Multi VIM/Cloud R2 Architecture Review

Multi VIM/Cloud R2 Architecture Review

  1. Changes since Amsterdam

    1. No scope changes for Multi VIM/Cloud R2 Architecture

    2. Core components updates for supporting R2 Use Case 
        MULTICLOUD-148: This epic will be used to contain all works about function featuresClosed

    3. Stretch goal

      1. TOSCA-based orchestration to deploy workload on multiple clouds (need discussion with Architecture Sub-committee)

      2. MultiCloud support for Azure (under discussion and will not allocate JIRA or input code into epo for tracking purpose)

      3. POC of Containerized VNF through some use cases (will not allocate JIRA or repo; will invite the team to review POC once ready for formal plan of Casablanca)

  2. S3P Updates

    1. Security 

      1. MULTICLOUD-175: Improve Code CoverageClosed

      2. CII Badge:

      3. WIP:Solve License and Vulnerability Thread form Security subcommittee and Nexus IQ server

      4. WIP:Increase test code coverage to reach 50%

    2. Manageability-Logging 

      1. MULTICLOUD-151: Logging EnablementClosed

      2. Update log configuration for Multi VIM/Cloud components according to Logging guideline 

      3. Filebeat container packed with Multi VIM existing container for shipping logs to ONAP ELK logging stack.

    3. Resiliency and Scalability  

      1. MULTICLOUD-150: Parallelism improvement of Multi Cloud ServicesClosed

      2. Depend on kubernetes to manage multiple instances of Multi VIM/Cloud stateless components

      3. add Multi VIM service and recovery capability

      4. depends on geographic scaling

    4. Usability  

      1. MULTICLOUD-152: Elastic API exposureClosed

      2. No UI and tutorial documentation need more work

    5. Performance and stability

      1. MULTICLOUD-149: Event/Alert/Metrics federationClosed

      2. Multi VIM/Cloud team will work with Integration team to do performance testing 

  3. IM/DM Alignment

    1. MULTICLOUD-153: Standardized Infrastructure Resource Information Model for Distributed Edge CloudsClosed

    2. MULTICLOUD-154: FCAPS modelingClosed

  4. API Updates

    1. https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/Externally+Consumable+APIs