***** Please note that the meeting Zoom bridge has been changed since May 23rd, 2023 *****

Meeting Logistics

Meeting URL QRMeeting TimeMeeting Zoom Bridge

Every Tuesday:

  • 14:00 UTC

  • 10AM EDT (New York)

Quick References to Main Sections on this page

**** Record the meeting ***

Today's Agenda

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DurationTopicReferenced Docs or JIRAComments
1st30 minsOOM feature and update review for Montreal

OOM feature and update review for Montreal
2nd30 mins Recap of ONAP Streamlining presentation
Recap of ONAP Streamlining presentation - collect feedback and suggestion
2nd5 minsSDC Component review 

No Architecture review for SDC Montreal; no architecture changes; just minor upgrades and fixes.

Meeting Recording

2023-06-06 Topics (Jira's) Scheduled for Review

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Item(s) that might be of interest

"Basic authentication using a password to Git is deprecated and will soon no longer 
work. Visit https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/
for more information around suggested workarounds and removal dates."

Next week Agenda Candidates

Ongoing Studies

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Useful links

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London-R13  Component Architecture Reviews Dashboard Page

Montreal-R13 ONAP Components Arch Reviews Dashboard


Current Release Arch Review Tracking - when available

Referenced Materials

London-R13 Release Topics(JIRA) Scheduled for Review

(Back to "Quick References")

London-R13 Component Reviews

(Back to "Quick References")

London-R13 Functional Requirements

(Back to "Quick References")

London-R13 Use Cases

(Back to "Quick References")

London-R13 PoC

(Back to "Quick References")

London-R13 All Jira's

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