AAI Bulk Add/Process APIs (Being Deprecated)

AAI Bulk Add/Process APIs (Being Deprecated)

Bulk Add

Getting Started with the Bulk add API

To execute a bulk add, a client will perform a PUT on the bulk add API URI and include a payload indicating the nodes to be added.The version (v$ ie. v15) dictates which release's REST API version the output will be based on.

Note: bulkadd API will only accept PUT operations, if you require PUT/PATCH/DELETE please use bulkprocess endpoint


PUT /aai/v$/bulkadd

PUT /aai/v$/bulkadd


The payload must include a "transactions" parameter. This typically is an array of multiple "put" operations that include the associated A&AI URI for the put operation and corresponding body payload. Multiple PUT operations can be done within a single transaction or can be split into multiple transactions. A transaction's changes will not be committed to the database unless all operations within a single transaction succeed. Each transaction must include a "put" array including at least one set of "uri" and "body" parameters. The "uri" parameter designates the endpoint of the A&AI (C)RUD operation that will add the node/relationship, the "body" designates the payload that URI accepts to do so.

Example Payloads

Request #1: Single transaction, multiple put operations

Add Request 1
{ "transactions": [{ "put": [{ "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1", "body": { "pnf-name": "pnf1", "equip-model": "equip1", "frame-id": "1234", "equip-type": "router" } }, { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf2", "body": { "pnf-name": "pnf2", "equip-model": "equip2", "frame-id": "4321", "equip-type": "router" } }] }] }

Request #2: Multiple transactions, first transaction has one put operation, second has many

Add Request 2
{ "transactions": [{ "put": [{ "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1", "body": { "pnf-name": "pnf1", "equip-model": "equip1", "frame-id": "1234", "equip-type": "router" } }] }, { "put": [{ "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1/p-interfaces/p-interface/pinterface1", "body": { "interface-name": "pinterface1", "equipment-identifier": "equipiden1", "port-description": "pd1" } }, { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1/p-interfaces/p-interface/pinterface2", "body": { "interface-name": "pinterface2", "equipment-identifier": "equipiden2", "port-description": "pd2" } }, { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1/p-interfaces/p-interface/pinterface3", "body": { "interface-name": "pinterface3", "equipment-identifier": "equipiden3", "port-description": "pd3" } }, { "uri": "/network/logical-links/logical-link/logicallink1", "body": { "link-name": "logicallink1", "link-type": "linktype1", "operational-status": "available", "speed-value": "100", "speed-units": "Gbps", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [{ "related-to": "p-interface", "relationship-data": [{ "relationship-key": "pnf.pnf-name", "relationship-value": "pnf1" }, { "relationship-key": "p-interface.interface-name", "relationship-value": "pinterface1" }] }] } } }] } ] }


Each operation will have its own object with "uri" parameter designating which endpoint reported the response, the "body" with include the response code.

Example Response

Below response is from request #2, when all transactions were successful

Add Response 1
{"transaction": [ { "put": [ { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1", "body": { "201": null } } ] }, { "put": [ { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf2", "body": { "201": null } } ] }, { "put": [ { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1/p-interfaces/p-interface/p-interface1", "body": { "201": null } }, { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1/p-interfaces/p-interface/pinterface2", "body": { "201": null } }, { "uri": "/network/pnfs/pnf/pnf1/p-interfaces/p-interface/p-interface3", "body": { "201": null } }, { "uri": "/network/logical-links/logical-link/logicallink1", "body": { "201": null } } ] } ] }

Below is a response from request #1 when an error occurred on both add operations

Add Response 2

Operation Limit

There is a default limit of 30 operations per bulk API call, this value is configurable and may be modified. The response returned on a call exceeding this limit will inform the client of the limit in the error response. This error is an overall block so response will be given once, not per operation.

Operation Limit Reached Add