PNF software upgrade with Netconf/Yang interface with EM

PNF software upgrade with Netconf/Yang interface with EM

Table of Contents

Scenario Scope In Frankfurt

This scenario will demonstrate PNF SW upgrade with netconf/yang interface with EM. The E2E procedure is VID→ SO→ CDS→ EMS → PNF.  Beyond the work of scenario 1, it also need:

  • Support SS REST API for PNF S/W upgrade, downloadNESw and activateNESw
  • Provide controller blueprint file for CDS to trigger downloadNESw and activateNESw actions

  • Enhance EMS simulator for integration test



Common task with Scenario 1: PNF Software Upgrade using direct Netconf/Yang interface

No additional impacts


Common task with Scenario 1: PNF Software Upgrade using direct Netconf/Yang interface

Additional impact: EMS-compatiable CBA  file for integration test


1) EMS simulator extension

2) Integration document revision for PNF Sw Upgrade UC

JIRA Status Tracking

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Head Tpic:

INT-1212 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Status

NoTest CaseTest Status
1Download NE SW for PNF instance 1 from CDS to EM using SS REST APICOMPLETE
2Activate NE SW for PNF instance 1 from CDS to EM using SS REST APICOMPLETE
3Download NE SW for PNF instance 2 from CDS to EM using SS REST APCOMPLETE
4Activate NE SW for PNF instance 2 from CDS to EM using SS REST APICOMPLETE
5Test PNF SW upgrade Workflow for PNF instance 1 from SO to CDS (using SS gRPC API) to EM



1.  Initial PNF 5gDU0001 entry in AAI:

  "pnf-name": "5gDU0001",
  "pnf-id": "5gDU0001",
  "ipaddress-v4-oam": "",
  "sw-version": "v1",
  "in-maint": false,
  "resource-version": "1584886143037"

Where Sw Version of PNF 5gDU0001 is "v1".

2. Initial software-management entries in EMS Simluator:

Initial Status of EMS Simulator

<software-management xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-swm">

Where software version of PNF 5gDU0001 is "v1".

3.  Add some entries to SO catalogdb:

use catalogdb;

insert into pnf_resource set MODEL_UUID='0b49b277-892c-4094-badd-3d2535d650b0', MODEL_VERSION='1.0';

insert into pnf_resource_customization set MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID='0649420c-ca2d-4e0a-9d34-2dca28d43a27', MODEL_INSTANCE_NAME='TestPnf', PNF_RESOURCE_MODEL_UUID='0b49b277-892c-4094-badd-3d2535d650b0', CONTROLLER_ACTOR='cds', CDS_BLUEPRINT_NAME='PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM', CDS_BLUEPRINT_VERSION='1.0.0';

insert into pnf_resource_customization_to_service set SERVICE_MODEL_UUID='df91c347-4452-4d2e-9cfc-9ac3fe2a2a1b', RESOURCE_MODEL_CUSTOMIZATION_UUID='0649420c-ca2d-4e0a-9d34-2dca28d43a27';

insert into workflow (ARTIFACT_UUID, ARTIFACT_NAME, NAME, VERSION, DESCRIPTION, RESOURCE_TARGET, SOURCE) values ('245a0bca-3816-45c6-9270-1de25d27fc56', 'PNFSoftwareUpgrade.bpmn', 'PNFSoftwareUpgrade', '1.0', 'PNF Software Upgrade Test', 'pnf', 'native');

4. Upload CBA file to CDS:

Run the following commands:

git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/integration

cd integration/test/mocks/emssimulator/pnf-sw-upgrade-cba-builder


Upload the generated PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM.zip file to CDS.

Detailed Description of Integration Testcases and Results

Test case ID1
NameDownload NE SW for PNF instance 1 from CDS to EM using SS REST API
DescriptionDownload NE SW for PNF instance 1 from CDS to EM using SS REST API
Testing Steps

Test Command
curl -s -u "ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://cds.onap:30499/api/v1/execution-service/process -d @downloadNESw-request-body.json | python -m json.tool

Contents of downloadNESw-request-body.json

  "commonHeader": {
    "originatorId": "CurlTest",
    "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
    "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54"
  "actionIdentifiers": {
    "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
    "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
    "actionName": "downloadNESw",
    "mode": "sync"
  "payload": {
    "downloadNESw-request": {
      "downloadNESw-properties": {
        "pnf-id": "5gDU0001",
        "target-software-version": "v2"

Response of CDS

    "commonHeader": {
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:18:44.898Z",
        "originatorId": "CurlTest",
        "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
        "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54",
        "flags": null
    "actionIdentifiers": {
        "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
        "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
        "actionName": "downloadNESw",
        "mode": "sync"
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "eventType": "EVENT_COMPONENT_EXECUTED",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:18:54.770Z",
        "errorMessage": null,
        "message": "success"
    "payload": {
        "downloadNESw-response": {}

Status of EMS Simulator

<software-management xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-swm">

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)Pass
Test Lab
Test case ID2
NameActivate NE SW for PNF instance 1 from CDS to EM using SS REST API
DescriptionActivate NE SW for PNF instance 1 from CDS to EM using SS REST API
Testing Steps

Test Command
curl -s -u "ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://cds.onap:30499/api/v1/execution-service/process -d @activateNESw-request-body.json | python -m json.tool

Contents of activateNESw-request-body.json
  "commonHeader": {
    "originatorId": "CurlTest",
    "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
    "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54"
  "actionIdentifiers": {
    "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
    "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
    "actionName": "activateNESw",
    "mode": "sync"
  "payload": {
    "activateNESw-request": {
      "activateNESw-properties": {
        "pnf-id": "5gDU0001",
        "target-software-version": "v2"
Response of CDS
    "commonHeader": {
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:29:23.915Z",
        "originatorId": "CurlTest",
        "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
        "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54",
        "flags": null
    "actionIdentifiers": {
        "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
        "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
        "actionName": "activateNESw",
        "mode": "sync"
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "eventType": "EVENT_COMPONENT_EXECUTED",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:29:33.731Z",
        "errorMessage": null,
        "message": "success"
    "payload": {
        "activateNESw-response": {}
Status of EMS Simulator
<software-management xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-swm">
Conclusion (Pass/Fail)Pass
Test Lab
Test case ID3
NameDownload NE SW for PNF instance 2 from CDS to EM using SS REST AP
DescriptionDownload NE SW for PNF instance 2 from CDS to EM using SS REST AP
Testing Steps

Test Command
curl -s -u "ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://cds.onap:30499/api/v1/execution-service/process -d @downloadNESw-request-body.json | python -m json.tool
Contents of downloadNESw-request-body.json
  "commonHeader": {
    "originatorId": "CurlTest",
    "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
    "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54"
  "actionIdentifiers": {
    "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
    "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
    "actionName": "downloadNESw",
    "mode": "sync"
  "payload": {
    "downloadNESw-request": {
      "downloadNESw-properties": {
        "pnf-id": "5gDU0003",
        "target-software-version": "v2"

Response of CDS
    "commonHeader": {
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:40:48.712Z",
        "originatorId": "CurlTest",
        "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
        "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54",
        "flags": null
    "actionIdentifiers": {
        "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
        "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
        "actionName": "downloadNESw",
        "mode": "sync"
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "eventType": "EVENT_COMPONENT_EXECUTED",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:40:58.742Z",
        "errorMessage": null,
        "message": "success"
    "payload": {
        "downloadNESw-response": {}

Status of EMS Simulator
<software-management xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-swm">
Conclusion (Pass/Fail)Pass
Test Lab
Test case ID4
NameActivate NE SW for PNF instance 2 from CDS to EM using SS REST API
DescriptionActivate NE SW for PNF instance 2 from CDS to EM using SS REST API
Testing Steps

Test Command
curl -s -u "ccsdkapps:ccsdkapps" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://cds.onap:30499/api/v1/execution-service/process -d @activateNESw-request-body.json | python -m json.tool
Contents of activateNESw-request-body.json
  "commonHeader": {
    "originatorId": "CurlTest",
    "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
    "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54"
  "actionIdentifiers": {
    "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
    "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
    "actionName": "activateNESw",
    "mode": "sync"
  "payload": {
    "activateNESw-request": {
      "activateNESw-properties": {
        "pnf-id": "5gDU0003",
        "target-software-version": "v2"

Response of CDS
    "commonHeader": {
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:42:11.587Z",
        "originatorId": "CurlTest",
        "requestId": "59374d97-d3bb-44b1-a808-f5a28347a10b",
        "subRequestId": "98d8be21-6e31-4044-985a-a58583dc5c54",
        "flags": null
    "actionIdentifiers": {
        "blueprintName": "PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM",
        "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
        "actionName": "activateNESw",
        "mode": "sync"
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "eventType": "EVENT_COMPONENT_EXECUTED",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-12T09:42:21.153Z",
        "errorMessage": null,
        "message": "success"
    "payload": {
        "activateNESw-response": {}

Status of EMS Simulator
<software-management xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-swm">
Conclusion (Pass/Fail)Pass
Test Lab
Test case ID5
NameTest PNF SW upgrade Workflow for PNF instance 1 from SO to CDS (using SS gRPC API) to EM
DescriptionTest PNF SW upgrade Workflow for PNF instance 1 from SO to CDS (using SS gRPC API) to EM
Testing Steps


1. Befor testing this case, reset the EMS Simulator to initial status;

2. Upload CBA file PNF_SW_UPGRADE_WITH_EM.zip to CDS.

Test Command
curl -s -u "InfraPortalClient:password1$" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-ONAP-RequestID: 5301dc2e-9bd1-48ed-b6f7-728451f15009" -H "X-ONAP-PartnerName: SO-REST" -H "X-RequestorID: so-rest" -X POST http://so.onap:30277/onap/so/infra/instanceManagement/v1/serviceInstances/90e7925b-1eec-4deb-af16-938711aebda5/pnfs/5gDU0001/workflows/245a0bca-3816-45c6-9270-1de25d27fc56 -d @PNFSoftwareUpgrade-cds.json | python -m json.tool
Contents of PNFSoftwareUpgrade-cds.json

  "requestDetails": {
    "modelInfo": {
      "modelUuid": "df91c347-4452-4d2e-9cfc-9ac3fe2a2a1b"
    "requestInfo": {
      "instanceName": "TestPnfSwUp02"
    "requestParameters": {
      "userParams": [
          "name": "pnfName",
          "value": "5gDU0001"
          "name": "targetSoftwareVersion",
          "value": "v2"

Response of SO

  "requestReferences": {
      "requestId": "5301dc2e-9bd1-48ed-b6f7-728451f15009",
      "instanceId": "5gDU0001",
      "requestSelfLink": "http://so.onap:30277/orchestrationRequests/v1/5301dc2e-9bd1-48ed-b6f7-728451f15009"

Retrieve the status of the workflow:

Test Command
curl -s -u "InfraPortalClient:password1$" -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET http://so.onap:30277/onap/so/infra/orchestrationRequests/v7/5301dc2e-9bd1-48ed-b6f7-728451f15009 | python -m json.tool
Status of the workflow

  "request": {
      "requestId": "5301dc2e-9bd1-48ed-b6f7-728451f15009",
      "startTime": "Sun, 22 Mar 2020 14:11:15 GMT",
      "requestScope": "pnf",
      "requestType": "forCustomWorkflow",
      "requestDetails": {
          "modelInfo": {
              "modelId": "df91c347-4452-4d2e-9cfc-9ac3fe2a2a1b",
              "modelUuid": "df91c347-4452-4d2e-9cfc-9ac3fe2a2a1b"
          "requestInfo": {
              "source": null,
              "instanceName": "TestPnfSwUp02",
              "suppressRollback": false
          "requestParameters": {
              "userParams": [
                      "name": "pnfName",
                      "value": "5gDU0001"
                      "name": "targetSoftwareVersion",
                      "value": "v2"
      "instanceReferences": {
          "serviceInstanceId": "90e7925b-1eec-4deb-af16-938711aebda5"
      "requestStatus": {
          "requestState": "IN_PROGRESS",
          "timestamp": "Sun, 22 Mar 2020 14:11:16 GMT"

While the requestStatus is "IN_PROGRESS", then wait a minute to retrieve the status of workflow again and agiain, until the requestStatus is "COMPLETED":

Status of the workflow

  "request": {
      "requestId": "5301dc2e-9bd1-48ed-b6f7-728451f15009",
      "startTime": "Sun, 22 Mar 2020 14:11:15 GMT",
      "requestScope": "pnf",
      "requestType": "forCustomWorkflow",
      "requestDetails": {
          "modelInfo": {
              "modelId": "df91c347-4452-4d2e-9cfc-9ac3fe2a2a1b",
              "modelUuid": "df91c347-4452-4d2e-9cfc-9ac3fe2a2a1b"
          "requestInfo": {
              "source": null,
              "instanceName": "TestPnfSwUp02",
              "suppressRollback": false
          "requestParameters": {
              "userParams": [
                      "name": "pnfName",
                      "value": "5gDU0001"
                      "name": "targetSoftwareVersion",
                      "value": "v2"
      "instanceReferences": {
          "serviceInstanceId": "90e7925b-1eec-4deb-af16-938711aebda5"
      "requestStatus": {
          "requestState": "COMPLETED",
          "statusMessage": "STATUS: PNF has been upgraded successfully.",
          "percentProgress": 100,
          "timestamp": "Sun, 22 Mar 2020 14:11:44 GMT"

While the requestStatus is "COMPLETED", then retrieve the Sw Version of PNF 5gDU0001 in AAI:

curl -s -k -u "AAI:AAI" -H "X-FromAppId: aairest" -H "X-TransactionId: 1001" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET https://aai.onap:30233/aai/v19/network/pnfs/pnf/5gDU0001 | python -m json.tool
Response of retrieving AAI

  "pnf-name": "5gDU0001",
  "pnf-id": "5gDU0001",
  "ipaddress-v4-oam": "",
  "sw-version": "v2",
  "in-maint": false,
  "resource-version": "1584886300806"

The Sw Version of PNF 5gDU0001 in AAI is upgrade to "v2".

Retrieve the status of EMS Simulator:

Status of EMS Simulator

<software-management xmlns="http://onap.org/pnf-swm">

The software version of PNF 5gDU0001 in EMS Simulator is upgraded to "v2".

Conclusion (Pass/Fail)Pass
Test Lab