Integration Testing Schedule, 10-3-2017

Integration Testing Schedule, 10-3-2017

IRC:  http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=onap-int

The Word Clock Meeting Planner

Green slots are available, gray slots are unavailable


Sync up / ONAP Platform / vFW/vDNS

vCPE (Intel/Windriver Lab)


7:00 AM (PDT)

Integration Testing Kickoff Session

(Status update,  schedule / planning, Lab, Q/A)

not available

not available

7:30 AM (PDT)

not available

not available

8:00 AM (PDT)

  • Portal (installation + health check)

  • SO (health check)

  • DCAE GEN 2 (status update)

  • vFW/vLB onboarding (SDC Team, Portal)

(You could see all those issues at Integration space, which is visible to everyone, at Integration Lab.

Integration Testing Session 10:3:2017.mp4

8:30 AM (PDT)

9:00 AM (PDT)

9:30 AM (PDT)

10:00 AM (PDT)

10:30 AM (PDT)

11:00 AM (PDT)

11:30 AM (PDT)

12:00 PM (PDT)

12:30 PM (PDT)

13:00 PM (PDT)

13:30 PM (PDT)

14:00 PM (PDT)

14:30 PM (PDT)