VID R4 M3 Architecture Review
VID R4 M3 Architecture Review
- Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)
- VID is a used by Operations to instantiate services, and apply changes on them
- VID is a used by Operations to instantiate services, and apply changes on them
- New component capabilities for Dublin, i.e. the functional enhancements.
- Initiate workflows designed in SDC.
Today VID is using a predefined list of workflows. After the change, list of workflows will be digested from SO. - Display cloud-owner of each cloud region
Each cloud-region will be presented to the user along with its owner, based on A&AI data
- Initiate workflows designed in SDC.
- New or modified interfaces
- If they are modified, are the backwards compatible?
- Interface naming (point to an example)
Reference to the interfaces.
New or modified backward
compatibleInterface naming References Modified
Consume from A&AI PNF Get pnf data using new /network/pnfs/?pnf-name={pnf-name}
, instead of/network/pnfs/pnf/{pnf-name}
.Proposal to Change AAI PNF Entity to use PNF-ID as key Modified
Yes Send new property to SO Service Instantiation Add cloudOwner
field to existing POST requestsNew
n/a Consume from SO Workflows Get list of available Workflows by VNF model-id SO Dublin - Change Management Modified Yes VID User interface Change Management UI User inputs for workflow initiation will be dynamically rendered - What are the system limits?
H/A using Kubernetes, user-facing UI so low-intensity usage.
- Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements.
- 5G - PNF Plug and Play (Casablanca carry-over items) (VID A&AI Schema Changes PNF-id vs PNF-name.)
- Consistent ID of a Cloud Region (Dublin)
- Change Management Dublin Extensions
- Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only).
- None
, multiple selections available,