
DateAttendeesAgenda / Notes



  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. solved but delivery block by another bug in the same use case:
    2. found while testing above. Sourabh Sourabh is able to reproduce and likely cause already identified. Preliminary fix expected today. But need to ensure our testware is improved as this shouldn't have slipped trough!
    3. just discovered by Daniel Hanrahan who will also investigate it!
  2. Montreal Release Process (RC):
    1. All tasks in above epic submitted or closed. Thanks!
    2. Toine Siebelink and Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun will work on related admin items such as a new version of this page and updates in Jira


  1. Montreal Release Process (RC):
  2. SoftwareStatus
    1. Board now includes Epics in progress for increased visibility 
    2. Cannot reproduce, need more details from testers
    3. Some code-smells appeared in DMI-Plugin repo. Gerard Nugent will address those


  1. Welcome new team member: Jeff van Dam 
  2. SoftwareStatus

    1. (and )
      in progress, ready for review.
      Team agreed to REMOVE management port ie. use default. For both CPS/NCMP and DMI-Plugins
  3. Priyank Maheshwari will update the relevant Kanban board to include all non-Ericsson developers and their user stories
  4. ONAP Montreal Release. Toine Siebelink will create Task and discuss with Priyank Maheshwari :


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Waqas Ikram (Unlicensed)  need more detailed study regarding TBAC (Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun has been in touch with kieran mccarthy regarding this and it should be available soon. Waqas also request a presentation by the study author if possible.
    2. Arpit Singh wil organize session for walkthrough re . Delta-Feature code 

Reminder: please register here for lfn-developer-testing-forum (budapest and online)


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Lee Anjella Macabuhay present latest version of our automatic performance (daily) plots. The last issues have been fixed. The variation in the plots is mainly caused by environmental issues when running at daytime. According to Daniel Hanrahan  the results form the 2am run are most stable. Lee Anjella will change the trigger to time based so the data wil only include the 2am runs. Daniel Hanrahan is fixing the limits based on teh latest results and wil also work on choosing a small set of representative test to plot and examin on a  daily basis. 


No meeting due to absence of many team members


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Priyank Maheshwari almost fixed all SonarQube issues
  2. Montreal Release Plan
    1. Due see Release Planning: Montreal
    2. No more Milestones (tasks)
  3.  AOB
    1. Next week: Toine Siebelink  away for conference, Priyank Maheshwari will lead the meeting


  1. Lee Anjella Macabuhay demo of Performance Test Plot: https://jenkins.nordix.org/job/onap-cps-performance-tests-plots/
    1. Daniel Hanrahan will try out Wiki: Performance plots for CPS in Jenkins and and the most usefull graphs
  2. SoftwareStatus
    1. CPS Sonar reported 10 new issues. Most of these seem to be caused by the upgrade to Java17. Priyank Maheshwari will address those and Halil Cakal will address the issue related to his recent commit


  1. Arpit Singh would like to discuss
    1. Cloud Events (Lukasz Rajewski needs to be present maybe use separate call)
    2. RFC Standards (blocked, need input from kieran mccarthy )
    3. Schema Independent 'Delta' output, 
      1. Toine Siebelink thinks this is a interesting valuable approach, Toine Siebelink will check with Ericsson stakeholders
        Arpit Singh wil start PoC
      2. Toine Siebelink wants for develop
  2. SoftwareStatus
    1. Gerard Nugent is close to delivering the Springboot 3.0 upgrade, this wil required developers to use a Java17 JDK  when building locally! Newer version cause build problems (for spotBugs mvn plugin). Gerard wil notify with details when it is ready


No Meeting


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Lee Anjella Macabuhay  shared job with Perf Graphs: https://jenkins.nordix.org/job/onap-cps-performance-tests-plots/ (but currently not being updated)
    2. Gerard Nugent agreed to push the SpringBoot 3 changes today for review and merge soon hopefully. The failign test can temporary be ignore and the Code coverage adjusted as needed to follow up in separate commit(s)


  1. Chandrayaan-3 Mission Soft-landing, success! A great achievement of Indian engineering, all Indian (engineers) can be very proud today!
  2. Sourabh Sourabh to demo
  3. Halil Cakal  to demo 
    1. Note an DMI response: identical error messages for different cm-handles are not combined but 'duplicated'. This is as per agreed in prev. meeting
  4. SoftwareStatus


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Priyank Maheshwari raised a LFN ticket for ONAP Required GHA build to fail https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/2/IT-25902 which was later resolved.


  1. Demo from Rudrangi Anupriya 
    1. Add to Top level list node
    2.    - a question came up on consistency of the ordering of records returned when using the descendants option. Rudrangi Anupriya  to check and confirm the consistency.
  2. SoftwareStatus


  1. Rajesh Kumar  demo
    1. Might need documentation update to say if only one pagination paarmeter is submitted it wil be ignored
    2. suggested small separate improvement to order on anchor-name (instead of id) and to also order when no pagination is requested
  2. Halil Cakal demo
    1. scenario 4 that a DMI reports some cm handles are 'pending' is NOT a valid scenario; a DMI can only reject or accept cm handles. Need a code update to fix this. Halil Cakal to fis this
    2. demo still use incorrect datastore but code fix is pending in review Toine Siebelink confirms
    3. outcome from dmi to ncmp is inefficient if many (all) cm handles are not accepted for the same reason. The reason wil be repeated in the json for each cm handle We could use a similar grouping schema as is used when forward outcome from ncmp to client. Priyank Maheshwari to decide if this will be changed now.
    4. The demo could be approved to show that different responses from DMI are grouped per message, the current demo uses only only one error message 3 times it would be betert to use different message, one of the at last occurring twice to show the grouping when status details are forwarded to client...
    5. scenario 3 is also based on an actual response from dmi saying all are pending this is not valid Halil Cakal will prepare a new demo where the 'pending' state wil occur and a message set by NCMP about te pending state...
  3. AOB
    1. Holiday plans. Toine Siebelink will discuss with Priyank Maheshwari 



  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Gerard Nugent DMI Being upgraded to Java 17 too now (some build issues)
  2. CPS/NCMP Code Coverage now up over 98% however recent code is still missing coverage for error scenarios. It remains the responsibility for the whole team to double-check their own new code for coverage.
  3. ONP Release planning is on hold as the impact of ONAP 'disaggregation' is being analyzed and the process are updated to cater for that.


  1. Sourabh Sourabh and RAVITEJA KARUMURI (EST) demo of  
    1. Demoed complex scenario with ready, invalid, and locked cm-handles.
      Some observations:
      1. CM Handle ids should be removed from error details Sourabh Sourabh will create patch
      2. RTD (docs) need to be updated with error code details Sourabh Sourabh  will create patch (and user story: )
      3. No performance requirements, Toine Siebelink will check
      4. Performance requirements are documented here: CPS-1515: Spike: Support Multiple CM-Handles for NCMP Get Operation (Data operations)#Requirements Sourabh Sourabh will follow up this
  2. SoftwareStatus
    1. Gerard Nugent Java17 update are being tested in CI sandbox (timebox for today)


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Gerard : Preparing to upgrading to Java 17. Some jobs need to be setup in the ci-management repo.
    2. We released 3.3.3 version of CPS and NCMP.


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. New bug placeholder only, awaiting more input from perf. test team
    2. Daniel  submitted changes for overall write performance using Hibernate 'batching' hopefully finishing next 1-2 days
    3. (batch) data operations close to finalizing work item (delivery planned for tomorrow)


  1. SoftwareStatus
    1. Tech Mahindra reviews: need a dedicated person per user story instead of roster. Lee Anjella Macabuhay to arrange this with Toine Siebelink 
    2. Seán Beirne will organize a re-cap of his Course on Kafka with CSP team next week
    3. Sonar Quality reports:
      1. Code coverage sis slipping somewhat, please all keep ensuring new test code, all branches are covered (error handling etc.)
      2. Gerard Nugent will apply webconfig fix to DMI Plugin too


  1. Rudrangi Anupriya demo
    1. all good, no questions. User story can be closed
  2. Arpit Singh  Discuss/Present the following.
    1. Delta Feature: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DW/CPS+Delta+Feature
      1. Separate microservice ?! TBD
      2. json data stored/saved to compare later
      3. TM/DT discuss issues raised today and continue to work on PoC and will come back with more details proposal later
  3. Rajesh Kumar , Lukasz Rajewski Discuss support for unmodeled data in CPS-Core
    1. Don't want to validate the data w/o the schema
    2. Concurrent DB Layer (alternative) possibly for same data. Dataspace and/or anchor might have attribute to indicated with persistence implementation(s) is to be used
    3. Different kind of persistency ( mongodb or elasticsearch )
    4. mirror the config into json and come with some patterns network wide.
    5. dataspace needs to be schema free for this kind of data.
    6. GET and QUERY api to get the hosted data in elasticsearch (might not support all the features as PostGress impl but could have additional features. Would required documentation updates to explain.
    7. Admin and DataPersistency service.
    8. Lukasz Rajewski  will work out a more detailed proposal for the arhictecutre based on a their PoC to discuss with CPS team when ready...
  4. (limited) Software update
    1. Daniel Hanrahan worked on performance bug . Fix almost completed which reduced memory significantly and increases performance of many query-features 
    2. Both Sourabh Sourabh and Priyank Maheshwari or now using 'CloudEvents' in their work items which are both progressing well. For more details on 'Cloud Events' and how this will be introduced for legacy events to see CPS Events Structure#CNCFCloudEventalignment


No Meeting due to https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2023-06+LFN+Developer+Event+Topics+June








  • Rudrangi Anupriya Demo of
    • Functionality works well
    • Discussed and explored some limitations
    • Documentation update will follow soon (need to closes US)
    • has been created to address ordering issue when combine 'and' with 'or' in one expression
  • SoftwareStatus
    • Priyank Maheshwari has some issue with deployment of DMI plugin which is block the London Release. Toine will look for additional support if needed. 
  • New R13 Planning page:  CPS R13 Release Planning
    Different table format, now using epics, please ensure any user story is linked to the correct epic!
    Page still WiP but teams should be using it from now on.
    • Ericsson and Fujitsu REQ-Tickets for London have been closed and remaining user stories transferred to new REQ tickets for Montreal
    • DT/TechMahindra are meeting tomorrow to close their London ticket and create a new one for Montreal


DateZoom Recording






No recording