VID R4 M3 Architecture Review

VID R4 M3 Architecture Review

  1. Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)
    1. VID is a used by Operations to instantiate services, and apply changes on them

  2. New component capabilities for Dublin, i.e. the functional enhancements.
    1. Initiate workflows designed in SDC.
      Today VID is using a predefined list of workflows. After the change, list of workflows will be digested from SO.
    2. Display cloud-owner of each cloud region
      Each cloud-region will be presented to the user along with its owner, based on A&AI data

  3. New or modified interfaces
  4. If they are modified, are the backwards compatible?
  5. Interface naming (point to an example)
  6. Reference to the interfaces.

    New or modifiedbackward

    Interface naming
    (lightbulb)Modified(thumbs down) NoConsume from A&AIPNFGet pnf data using new /network/pnfs/?pnf-name={pnf-name}, instead of /network/pnfs/pnf/{pnf-name}.Proposal to Change AAI PNF Entity to use PNF-ID as key
    (lightbulb)ModifiedThumbs up (y) YesSend new property to SOService InstantiationAdd cloudOwner field to existing POST requests
    (green star)Newn/aConsume from SOWorkflowsGet list of available Workflows by VNF model-idSO Dublin - Change Management
    (lightbulb)ModifiedThumbs up (y) YesVID User interfaceChange Management UIUser inputs for workflow initiation will be dynamically rendered
  7. What are the system limits?

H/A using Kubernetes, user-facing UI so low-intensity usage.

  1. Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements.
    1. 5G - PNF Plug and Play (Casablanca carry-over items) (VID A&AI Schema Changes PNF-id vs PNF-name.)
    2. Consistent ID of a Cloud Region (Dublin)
    3. Change Management Dublin Extensions

  2. Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only).
    1. None