Portal Platform
Portal Platform
POM References:
Master POM: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=portal.git;a=blob_plain;f=pom.xml;hb=refs/heads/master
Master POM: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=portal/sdk.git;a=blob_plain;f=ecomp-sdk/pom.xml;hb=refs/heads/master
Open Source Code
Open Source Code Name | Version | License Type | Description | Link toward of License Info | Notes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License) |
xmlpull | | PERMISSIVE | Public Domain | Not In Violation | |
JBoss Logging I18n Annotations | 1.2.0.Beta1 | PERMISSIVE | Public Domain | Not In Violation | |
AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standard) | 1 | PERMISSIVE | Public Domain | Not In Violation | |
Mockito | 1.8.5 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
Bouncy Castle | 138 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
bcprov-jdk14 | 138 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
Bouncy Castle | 1.45 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
objenesis | 1 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.21 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
JUL to SLF4J bridge | 1.7.21 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
JUL to SLF4J bridge | 1.7.13 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.6 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
Mockito | 1.10.8 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
Mockito | 1.10.19 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation | |
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) | 20160212 | PERMISSIVE | JSON License | Not In Violation | |
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) | 20131018 | PERMISSIVE | JSON License | Not In Violation | |
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) | 20140107 | PERMISSIVE | JSON License | Not In Violation | |
JFreeChart | 1.0.13 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | Not In Violation | |
JCommon | 1.0.16 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | Not In Violation | |
mariadb-java-client | 1.5.8 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | Not In Violation | |
Hibernate ORM | 4.3.11.Final | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | Not In Violation | |
Hibernate Entity Manager | 4.3.11.Final | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | Not In Violation | |
Hibernate Commons Annotations | 4.0.5.Final | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | Not In Violation | |
mysql-connector-java | 5.1.22 | RECIPROCAL | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later | Not In Violation | |
Eclipse ECJ | 4.4.2 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | Not In Violation | |
Hibernate JPA 2.1 API | 1.0.0.Final | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | Not In Violation | |
AspectJ weaver | 1.8.9 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | Not In Violation | |
Eclipse Technology Aspect J | 1.8.9 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | Not In Violation | |
concurrent | 1.3.2 | PERMISSIVE | Doug Lea Sun License | Not In Violation | |
JSR166e | 1.1.0 | PERMISSIVE | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | Not In Violation | |
"Java Concurrency in Practice" book annotations | 1 | PERMISSIVE | Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 | Not In Violation | |
JUnit | 4.11 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Common Public License 1.0 | Not In Violation | |
Hamcrest | 1.3 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
ANTLR | 3.5 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
JLine | 2.12.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
Stax2 API | 3.1.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver | 9.1-901-1.jdbc4 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
XStream | 1.4.7 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
Protocol Buffer Java API | 2.6.0 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
cambriaClient | 0.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
Event and Error logging framework | 1.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
Network Service Assurance Client Library | 0.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
Network Service Assurance Toolkit | 0.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | Not In Violation | |
java-classmate | 1.3.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons Collections | 3.2.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
beanvalidation-api | 1.1.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons FileUpload | 1.3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Elasticsearch | 1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache POI | 1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons CLI | 1.3.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
JBoss Logging 3 | 3.1.3.GA | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Java Annotation Indexer | 1.1.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Ning-compress-LZF | 1.0.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
jsr-305 | 1.3.9 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons Lang | 2.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
java-classmate | 1.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
XMLBeans | 2.3.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons Logging | 1.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache XML Commons | 1.4.01 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons Digester | 2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler | 2.2.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
XmlSchema Core | 2.0.3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spatial4j | 0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache HttpComponents AsyncClient | 4.1.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache POI | 3.5-FINAL | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jasypt | 1.9.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Commons IO | 2.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
MVFLEX Expression Language (MVEL) | 2.2.8.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
java-classmate | 1.3.3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
t-digest | 3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
StAX | 1.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Joda Convert | 1.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Analyzers | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Boot | 2.1.6.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Log4j Implemented Over SLF4J | 1.7.21 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
JBoss Drools | 6.4.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Transaction | 4.3.4.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Joda time | 2.8.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jackson JSON Processor | 2.6.3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
thymeleaf-spring4 | 2.1.5.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jackson JSON Processor | 2.7.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | 4.3.4.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Spatial 3D | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Join | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
tomcat-embed-el | 8.5.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Nimbus-JOSE-JWT | 4.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Boot | 2.1.6.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
google-gson | 2.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
tomcat-embed-core | 8.5.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
KIE Internal | 6.4.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
springfox | 2.5.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
jcl104-over-slf4j | 1.7.21 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Netty Project | 3.10.5.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
OkHttp | 3.3.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Thymeleaf | 2.1.5.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-module-junit4 | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Boot Configuration Processor | 2.1.6.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Grouping | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Query Parser | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
thymeleaf-layout-dialect | 1.4.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
OpenID Connect Client | 1.2.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
OkIO | 1.8.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-module-junit4-common | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Security | 3.2.8.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
swagger-annotations | 1.5.9 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-reflect | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jackson-dataformat-CBOR | 2.6.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jest Common Jar | 2.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-api-support | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache HttpComponents Core | 4.4.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Transaction | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
tomcat-embed-websocket | 8.5.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Boot Developer Tools | 2.1.6.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
swagger-models | 1.5.9 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Data JPA | 1.10.5.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Memory | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Queries | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Spatial | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
KIE API | 6.4.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Data Commons | 1.12.5.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Boot Starter | 2.1.6.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache HttpComponents Client | 4.5.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Tomcat | 8.5.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Aspects | 4.3.4.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-api-mockito | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Sandbox | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
jackson-dataformat-yaml | 2.6.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Retrofit | 2.1.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Framework | 4.3.4.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
jest | 2.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-core | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Highlighter | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Framework | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Miscellaneous | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Boot | 2.1.6.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Ecwid Consul API | 1.2.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
SnakeYAML | 1.16 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jackson JSON Processor | 2.8.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
OpenID Connect Common | 1.2.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Security | 4.1.3.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
MapStruct Core | 1.0.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
SnakeYAML | 1.17 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Lucene Suggest | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Converter: Jackson | 2.0.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring TestContext Framework | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
consul-client | 0.13.8 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Hibernate Validator | 5.2.4.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Groovy | 2.4.7 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jackson-dataformat-Smile | 2.6.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons Codec | 1.9 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Security | 3.2.3.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
CXF | 3.0.0-milestone1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Hibernate Validator | 5.1.3.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
objenesis | 2.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | 18 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
ognl | 3.0.8 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-core | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons Codec | 1.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
spring-security-oauth | 2.0.3.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
json-smart | 1.3.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-api-support | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-module-junit4 | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache HttpComponents Client | 4.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
JBoss Logging 3 | 3.3.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | 1.9.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
unbescape | 1.1.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
jcl104-over-slf4j | 1.7.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-reflect | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
jcl104-over-slf4j | 1.7.12 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-module-junit4-common | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Log4j Implemented Over SLF4J | 1.7.12 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
powermock-api-mockito | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache Commons Lang | 3.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Elasticsearch | 2.2.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Spring Plugin Core | 1.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles - Servlet support | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles - API | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Autotag - Core runtime | 1.1.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Jakarta JCS | 1.3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles request - Servlet support | 1.0.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles - Core Library | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles Request - JSP support | 1.0.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles - JSP support | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles - Template Technologies Support | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Tiles request - API | 1.0.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
HPPC | 0.7.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | Not In Violation | |
Apache XML Commons | 1.0.b2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 1.1 | Not In Violation | |
ANTLR | 2.7.7 | PERMISSIVE | ANTLR Software Rights Notice | Not In Violation | |
Java Servlet API | 3.1.0 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
JavaServer Pages (TM) TagLib Implementation | 1.2 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | 2.3.1 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
javax.transaction API | 1.2 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
javax.annotation API | 1.2 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
javax.ws.rs-api | 2 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 AND Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
xpp3_xpath | 1.1.4c | PERMISSIVE | (Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License Version 1.1.1 AND Public Domain) | Not In Violation | |
Logback Classic Module | 1.1.7 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) | Not In Violation | |
Logback Core Module | 1.1.7 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) | Not In Violation | |
mchange-commons-java | 0.2.11 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Eclipse Public License 1.0) | Not In Violation | |
Logback Classic Module | 1.1.3 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Eclipse Public License 1.0) | Not In Violation | |
iText, a JAVA-PDF library | 2.0.8 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Mozilla Public License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
c3p0:JDBC DataSources/Resource Pools | | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) | Not In Violation | |
Logback Core Module | 1.1.3 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) | Not In Violation | |
Javax Persistence API 2.0 | 2.1.0 | PERMISSIVE,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Eclipse Public License 1.0 AND Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0) | Not In Violation | |
HdrHistogram | 2.1.6 | PERMISSIVE | (Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal OR BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License OR Public Domain) | Not In Violation | |
Transaction 1.1 API | 1.0.0.Final | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 AND GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception) | Not In Violation | |
Woodstox | 4.2.0 | PERMISSIVE,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Apache License 2.0 OR GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later) | Not In Violation | |
Javassist | 3.20.0-GA | PERMISSIVE,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Apache License 2.0 OR GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Mozilla Public License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
Javassist | 3.18.2-GA | PERMISSIVE,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Mozilla Public License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
Javassist | 3.18.1-GA | PERMISSIVE,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Mozilla Public License 1.1) | Not In Violation | |
Angular-translate | 2.18.1 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | Not In Violation |
Open Source Library
Open Source Library Name | Version | License Type | Description | Link toward of License Info | Notes (including reasons for non using Apache Version 2 License) |
Lucene Analyzers | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Network Service Assurance Client Library | 0.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
Apache HttpComponents Client | 4.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
beanvalidation-api | 1.1.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
JBoss Drools | 6.4.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Tiles request - Servlet support | 1.0.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
mchange-commons-java | 0.2.11 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Eclipse Public License 1.0) | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7,cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
java-classmate | 1.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Joda time | 2.8.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Tiles - Core Library | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
cambriaClient | 0.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
XMLBeans | 2.3.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Apache Commons Logging | 1.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Jackson JSON Processor | 2.6.3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Hamcrest | 1.3 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
Lucene Memory | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
HdrHistogram | 2.1.6 | PERMISSIVE | (Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal OR BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License OR Public Domain) | d26bcb7d-5bc8-4f05-8942-a3a42728a2e4,cc875133-df38-4806-9921-473e0ef01a87,a7c69599-62b6-4d06-9ec6-ea688c041c00 | Not In Violation |
JUnit | 4.12 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Common Public License 1.0 | 1b4e4c5b-800a-40ec-b4be-c1fc00fe7656 | Not In Violation |
Tiles - Servlet support | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Hibernate JPA 2.1 API | 1.0.0.Final | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Queries | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Spatial | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
KIE API | 6.4.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Network Service Assurance Toolkit | 0.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
Logback Classic Module | 1.1.3 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later OR Eclipse Public License 1.0) | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7,cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
AspectJ weaver | 1.8.9 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7 | Not In Violation |
Apache Commons Digester | 2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Eclipse Technology Aspect J | 1.8.9 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7 | Not In Violation |
c3p0:JDBC DataSources/Resource Pools | | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7,cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Spatial 3D | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Elasticsearch | 1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler | 2.2.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Tiles Request - JSP support | 1.0.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Join | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
SLF4J API Module | 1.6.6 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
Lucene | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
powermock-api-mockito | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
JavaServer Pages (TM) TagLib Implementation | 1.2 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 AND Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | 728e8092-d99e-4a37-90d3-da7abfa33c6d,dd002c7d-e70a-479f-8af4-798e1b2bbd2d | Not In Violation |
Bouncy Castle | 1.45 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
Spatial4j | 0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Sandbox | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Apache POI | 1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
KIE Internal | 6.4.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
jackson-dataformat-yaml | 2.6.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Commons IO | 2.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
xmlpull | | PERMISSIVE | Public Domain | d26bcb7d-5bc8-4f05-8942-a3a42728a2e4 | Not In Violation |
Apache HttpComponents Client | 4.5.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Apache HttpComponents AsyncClient | 4.1.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Java Servlet API | 3.1.0 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | 728e8092-d99e-4a37-90d3-da7abfa33c6d,dd002c7d-e70a-479f-8af4-798e1b2bbd2d | Not In Violation |
Apache Commons CLI | 1.3.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
JBoss Logging 3 | 3.1.3.GA | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Tiles - API | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Eclipse ECJ | 4.4.2 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | Eclipse Public License 1.0 | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7 | Not In Violation |
jcl104-over-slf4j | 1.7.12 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Netty Project | 3.10.5.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) | 20160212 | PERMISSIVE | JSON License | 1e26c7bd-0277-479d-bc67-454ff0686faa | Not In Violation |
mysql-connector-java | 5.1.22 | RECIPROCAL | GNU General Public License v2.0 or later | 39692bc6-4d1c-4466-a02c-fa6f21170587 | Not In Violation |
Hibernate ORM | 4.3.11.Final | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
Java Annotation Indexer | 1.1.0.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Bouncy Castle | 138 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
Hibernate Validator | 5.1.3.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
bcprov-jdk14 | 138 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
Transaction 1.1 API | 1.0.0.Final | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 AND GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception) | 9b7eb3ce-d64b-4e3e-a6b7-55d4dc798e68,0179ff68-705a-450b-89eb-c3581199c2e7 | Not In Violation |
Apache POI | 3.5-FINAL | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Ning-compress-LZF | 1.0.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Tiles - JSP support | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
SnakeYAML | 1.15 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) | 20131018 | PERMISSIVE | JSON License | 1e26c7bd-0277-479d-bc67-454ff0686faa | Not In Violation |
powermock-module-junit4 | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
jest | 2.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
JBoss Logging I18n Annotations | 1.2.0.Beta1 | PERMISSIVE | Public Domain | d26bcb7d-5bc8-4f05-8942-a3a42728a2e4 | Not In Violation |
powermock-core | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Highlighter | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Spring Framework | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Grouping | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
JUL to SLF4J bridge | 1.7.13 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Miscellaneous | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
iText, a JAVA-PDF library | 2.0.8 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Mozilla Public License 1.1) | d7f120df-c44d-493d-9c5e-03e301e05942,cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Query Parser | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Spring Boot | 2.1.6.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Log4j Implemented Over SLF4J | 1.7.12 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.2 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
xpp3_xpath | 1.1.4c | PERMISSIVE | (Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License Version 1.1.1 AND Public Domain) | d26bcb7d-5bc8-4f05-8942-a3a42728a2e4,115a83d3-e370-4090-a12e-ff05d61b9594 | Not In Violation |
Apache Commons Lang | 2.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standard) | 1 | PERMISSIVE | Public Domain | d26bcb7d-5bc8-4f05-8942-a3a42728a2e4 | Not In Violation |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | 1.8.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Java Servlet API | 3.0.1 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun GPL With Classpath Exception v2.0 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | 728e8092-d99e-4a37-90d3-da7abfa33c6d,dd002c7d-e70a-479f-8af4-798e1b2bbd2d | Not In Violation |
Tiles - Template Technologies Support | 3.0.5 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
objenesis | 2.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
MVFLEX Expression Language (MVEL) | 2.2.8.Final | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Event and Error logging framework | 1.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
ANTLR | 3.5 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
powermock-module-junit4-common | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.13 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
Logback Core Module | 1.1.3 | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Eclipse Public License 1.0) | d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7,cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
Apache XML Commons | 1.0.b2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 1.1 | ca953b41-7a6d-4578-8324-72ee88f14424 | Not In Violation |
Javassist | 3.18.1-GA | PERMISSIVE,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Apache License 2.0 AND GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later AND Mozilla Public License 1.1) | d7f120df-c44d-493d-9c5e-03e301e05942,7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93,cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | 18 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Tiles request - API | 1.0.6 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
powermock-reflect | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Autotag - Core runtime | 1.1.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
concurrent | 1.3.2 | PERMISSIVE | Doug Lea Sun License | 6a763a7a-e32d-47ac-b198-1bca2fd68cc8 | Not In Violation |
Hibernate Commons Annotations | 4.0.5.Final | WEAK_RECIPROCAL | GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later | cff110eb-f85c-445c-9d3b-00a04b7f4cf0 | Not In Violation |
Jackson-dataformat-CBOR | 2.6.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
ANTLR | 2.7.7 | PERMISSIVE | ANTLR Software Rights Notice | 61aeeb42-688c-4713-804d-4669f66b3fbd | Not In Violation |
JLine | 2.12.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
JSR166e | 1.1.0 | PERMISSIVE | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | a7c69599-62b6-4d06-9ec6-ea688c041c00 | Not In Violation |
HPPC | 0.7.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
t-digest | 3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Lucene Suggest | 5.4.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Apache Commons Lang | 3.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Jest Common Jar | 2.0.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
SLF4J API Module | 1.7.12 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
google-gson | 2.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Spring TestContext Framework | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Protocol Buffer Java API | 2.6.0 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
Elasticsearch | 2.2.0 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
powermock-api-support | 1.6.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Apache Commons Codec | 1.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
XStream | 1.4.7 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
Apache HttpComponents Core | 4.4.4 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Mockito | 1.10.19 | PERMISSIVE | MIT License | ad705c59-6893-4980-bdbf-0837f1823cc4 | Not In Violation |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | 2.3.1 | RECIPROCAL,WEAK_RECIPROCAL | (Sun Classpath Exception Clause to GPL2 OR Common Development and Distribution License 1.1) | 728e8092-d99e-4a37-90d3-da7abfa33c6d,dd002c7d-e70a-479f-8af4-798e1b2bbd2d | Not In Violation |
dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java | 1.6.1 | PERMISSIVE | BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | 3d238144-44e6-450e-b523-3defbdaed9dc | Not In Violation |
Jakarta JCS | 1.3 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Jackson-dataformat-Smile | 2.6.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Spring Transaction | 4.2.0.RELEASE | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
StAX | 1.0.1 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
Joda Convert | 1.2 | PERMISSIVE | Apache License 2.0 | 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93 | Not In Violation |
, multiple selections available,