CLI Functional test cases
Test the successful deployment of standalone and docker based distro
Install CLI with all prerequisites
Run onap –help and make sure it reports the help message with out fail
Run onap –version and make sure it reports the cli version with out fail
Run onap -i and make sure it enter into interactive mode
Test all sections of onap_cli_schema
Run the command onap schema-validate
with a sample CLI YAML file, which covers all short of features supported in Open framework
with a sample invalid CLI YAML file, which should reports the expected the schema errors.
Test the Service discovery and health status of ONAP services
Install MSB and register some sample services
Assure that all services are registered successfully
Check the health status
Delete some services and verify it
Test the vFW orchestration end-to-end
This will help to assure that all required commands are provided from CLI from on-boarding the VNF till VNF service is created for a customer.
Assure each step of this case is successfully executed (follow the existing vFW flow for reference)