AAI Schema and EdgeRule Audit rules
This page should document all validation rules that should be performed on a schema (OXM + edgerules) in order to verify if it is valid.
each node from edgerules has to be present in OXM
OXM Class Definitions to EdgeRules Classes
The OXM schema definition contains both a "plural" and a "singular" form of each class like the example below, which describes:
VRFs (plural)
VRF (singular)
<java-type name="Vrfs">
<xml-root-element name="vrfs"/>
<xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vrf" name="vrf" type="inventory.aai.onap.org.v16.Vrf"/>
<java-type name="Vrf">
<xml-root-element name="vrf"/>
The EdgeRules only refer to the singular form of the classes, but also contain a "multiplicity" that allows for "many" objects to be in the relationship, like the example below, which describes:
"many VRFs belongs To one PNF"
"from": "vrf",
"to": "pnf",
"label": "org.onap.relationships.inventory.BelongsTo",
"direction": "OUT",
"multiplicity": "MANY2ONE",
"contains-other-v": "!${direction}",
"delete-other-v": "!${direction}",
"prevent-delete": "NONE",
"default": "true",
"description":"A vrf belongs to a pnf."
Errors and Warnings
if the multiplicity is defined as "ONE2ONE", then attempts to add more than one object to either side of the relationship will result in an error
if the multiplicity is defined as "MANY2ONE", then attempts to add more than one object of the "to" class will result in an error
if the multiplicity is defined as "ONE2MANY", then attempts to add more than one object of the "from" class will result in an error
All relationships are mostly optional, so in the UML model:
the cardinality for "ONE" should actually be "0..1"
the cardinality for "MANY" should actually be "0..n"
Thus, an incorrectly restrictive EdgeRule multiplicity is detected through exhaustive testing of all the data combinations, but redundant "MANY2MANY" EdgeRule multiplicity is detected through audit and inspection.
OXM Containment to TREE EdgeRules
In the OXM schema definition, the containment relationship looks like the example below, which describes:
"PNF contains VRFs"
"VRFs is an array of VRF"
"VRF depends on PNF"
<java-type name="Pnf">
<xml-root-element name="pnf"/>
<xml-element java-attribute="vrfs" name="vrfs" type="inventory.aai.onap.org.v16.Vrfs"/>
<java-type name="Vrfs">
<xml-root-element name="vrfs"/>
<xml-element container-type="java.util.ArrayList" java-attribute="vrf" name="vrf" type="inventory.aai.onap.org.v16.Vrf"/>
<java-type name="Vrf">
<xml-root-element name="vrf"/>
<xml-property name="dependentOn" value="pnf"/>
These OXM containments must be matched by "TREE" EdgeRules like the example below, which describes:
"PNF contains other vertex VRF"
"when deleting PNF, also delete other vertex VRF"
The "TREE" EdgeRule is defined by the properties:
"contains-other-v", which indicates that "one vertex contains the other vertex"
"delete-other-v", which indicates that "when one vertex is deleted, also delete the other vertex"
in other words, it is a "composition" relationship in a UML model.
The convention is to use the label "BelongsTo" as in "VRF belongs to PNF", however, this text has no particular significance in terms of the code behaviour of the system. There are examples of other labels being used instead of "BelongsTo".
Errors and Warnings
if an OXM containment is defined in the schema, but the "TREE" EdgeRule is not defined, then there will be a run-time error in the system when attempting to PUT data involving those classes of objects
if the OXM containment is removed from the schema, but the "TREE" EdgeRule is not removed, then the EdgeRule becomes redundant but does not trigger any warnings or errors in the system
Thus, missing EdgeRules are detected through exhaustive testing of all the data combinations, but redundant EdgeRules are detected through audit and inspection.
OXM Relationships to COUSIN EdgeRules
uni-directional navigation
tbc with examples
bi-directional navigation
tbc with examples