ONAP Stereotype Proposal
This page proposes to define model stereotype specific to ONAP.
The following content is copied from Stereotypes#OnapModelLifecycle.
There is currently only one ONAP stereotype defined, called OnapModelLifecycle. The definition in the profile looks like this:
It has an attribute called "state" that defines the development lifecycle and is based on an enum LifecycleState. The LifecycleState can take one of the following values:
INPUT Provided as a contribution to the model
DISCUSSION Has been discussed by the model project team
CLEAN Has been agreed upon by the model project team
APPROVED Has been approved by the modelling subcommittee
These correspond to the various phases of development of the artifacts in the ONAP model, as seen currently in the wiki pages. It is used as a means to capture that classification in Papyrus. The "base_Class" and "base_Property" attributes imply that the stereotype can be applied both to a "Class" and an "Attribute".
Wiki Constraints:
As the current wiki division of a model for a given release contains "INPUT", "DISCUSSION", and "CLEAN" pages (note: there is no equivalent APPROVED wiki), there is no need to note this stereotype in the "Applied Stereotypes" column.
The current wiki classification doesn't allow for applying the stereotype to both a Class and an Attribute, whereas in the Papyrus model it does. For example, in the wiki, one can't have a Class that is CLEAN (meaning the team has agreed they want that class in a release), and certain attributes to still be in a DISCUSSION phase (meaning the attribute as currently defined has not been agreed).