Change Management El Alto Extensions

Change Management El Alto Extensions

  1. Build and replace VNF software upgrade workflow

    1. Scale out and Traffic Distribution are integrated 

  2. Traffic Distribution workflow enhancements

    1. Leverage Policy to build more concrete placement requests with different conditions based on parameters from A&AI

    2. Workflow Designer and SO has integration with OOF to invoke from workflow OOF placement algorithms (used by and Traffic Distribution)

    3. Support of complex parameters is needed

  3. Traffic Distribution for PNFs

  4. VNF-C level software upgrade - delete-and-build

  5. Change management schedule optimization algorithm enhancements

    1. Support wide variety of constraints

    2. Policy-enabled

    3. Enable modular composition of policies/constraints

    4. Achieve scalable discovery of schedule across a very large number of instances

  6. 5G PNF Software upgrade

  7. Cloud-layer software upgrade - physical servers!