Integration Testing Schedule, 10-09-2017

Integration Testing Schedule, 10-09-2017

IRC:  http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=onap-int

Green slots are available, gray slots are unavailable


Sync up / ONAP Platform / vFW/vDNS

vCPE (Intel/Windriver Lab)


5:00 AM (PDT)

Tested vCSCF onboarding

The CSAR template from vendor uses certain node types which are not recognizable by SDC. Michael Lando is debugging the issue and will provide some fix by tomorrow morning.

Also Michael Lando will upload vCSCF CSAR file he used today to wiki, and inform the team about the location.

Meeting recording: VoLTE Integration Testing 10092017.mp4

6:00 AM (PDT)

Integration testing / preparation:

  1. Update all images

  2. Verify the fix from last week

6:30 AM (PDT)

7:00 AM (PDT)

  1. vFW instantiation

  2. Closed Loop

7:30 AM (PDT)

8:00 AM (PDT)

8:30 AM (PDT)

9:00 AM (PDT)

9:30 AM (PDT)

10:00 AM (PDT)

10:30 AM (PDT)

11:00 AM (PDT)

11:30 AM (PDT)

12:00 PM (PDT)

12:30 PM (PDT)

13:00 PM (PDT)

13:30 PM (PDT)

14:00 PM (PDT)

14:30 PM (PDT)

15:00 PM (PDT)

15:30 PM (PDT)