M3 Architecture Review VVP

M3 Architecture Review VVP

Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)

VVP is a project that produces validation scripts to test of the requirements for HEAT Template artifacts associated with VNFs. These are correlated with the associated VNF Requirements  in the Annex of the test description document.

New component capabilities for Dublin, i.e. the functional

none beyond ongoing alignment with platform featured as identified in VNF Requirements

New or modified interfaces


During ONAP Dublin development period, VVP test scripts are being integrated with OPNFV Dovetail project as part if a LFN certification initiative.

If they are modified, are the backwards compatible?


Interface naming (point to an example)


Reference to the interfaces.


What are the system limits?


Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional

VNF Provider related use cases

5G use cases

HPA support by VNFs

scaling use case

Distributed Analytics

where requirements changes impact the HEAT templates

Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for
information only).
