VF-C R2 Architecture Review

VF-C R2 Architecture Review

  1. Changes since Amsterdam

    1. No scope changes for VF-C R2 Architecture

    2. Core components updates for supporting R2 Use Case 
       Scaling In/Out  VFC-631: Support Scaling requirementClosed

    3. Stretch goal
      VF-C GVNFM demo 

  2. S3P Updates

    1. Security 

      1. VFC-660: Support platform Maturity Requirements-Security Level 1Closed

      2. CII Badge: 

      3. WIP:Solve License and Vulnerability Thread form Security subcommittee and Nexus IQ server

      4. WIP:Increase test code coverage to reach 50%

    2. Manageability-Logging 

      1. VFC-639: Support platform Maturity Requirements-Manageability Level 1Closed

      2. Update log configuration for VF-C components according to Logging guideline 

      3. Filebeat container packed with VF-C existing container for shipping logs to ONAP ELK logging stack.

    3. Resiliency and Scalability  

      1. VFC-659: Support platform Maturity Requirements-Scalability Level 1Closed

      2. Depend on kubernetes to manage multiple instances of VF-C stateless components

      3. Research the configuration in OOM

    4. Usability  

      1. VFC-664: Support platform Maturity Requirements- Usability Level 1Closed

      2. Document APIs in Swagger and solve inconsistent problem between code and API

      3. Improve the deployment and configuration documentation

    5. Performance and stability

      1. VFC-663: Support platform Maturity Requirements-Performance Level 1Closed

      2. VF-C team will work with Integration team to do performance testing 

  3. IM/DM Alignment

    1. VF-C team is participating the modeling discussion about Service/Resource IM/DM

    2. Stretch goal: Align with Service and Resource IM/DM proposed by the modelling subcommittee

  4. API Updates

    1. Update APIs referenced to ETSI SOL003 and SOL005.