Policy R3 Platform Maturity: Apex

Policy R3 Platform Maturity: Apex

The platform maturity of Apex is addressed on this wiki page. Please see Platform Maturity Requirements (S3P) for the overall ONAP platform maturity requirements and Casablanca Platform Maturity S3P Planning for the Casablanca requirements.


@Liam Fallon to document existing performance tests.


Stability test pan is documented here - 72 Hours Stability Test Plan of apex-pdp

Stability test result is dicmented here - 72 Hours Stability Test Result of apex-pdp


@Michael Morris to complete.


@Liam Fallon to complete.


"stay level for 1 run-time. Horizontal scaling up and down.", We will demonstrate another Apex instance coming up and taking load. Also demonstrate Apex instance dropping and load going to other instances.


stay level for 1 run-time. Horizontal scaling up and down. We will demonstrate policy upgrade on the fly and preservation of data during the upgrade. The VPN demo does this.


Clarify this, show clients.