July 11, 2017

July 11, 2017

Open Lab meeting minutes 7/11/2017

Participants: Chengli, Yang Xu, Stephen Gooch, Bin Yang, Yang Yan, Yi Yang, ELHAYEFR, Kang Xi, Yunlong, Helen Chen, Brian Matt, Luman Wang, Tina Tsou, etc.
Chengli gave self introduction and team reviewed the following items:
1. Review open lab target and deliverables.
2. Go over wiki under Open Lab subcommittee.

a. Virtual lab is not active now due to the facts that Wind River has provided lab env and no clear funding provided for virtual lab.
b. Legal requirements/procedures for equipment donation need Chengli to follow up
c. Physical labs are organized in separate page in wiki.
d. Go over ONAP Lab Specification. call for volunteer to lead the discussion and update/refine the wiki page.
e. ONAP Lab Guide. Provided guideline of how to set up new open lab. Need volunteer to update the page.

3.Requirements from integration project on Open Lab

Stephen: Intel offers new site with large capacity to dedicate to ONAP. More details will come in next week.
a. lab Leverage e2e use case from integration project.
b. vCPE/VoLTE cases will be test in lab manually in R1, talk about how to do this automatically in future release via the integration's IT system.

4. Labs to support R1 use cases. Need labs to sign up and commit for use cases. Need to reach out to each lab contact person.
5. Page on how to set up use case lab.
6. Talked about community demo. Integration team will do e2e integration, but not be responsible for demo. Demo can use e2e integration test scenario and resultd, but integration team doesn’t have cycle to support demo. Question is which team is responsible for demo definition.

Some suggestion is that maybe marketing committee can take this and raise requirements to projects/subcommittees to support.
7. Proposed vendor to deliver equipments to lab before M2 (08/03), need further discussion.


1. Follow up legal requirement issue
2. Call for volunteers to take the responsibility to lead the discussion about lab specification and guidelines
3. Follow up community demo issue with TSC