BBS Playground

BBS Playground

BBS Event Processor (DCAE)

BBS-ep deployment instructions, functional tests...: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16365951

AAI Postman Collection

You must import the Collection JSON file into POSTMAN and then execute it via the Runner utility after changing appropriately the external configuration that must be given as input (bbs-aai.json)

What the automated script does inside A&AI is

  • Creates a customer

  • Create two subscriptions. One for BBS-CFS and another for BBS-Access

  • Creates the BBS-CFS service instance (puts also metadata into it)

  • Creates the BBS-Access service instance (also creates some metadata into it) and connects it at the same time with the BBS-CFS service instance

  • Creates the PNF and also at the same time connects it with BBS-Access service instance.

New UUIDs are automatically generated by the script.

You can see how all pieces are connected by then running this REST API call towards A&AI.

GET https://{{aai}}/aai/v14/business/customers/customer/{{global-customer-id}}/service-subscriptions?depth=all

Contributed by @Stavros Kanarakis