solution is not planned for Frankfurt release. Only Import Service Catalog solution in SDC is targeted for F release.

AAI Impact highlights:

After Service Order decomposition in SO, CFS Service Instance details will be stored in AAI.

After response from 3^rd^ Party Domain, RFS instance details will be updated in AAI.

The sequence diagram  depicts the run time view  of Third Party Order Activation using the on-boarded service definition and highlights AAI impacts.

ReUse in AAI:

We plan to leverage the SPPartner model, created for CCVPN, to store the 3^rd^ Party details in AAI.

org.onap.aai.domain.yang.SpPartner present in aai-schema v15

  • James Forsyth Confirm on UCR call that this is object re-use and test only support from AAI

AAI-2623 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Have done some prototyping in Dublin to ingest topology from external controllers and show them in A&AI. Will need more work to act on notifications from controllers and keep the topology in sync

AAI-2678 - Getting issue details... STATUS

For the 5G Bulk PM use case in R6, I’m attaching a few slides showing how we think AAI can be used as part of the UC realization. We are currently making the following assumptions:

  • PNF and VNF models contain status attribute that can indicate when a new instance has been fully instantiated (may still require update to SO workflow)
  • AAI will send topology event on AAI-EVENT topic when status attributes are updated

Can you review the slides and the assumptions above and let us know if you see any issue. We can also setup a separate meeting if needed.

Note: I will share the same slides on the SO weekly meeting today.

Frankfurt Release Requirements

MigrationAnkit BhattIN PROGRESS

What is the purpose of MigrateCloudRegionUpgradeCycle migrator in onap graphadmin migration framework?

  • Need