CVC Joint Meeting 03-11-2019

CVC Joint Meeting 03-11-2019

Meeting Day

Meeting Time

Conference Bridge

Meeting Day

Meeting Time

Conference Bridge


 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (UTC + 0)


ZOOM Conference Bridge

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/346625009

Meeting Attendees:

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda Items


Agenda Items


Vendors willing to participate the CVC ONS Testing

Updates from Lincoln and Heather.

@Heather Kirksey still working on this.

Mar 4, 2019 

@Lincoln Lavoie and @Heather Kirksey already have the conversation with Vendors.

@Vincent Scharf is trying to test clearwater(opensource IMS) by using VVP.

@Margaret Chiosi will approach intel to ask if their EPC solution could participate our CVC testing.

potential VNF products:

  1. Clearwater – VVP

  2. Intel EPC? – VNFSDK/VVP?
    No Response until now.

  3. Huawei Commercial VNFs – VNFSDK

  4. TBA

Meeting Plan

We could holding this meeting before ONS.

After ONS, we could have the meeting monthly or bi-weekly.

Mar 4, 2019 

The only thing we need to confirm the participants from @Lincoln Lavoie and @Heather Kirksey .

Confirm with Lincoln with Email.

Meeting Recording


    • Video Recording:

    • Audio Only Recording:

    • Slides: