DCAE Committer Role Approval process

DCAE Committer Role Approval process

In general ONAP pre-requisite for committer entails responsibilities documented under

Highlighted below are a few responsibilities and processes which are more important from the DCAE standpoint.

Committer Responsibilities

ONAP contributors seeking promotion to committer status should demonstrate the following abilities and behaviors

  • Gerrit involvement - putting up reviews of their own, reviewing other reviews of contributors/committers

  • Proactive - do not wait to be part of a epic/story/task or wait to be part of a review, or wait to bring forward build/design issues, or wait to bring new capabilities to the project and any other members of ONAP pushing or pulling from your component

  • JIRA involvement - including one or more of raising, reviewing, commenting, testing, linking, attaching to, answering questions on, closing JIRAs

  • Design review of all the release Epics and wiki documentation for the current and pending release.

  • Confluence involvement - writing/editing/reviewing/answering-on wiki pages around their projects, building in general

  • Participation in onap-discuss work including helping with issues, raising issues

  • Participation in the weekly project meeting

  • Participation in pre-release blitzes

  • Integration ability - the developer should be able to bring up the entire ONAP deployment either in OOM or HEAT to be able to E2E test their particular component and any flows involving it

  • Support for atleast 2 release as committer role preferred

  • Champion an requirement/usecase end-end for a release. This requires working close with Integration team and usecase owners for documentation/delivery.

  • Share project progress and plan on ONAP conferences

  • Review Security fixes and vulnerability report and proactively address them with community



Adding or Removing Project Committers

Committer Promotion Request for [your-project-tag]