POMBA Cross Data Source Dependencies

POMBA Cross Data Source Dependencies

Ideally, in performing an audit, each set of data is completely independant. Today, not all data sources are able to return the required information from a service instance id, so the context builder has to do additional lookups to fill in the blank. These lookups are mostly to A&AI. Longer term it would be good to remove these dependencies

Context Builder



Context Builder



Network Discovery


Relies on information from A&AI to decompose a service into its components - VM, etc. The rest of the data is thrown away, but the ids of the contained resources are used in subsequent calls to network discover information.



Queries A&AI for nodes-query:

  1. if the node-type is (not vFW AND not vDNS) it does a GENERIC-RESOURCE-API call to SDNC with the provided service-instance-id

  2. if the node-type is (vFW OR vDNS) it does a SECOND call to A&AI for network/generic-vnfs to get the module-id that are used in the VNF-API calls to SDNC