POMBA Audit Initiation Swagger

POMBA Audit Initiation Swagger

The following is a work in progress and created using Swagger Editor (https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-editor/)

TODO: Update to reflect that input is an array, although formally only one entry is currently supported


swagger: "2.0" info: description: "This is the POMBA Audit API." version: "0.0.1" title: "POMBA Audit API" termsOfService: "http://onap.org" contact: email: "sharon.chisholm@amdocs.com" host: "onap.org" basePath: "/v1" schemes: - "http" paths: /data-router/v1/orchestration-event-service/orchestration-event: post: summary: "Initiate Audit" description: "Retrieve information from primary data sources" operationId: "findbyResourceIdAndType" produces: - "application/json" parameters: - name: "X-ONAP-RequestID" in: "header" description: "Transaction identifier to enable end to end tracing" type: "string" - name: "X-FromAppId" in: "header" description: "Client identifier - MSO, VID, etc" type: "string" - name: body in: body description: "Information about the service instance" required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceInstanceList' responses: 201: description: "audit request accepted" 400: description: "Missing manadatory field in the request or HTTP header." 404: description: "Error: Requested '%1' resource was not found." 405: description: "Method Not Allowed : Invalid HTTP method type used ( PUT,DELETE,POST will be rejected)" 500: description: "The GET request failed either due to internal Context Builder problem." security: - petstore_auth: - "write:pets" - "read:pets" securityDefinitions: petstore_auth: type: "oauth2" authorizationUrl: "http://petstore.swagger.io/oauth/dialog" flow: "implicit" scopes: write:pets: "modify pets in your account" read:pets: "read your pets" api_key: type: "apiKey" name: "api_key" in: "header" definitions: ServiceInstanceList: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceInstance' ServiceInstance: type: "object" description: "Service Instance information" properties: modelVersionId: type: string description: "identifier for this service model" modelInvariantId: type: string description: "invariant identifier for this serice model" serviceInstanceId: type: string description: "identifier for this service instance" required: - model-version-id - service-instance-id - model-invariant-id components: ApiResponse: type: "object" properties: code: type: "integer" format: "int32" type: type: "string" message: type: "string" externalDocs: description: "Find out more about Swagger" url: "http://swagger.io"

Input Parameters


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