Logging Scope Change for POMBA seed code
High Level
The POMBA code and containers are an implementation of a model based audit where logging transaction tracing would assist this new audit code in determining the differences and causes of any discrepancy between the model intent and the reality of VNF orchestrations.
A new set of new microservices around orchestration model based auditing are being proposed as an addition to the logging project and up sourced into ONAP for the Casablanca release.
A meeting with the architecture subcommittee is planned for the 29th of May.https://lists.onap.org/pipermail/onap-discuss/2018-May/009660.html
@Jon Taylor and @Geora Barsky (assisting) and @Sharon Chisholm (assisting) will presenting the proposed architecture along with myself.
Team members
In addition to the current logging team members
@Neal Chatterley
@Luke Parker
@Lee Breslau
@Dave Williamson
@Shane Daniel
@Shishir Thakore
@Avdhut Kholkar
@Ray Chang
@J. Ram Balasubramanian
@Michael O'Brien
The following additional team members - the majority of which currently work/have-worked on SDNC like the clustering and federation work in ONAP will also support the scope change work.
@Sharon Chisholm
@James MacNider
@Geora Barsky (sniro)
@Jon Taylor
@Jennie Jia
@Brad Benesch
@David Stangl
@Mohammadreza Pasandideh
@Prudence Au
@Trevor Tait
Phillip Leigh
Vitaly Lavrusevich
@Pierre Rioux
@Stela Stoykova
With additional ongoing support/work from the OOM project
@Mike Elliott
@Roger Maitland
@Mandeep Khinda
@Borislav Glozman
@Jerome Doucerain
Cover off all the items identified in the scope change epic, including overlap with other projects, what we require from other projects and what other projects may require from us in terms of API.
The POMBA microservices will require their own sub repo - ideally per/container as a sub-project of logging. See https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/admin/projects/logging-analytics,branches - raising LF ticket