Stretch and future items

Stretch and future items


Adding of Guard Policies (Stretch)

Guard policies can be added (stretch goal) to regulate the frequency of operations in a given time frame, for example restricting the number of traffic adjustments in the next X minutes. (Frequency limiter guard policy)

Additional Closed Loop (Stretch)

In Frankfurt we can extend the set of closed loops and actions executed against the VNF. One possible scenario is to restart the VM that hosts the traffic generator VNF (vPacketGen) if/when it stops sending traffic. Other closed loops (e.g. monitoring the health status of the VNF via APPC) are under consideration, but they represent a stretch goal at the moment.

Additional Control Loop Coordination - for multiple closed loops (Stretch)

Control Loop Coordination is useful when multiple closed loop are defined and the Policy Engine must ensure that no more than one control loop runs at a time. This extension is being evaluated for Dublin. See the following for more details: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=15468679&preview=/35523671/36965215/CLC_11_July_2018.pdf for understanding Control Loop Coordination.

Additional Change Management (Future)

For vPacketGen, there is a bug in that VNF where it stops send traffic (see Additional Closed Loop). A nice added feature to test is utilizing Change Management to upgrade the VNF and then test/verify the problem is fixed.

Dependency: vPacketGen package has pre-cooked static configuration and needs to be upgraded to support change management operations.
Implications: How do we represent the SW upgrade for example via SDC models?

Control Loop Retirement Functionality (Future, depends on Change Management)

If change management is successful in upgrading the VNF, then it is possible to retire the additional control loop associated with restarting that VNF when it fails to send packets.