ONAP El Alto Troubleshooting

ONAP El Alto Troubleshooting

Problems/Issues encountered or steps required when using ONAP El Alto after a fresh installation

AAI graphgraph imagePullBackOff

See OOM-2161: Error pulling pnda & aai-graphgraph imagesClosed

change image in aai-graphgraph deployment

# kubectl edit deploy dev-aai-aai-graphgraph -n onap ...  image: zhabba/aai-graphgraph:1.5 ...

AAI Portal

See https://docs.onap.org/en/elalto/submodules/portal.git/docs/release-notes.html

AAI UI’s new role “ui_view” is not registered in AAF, Portal cannot fetch it. So, the work around is

  1. upload new role from Bulk Upload in Portal Roles page (create a csv file which has one line like: ui_view,10 )

  2. Sync Roles on same page

  3. Assign this ui_view role to demo account in User page

  4. Then demo user can access AAI UI app from Portal

SDC Portal

SDC portal not loading

Solution: open in a new browser tab https://sdc.api.fe.simpledemo.onap.org:30207/sdc1/portal and accept the certificate security risk

VID Portal

VID portal not loading

Solution: open in a new browser tab https://vid.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30200/vid/welcome.htm?cc=1576864009719 and accept the certificate security risk

Policy Portal

Policy portal not loading. See PORTAL-760: Access to Policy portal is impossibleClosed 

Solution: open in a new browser tab https://policy.api.simpledemo.onap.org:30219/onap/policy and accept the certificate security risk