ConfigScaleOut Requests

ConfigScaleOut Requests

Please note the values currently used in the test data may not be representative of actually values in ONAP A&AI.

ConfigScaleOut via APPC API Doc Explorer with Template ID(Will not be obtained from Querying A&AI for vf-module Info)
{ "input": { "common-header": { "timestamp": "2018-05-16T17:03:30.44Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "originator-id": "SDNGP", "request-id": "ScaleOut_RB3_16th May_TC3", "sub-request-id": "ScaleOut_RB3_16th May_TC3", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "ttl": 12000 } }, "action": "ConfigScaleOut", "action-identifiers": { "vnf-id": "APPC-test-vLB" }, "payload": "{\"request-parameters\":{\"vnf-host-ip-address\":\"\",\"vf-module-id\": \"zdfw1lb01lb01\",\"controller-template-id\": \"vLB\"},\"configuration-parameters\":{\"ip-addr\":\"\", \"oam-ip-addr\":\"\",\"enabled\":\"true\"}}" } }
ConfigScaleOut via APPC API Doc Explorer without Template ID(Will be obtained from Querying A&AI for vf-module Info)
{ "input": { "common-header": { "timestamp": "2018-05-16T17:03:30.44Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "originator-id": "SDNGP", "request-id": "ScaleOut_RB3_16th May_TC3", "sub-request-id": "ScaleOut_RB3_16th May_TC3", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "ttl": 12000 } }, "action": "ConfigScaleOut", "action-identifiers": { "vnf-id": "APPC-test-vLB" }, "payload": "{\"request-parameters\":{\"vnf-host-ip-address\":\"\",\"vf-module-id\": \"zdfw1lb01lb01\"},\"configuration-parameters\":{\"ip-addr\":\"\", \"oam-ip-addr\":\"\",\"enabled\":\"true\"}}" } }
Sample Curl Request for Submitting to DMaaP
curl -X POST -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./vLB-ConfigScaleOut.json
ConfigScaleOut via DMaaP with Template ID(Will not be obtained from Querying A&AI for vf-module Info
ConfigScaleOut via DMaaP without Template ID(Will be obtained from Querying A&AI for vf-module Info
ConfigScaleOut DMaaP Async Response