2019.05.21 DataLake Meeting Minutes

2019.05.21 DataLake Meeting Minutes

[Action Items of this week]




1.          Revise template UX wireframe to fulfill pre-config/pre-populate DB

2.          Collect HW/ OpenStack Data for Kibana


1.          Demo Kibana dashboard with CCVPN data

2.          Check how many monitors can be presented DataLake + EPC at MWC S.H

Date: 2019.05.21

Time: 11:00am-11:50am


l   CMCC-US: Guobiao Mo, Shentao, Liuman, 郭春萌, 田彬彬, Gong Jie

l   QCT: H.C, Lee-US, Karl, Kate, Ekko, May, Jeffrey, Rachel Chu


  • Confirm in the meeting plan B will be used laptop with 4 cores, 32GB to do demo at MWC S.H. QCT will keep updated on the status of installing datalake on the laptop.

  • QCT will post a social media to promote that QCT-CMCC will demo DataLake and Admin UI in DCAE weekly meeting

  • There is no ONAP summit in Korea.

  • The ONAP upcoming event will be ODP + Plugfest: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=15630372.