OOM Meeting Notes - 2017-08-02
Update / Progress
@Michael O'Brien discussed with the Policy team.
Policy team using Vagrant
They need ONAP 1.1.1 to work. Team agreed that making 1.1 working in Kubernetes is the top priority
20170814: the 20170810 tagged master is working so far
DCAE Gen 2 dependency
AT&T has code available for DCAE gen 2.
Should be available in a few weeks
It was agreed that the OOM team will require to make DCAE work on OOM, and then work on DCAEg2 when ready
@Borislav Glozman has committed code for config management secrets management that is needed for non-Rancher deployment (defect OOM-3: Docker credentials secret missing from deployment yaml files - image download failingClosed)
Commits have been done more than a week ago. Need committers to review and approve
@Mandeep Khinda@Mike Elliott agreed to review by EOW
@Michael O'Brien has started contributing to the code but is not currently a committer.
Add to committer list
20170814: status - I was able to commit no issue. OOM-5: Add DCAE yaml for 3-container CDAP cluster, stg and collectorClosed in review/merge-conflict fix, OOM-62: Build DCAE gen1 1.0 docker images (cdap, ves, pgaas) and push to nexus3Closed I will use a non-ONAP dockerhub for now.(thanks @Mike Elliott)
TOSCA based orchestration demo
@Arthur Berezin presented concepts
Cloudify provides a consistent TOSCA model for app deployment
How does it integrate with Openshift or rancher? Answer: the operator will be allowed to chose options. Provides the flexibility of deployment.
Team agreed that the deployment mechanism must be a choice for the operator - nothing forced by the OOM platform.
Q: It seems you are wrapping a 50 lines file in a 500 lines file. Why? A: To provide consistent app descriptors across deployment mechanisms (openstack, bare metal, K8S, etc).
Need to understand between K8S and Cloudify. Are we preventing K8S to perform its job by adding Cloudify on top? A: Cloudify is decoupled from K8S. We are delegating a portion of the orchestration to K8S. Cloudify is adding value on top of K8S, and letting K8S do what it does best: container orchestration.
Goal of Cloudify is really to use a TOSCA based approach to deploying applications.
@John Ng presented the AT&T progress on Cloudify
AT&T needs to bring the code upstream earlier
M2 functionality freeze
Next objectives
Team agreed that making 1.1 working in Kubernetes is the top priority
Fix the ZOOM meeting for next meeting.
@Arthur Berezin will share blueprint as seed code.
Need to allow people to push code that is not working
Team agreed that we should use an Upstream first approach to OOM (got a few +1's on the call on this one). Same concept should be applied to ONAP wide. @David S to bring issue to TSC tomorrow.
@John Ng will reach out to internal AT&T team members to see how soon the code can be uptreamed. The idea is to make sure we create a community around OOM. We need to avoid 100k commits.