Network Discovery Demo - Sept 12, 2018

Network Discovery Demo - Sept 12, 2018


In current Network Discovery microservice development (Dublin), southbound REST API sends OpenStack API requests instead of AAI Enricher API requests.



  • Will demonstrate Network Discovery Microservice and Service Decomposition Microservice

  • Relies on supporting Microservices not yet in ONAP, but we can show

    • Standardized API and provide a sense of its extensibility to support discovering of additional components

    • VM attributes from Openstack

    • How this fits into POMBA architecture

    • How this could be leveraged in other use cases

Southbound API

  • The following is the information expected from the southbound interface to network discovery

    • Examples (coming soon)

    • Mocking in SoapUI (soon)


The demo shows a request being sent to POMBA's Network Discovery Context Builder, which makes use of Service Decomposition in order to build a list of resources that comprise the specified service. The context builder then takes advantage of the Network Discovery service to obtain details from the network for each of those resources. The context builder collates the information returned by Network Discovery for each resource before providing the collected data to POMBA's Context Aggregator for inclusion in an audit.


Service Decomposition

Network Discovery Context Builder → Service Decomposition

The context builder first needs to determine what resources comprise the service undergoing auditing and so it employs Service Decomposition.








Service Decomposition → AAI

Service Decomposition needs to send a series of requests to the AAI in order to effectively mine the data source for the service instance's component resources.



{ "service-instance-id": "c6456519-6acf-4adb-997c-3c363dd4caaf", "service-instance-name": "Firewall1", "model-invariant-id": "0c5a20de-87ad-442c-9190-f38ab0a6bb7f", "model-version-id": "d3d6cf83-d03a-43cc-99ff-206d40bb9a72", "resource-version": "1527637758480", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [ { "related-to": "generic-vnf", "related-link": "/aai/v13/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/6700c313-fbb7-4cf9-ac70-0293ec56df68", "relationship-data": [ { "relationship-key": "generic-vnf.vnf-id", "relationship-value": "6700c313-fbb7-4cf9-ac70-0293ec56df68" } ], "related-to-property": [ { "property-key": "generic-vnf.vnf-name", "property-value": "PacketGenerator-1" } ] }, { "related-to": "generic-vnf", "related-link": "/aai/v13/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/8a9ddb25-2e79-449c-a40d-5011bac0da39", "relationship-data": [ { "relationship-key": "generic-vnf.vnf-id", "relationship-value": "8a9ddb25-2e79-449c-a40d-5011bac0da39" } ], "related-to-property": [ { "property-key": "generic-vnf.vnf-name", "property-value": "Firewall-1" } ] } ] } }

Network Discovery

Network Discovery Context Builder → Network Discovery

The context builder next needs to send multiple requests – one for each resource provided by Service Decomposition – to Network Discovery in order to obtain the values of associated attributes.

Request (Network Resource)






Network Discovery → AAI Enricher

For each resource passed to it, Network Discovery simply hands off the discovery work to the AAI Enricher, which utilizes addons to query live networks. (Note: Enricher is not in ONAP at this time but the responses could be mocked.)



Response (Network Resource)


Request (VM Resource)


Network Discovery → AAI Enricher



Response (VM Resource)