Vote for NS domain and Internal NS Descriptor

Vote for NS domain and Internal NS Descriptor

There has been a long debate on whether NS belongs to service or resource, and whether to support a separate class to model NS or do service extension to support NS. It seems like that we haven't have a unified conclusion on it, which hampers the modeling work on service and resource.

Therefore I suggest the modeling subcommittee to start 2 vote activities for it:

  1. A, NS belongs to service domain
    B, NS belongs to resource domain

  2. A, Support NS descriptor internally(in run time)
    (NOTE: Choice A means that SDC supports the design and distribution of an independent NSD, also in the run time, the Orchestrator supports the orchestration and management of an independent NS.)
    B, Do service extension to support NS and do not support NSD internally (in run time).
    (NOTE: Choice B means that the extended SD should support what has been described in NSD and ONAP won't support the design work of an independent NSD internally.)

Please add your concerns and suggestions in this page.

We are going to start vote on the first question. For the second question, it still needs more discussion on that.