ONAP R6 Resource IM Call 2019-7-8
General Information:
Date and Time: 2019, July 8th, 9pm~10pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
Meeting Room: https://zoom.us/j/645982535
Meeting Recording: zoom_0.mp4
Meeting Chat Log: meeting_saved_chat.txt
AAI reverse engineering discussion - PNF
Dublin release model review
AAI reverse engineering discussion - PNF
review the PNF instance model from AAI reverse engineering: Example: PNF in AAI
compare the PNF instance model with PnfRegistration event documented at: VES 7.1#1.2.39PnfRegistration
should SoftwareVersion be modeled as datatype instead of class ?(also applied to IpAddress objects as well)
should we remove the group classes?
should we create root models like interfaces for classes like LagInterface and PInterface to simplify the model?
is there any relevant concept in the existing model with the interfaces, e.g., connection point / port, and we should align the term?
not all the attributes in the PnfRegistration event (e.g., lastServiceDate, manufactureDate) are stored in AAI model (see 5G - PNF Plug and Play: step 30 for more information), why? (different use cases store different information?)
what's the relationship between PNF instance model and PNFD? e.g., is the pnfName coming from the PNFD?
logic behind the pnfName/pnfName2/pnfName2Source design (fix the pnfdId issue?)
update the wiki page (Example: PNF in AAI) with the PnfRegistration table
provide comparison results for further contact
Dublin release model review
review the table
online updates of service model items and add a new column about modeling priority